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How to use SmitFraudFix

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I'm a newbie to this forum, so forgive me if everyone knows the answer to this issue but me.......weather I'm in safe mode of the regular login mode, when I click on SmitFraud.exe all that happens is a flash of the cmd screen and another folder is created with about 26 other files in it. Did I read the instructions wrong, am I missing something, or is there something in my OS thats blocking cmd from being opened with this program?
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Welcome to Geekstogo rep435 ! :)

Try this

Open the folder that was created and double-click SmitfraudFix.cmd to run the tool. (if you have Vista you need to right-click and run it as administrator)

If that doesn't work I recommend the following:

Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post a hijackthis log in THAT forum.

Edited by heir, 31 December 2008 - 05:27 AM.

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I put a post in the Malware "HijackThis" and I am waiting for a reply... Whyle I wait, I thought of using SmitFraudFix. I downloaded it from this site. When I ran it, It says:

SmitFraudFix v. 2.388
File IEDFix.exe missing
Unzip all archive in folder
Press any key to continue (in red box...)

Than Norton tell me that IEDender was blocked and that W32.Beagle.AG@mm, Spyware.Perfect and Product key was detected..
What is going on?
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Its a false positive

Please don't run tools by yourself
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I justed wanted to speed things up and help myself...I guess I'll just have to wait for a reply in the "HiJacktThis Log" section....
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Saved my friends laptop from XP Police Rouge AV!! :)

G2G saves me once again! Thank you ! :)
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Hi RichAnd,

glad to hear your friend got sorted, thats what we are here for :)
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The very first post, the topic about Smitfraudfix, mentions the rapport.txt file. ( Smitfraudfix puts this file into C:/ after the "1" is selected in Smitfraudfix for a search only. )


The rapport.txt file has divisors, basically separated as follows:

SmitFraudFix (VERSION)

Scan done at (TIME), (DATE)
Run from C:\...\SmitfraudFix
OS: ***
The filesystem type is ***
Fix run in normal mode

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Process


»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» (title)


»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» (title)


»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» C:\Program Files

C:\Program Files\Google\googletoolbar1.dll FOUND !

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Corrupted keys


»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» (title)
!!!Attention, following keys are not inevitably infected!!!.

File/Key Description

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» (title)
!!!Attention, following keys are not inevitably infected!!!.

File/Key Description

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» (title)
!!!Attention, following keys are not inevitably infected!!!.

File/Key Description

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» (title)

File/Key Description
File/Key Description
File/Key Description
File/Key Description

(more of same)

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» End


Some of the (text) areas included the statement:

!!!Attention, following keys are not inevitably infected!!!.

Some of the (text) areas did not include that statement.


My question is, what will the message be if something is found ?

Would it only be in the "Corrupted keys" area ?

What does that "FOUND !" mentioned above mean ?

Is it safe to do a Smitfraudfix clean (in safe mode) if nothing was found doing the "1. Search" ?


And about Smitfraudfix doing a registry clean...
Is there anything in the registry that I would NOT want cleaned by Smitfraudfix ?


Does Smitfraudfix come with a "How to Use" file that explains all this and how to use Smitfraudfix ?


Edited by FRIEND OF GOD, 24 December 2009 - 01:42 PM.

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Welcome to Geekstogo

Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post your logs in THAT forum.
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Welcome to Geekstogo

Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post your logs in THAT forum.

Were you replying to my post ?

My post was asking for an interpretation of the Smitfraudfix rapport.txt file, and other questions pertaining to the Smitfraudfix.

I did look at your link though, and I am hesitant to do any of that stuff because it seems somewhat suspicious... for example...

Why download a Restore-Point program, when Windows already has one ?

Why download a backup registry program, when someone could just post the usual locations, and names, of the registry file(s) that need to be backed up ? And why download a backup registry program, when Windows already has a Restore-Point program ?

Edited by FRIEND OF GOD, 24 December 2009 - 01:44 PM.

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My post was asking for an interpretation of the Smitfraudfix rapport.txt file, and other questions pertaining to the Smitfraudfix.

We do not analyze or give interpretations of logs in this area, if you think you have a malware problem you must post a topic in the forum I posted a link of.

I did look at your link though, and I am hesitant to do any of that stuff because it seems somewhat suspicious...

I assure you everything there is required, and safe, we have helped many, many users this way. :)
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I have used SmitFraudFix before, but my problem on this bachine is that I cant get it to boot to safe mode. This all started when I tred to install windows update agent, amd it returned error 0x80204d007.
The computer in question is running XP SP2. It has Spybot S&D installed and Norton Antivirus client. (Both were turned off (My clients son no doubt)
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Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post an OTListIt log in THAT forum.
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