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I also have this exact same problem, when choosing any user windows flashes to the desktop for an instant then back to the welcome page and it just says "logging off" and leaves you at the welcome page ready to try another "log on". I can not find a fix for this either and it is my nieces computer and she has misplaced her restore disk. I have removed the HD and put it in an enclouser and rescannned to ensure no more viruses. Any suggestions would be greatful.
Unable to logon to Windows after removing BlazeFind using a spyware removal utility?
Logon - Logoff loop, also caused by BlazeFind
Another critical symptom caused by this malware: This malware modifies the Userinit area in the registry (replacing the userinit.exe with wsaupdater.exe) and Ad-Aware (with a particular definition update) removes the wsaupdater.exe file from the system, thus causing the Logon - Logoff loop. That is, when you login to Windows, the 'loading personal settings" verbose will appear, but suddenly it will logoff. This issue was documented clearly by Lavasoftusa in it's Lavahelp Knowledgebase.
Here is the solution to the logon - logoff issue in Windows XP.
Enter the Recovery Console
Boot the system using the Windows XP CD-ROM. In the first screen when the Setup begins, read the instructions press "R" (in the first screen) enter the Recovery Console. Type-in the built-in Administrator password to enter the Console. You'll see the prompt reading C:\Windows (Or any other drive-letter where you've installed XP)
Type the following command and press Enter.
(If that does not work, try CHDIR SYSTEM32)
Quit Recovery Console by typing EXIT and restart Windows.
You'll be able to login successfully as you've created the wsaupdater.exe file (now, a copy of userinit.exe)
Now, change the USERINIT value in the registry (see Phase II in this page) and change it accordingly.
Edited by nerium, 19 April 2005 - 08:36 AM.
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