Smitfraud fix is just one of our armoury of tools and it does work if used properly, but with the speed at which malware transforms today one tool will not catch it all. You probably had multiple infections. Which is why we have a malware forum here with experts, I am not saying that HP doesn't but............
Please follow all of the steps in this section of the Malware Forum. These self-help tools will help you clean up 70% of problems on your own. If you are still having problems after doing the steps, then please post a HiJackThis Log in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run and/or post a HJT log, then post that in your initial post in the topic you create in that forum. Should you post in that forum please do not respond to your own topic. Our Malware Staff look for topics to help out in that have no responses. The Malware Forum is very busy with many more requests for help than we have volunteer helpers, so please be patient. If you have not had a response to a topic after 3 days then please go to the Waiting Room and read the pinned topic for instructions.
Thanks for the reply, why would Zone Alarm indicate that the smitfixfraud program contained two trojans and a back door virus if it did not? I suppose there is a possibility that the malware has been added to the program, I am not sure what site it was downloaded from.
Don't you think it is strange that HP is installing freeware on a customers computer?