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Pinnacle Studio 9 Audio capture

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Robert Fletcher

Robert Fletcher

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I have captured audio onto the background music track from a CD - this audio was recorded using a different machine at the same time as my film audio - My question is, is there an easy way to align the background track with the film track ? - that is I want to move the background track sideways untill the additional audio on the background track aligns with the film track so that the audio synchronises with the lip movements of my subjects - I can drag it but it is VERY difficult to get it in exactly the right place, I would like a more precise way of doing this.
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Have you tried matching up the waveforms?
It shouldn’t be that difficult? There are 25 frames a second, and you can probably get it close to within a second off, then just move it 1 frame to the left (or right) and try it again, then move it another frame and so on.

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Robert Fletcher

Robert Fletcher

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Thanks, but I like to keep the video track locked because by the time I have got all the video on it's 3 hours!! and it only takes one slip to make a mess of it.
I usually do try to align the wave forms but because it's a musical show it's very rare that there is a clear cut area, plus the camera wave forms are slightly different to the top grade sound straight from mixer CD, for instance there's no background/audience sound on the CD....
Is it possible to move the background music track without trying to drag it ? (as I normally do)
You may have realised that I am still learning so thanks for your help
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    Retired Staff

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Hi Bob,
Sorry I am unfamiliar with how pinnacle works. Can you separate audio tracks from video tracks with that program? there might be a way to press "left" and "right" to movie the track frame by frame, I’m not sure though.
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Robert Fletcher

Robert Fletcher

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Thanks for the idea, I will give it a try just as soon as my headache is gone.
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