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Cheerleader Stumper

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My friend and I stumped a couple of our high school cheerleaders with this:

Which is heavier: a pound of rocks, or a pound of feathers?

We could NOT in any way get them to change their answer...it was frustrating...but oh so funny at the same time :whistling:
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If a rooster sitting on top of a roof laid an egg, which way would the egg roll down?
It gets a few....

Edited by sarahw, 15 June 2006 - 08:08 PM.

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Shall we remember that not ALL cheerleaders are dumb? I used to be one, and I'd like to think I must have at least a small amount of brains in order to accomplish the things I have here.

And my daughter is a cheerleader who also gets straight A's, and has more common sense than I do.

I do, however, know a few self proclaimed "geeks" who actually couldn't answer either of those questions properly. :whistling:

The key to my long winded reply is let's play nice. Stereotyping isn't nice. :blink:
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I would love to see a rooster lay an egg :whistling:
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Shall we remember that not ALL cheerleaders are dumb?

Ditto Kat. :whistling:

Great questions, nonetheless.
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erm ... If there is 10 birds on a fence ... and a hunter shot 1 .. how many are left? =x
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Unless the birds are deaf, I would venture to guess none :whistling:
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*Steamhead points to the red hair :whistling:

I have shot at a deaf duck before ... and missed ... 3 times .. and the thing just kept swimming even when every other thing near it flew away .. it was so funny ... I erm .. let it .. get away ... figured I'd be nice =x.
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Don't get me wrong Kat, I'm not saying Cheerleaders are dumb in any way. My high school however is prime territory for ditzy cheerleaders...and no matter how many times we repeated ONE POUND of rocks and ONE POUND of feathers...they kept saying, "The rocks...are you dumb?"

And we chuckled. I like the rooster one as well :whistling:

Here are a couple more:

A camper leaves her camp, hikes 1 mile south, then 1 mile east where she sees a bear. Then she hikes 1 mile north to arrive at her camp. What color is the bear?

A farmer has 17 sheep standing in a field and all but 8 drop down and die, how many are left standing?

If a plane crashed on the border of the USA and Canada, where should the survivors be buried?

How many two cent stamps are in a dozen?
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What can I push 20 metres in a wheelbarrow, that you cannot push at all?
(more of a riddle)
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These are all good. I've heard the bear one before, but never did figure out the answer. So instead I'll add my own.

An electric train is going northeast, and the wind is blowing southwest. Which way is the smoke trail going?
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There is no smoke it's an electric train.
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A question for BlackPandemic.... Are the cheerleaders at your school predominantly blonde/blue? (just joking Kat, honestly) :whistling:

As for the bear, haven't heard that one. But my kids are working on it. As for the rest, way old but fun. Caught my kids on one or two. I've always liked the "rocks". Funny how that works, but my kids reeled after blurting out the wrong answer and then gave the correct answer. Think before you speak? Nice concept, not well practiced.

Now, in a vacuum which falls faster; a rock or a feather?

Note to Kat.... I have enjoyed the humor and fun items I've read in the Off Topic forum tonite (my 1st visit here). I, and I'm sure many others, could add many more such jokes, teasers and funnies. I wonder if perhaps G2G might consider a separate "fun" or "humor" forum for topics like these. Such topics are a wonderful letdown for temporary relief from the more serious matters we deal with daily. Kinda like the 5 minute nap. Just a thought.

Keep the faith.
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