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How did you get your nick?

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Now, I realise this is perhaps a leetle obvious, but why do you think I picked this nick? :happy:
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In high school, I knew I needed to come up with "handle" for my blossoming online presence. There was no Internet in 1979, but we had BBS's, and i had access to the county school system Honeywell 6600 mainframe, the local university's Cyber mainframe, and Compuserve! So one day at school while sitting in my computer class I started writing down different names.. It had to look and sound cool. Originally I used *ZANGIN*, but have since lost the astricks because many sites won't let you use them as part of a nickname.

It was a made up word that sounded cool to me.. Pronounced like "hang in" but with a Z, as opposed to "Zan Jin".
It just stuck with me and I've used it ever since!
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I came up with my nick because I like butterflies and I was attempting to "be at peace" as I was incredibly frustrated attempting to create a nick which did not contain numbers on a different site-I have enough trouble remembering my own name much less a user name that has random numbers attached. Obviously butterflies are extremely popular and so of course the site added those lovely random numbers so I flipped it to flutterybys which had no numbers (Hallelulah!!!!) As a bonus I thought it would be easy for people to get and spell, etc. Ya not so much but it does remind me to be more zen and less :blink: :angry: :wacko: :tazz: :bashhead: :killcomp: :smashcomp:
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totally feelin ya love my PC hate my PC. I have to say I find it ironic that this site has a welcome area and this really positive vibe and yet i'm guessing many people who search out a site like this are feeling a bit :help: :tazz: i'm just hoping when all is said and done I feel more :cheers: :notworthy: :rockon: have a great day.
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Not the Introductions area but in any event :welcome: flutterybys
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Little Muddy

Little Muddy

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Part of the my regard for the great blues singer Muddy Waters, and part of the english translation of a Cree name for the village I live in, by a large inland lake it's named after.
allen behind
As an introduction I'm a longtime computer user and vintage collector. I'm on the trailing edge of computers of course, and still learning about the XP desktop and Pavillion computers I got last year. I know older computers from CPMs, Atari,TRS, Commodores,Apples,and even Next's, and MSPCs up to Win 98, but I've fallen behind newer developments, as I pass my 3/4 century timeline. Unfortunately a careless moment allowed me to be infected by a particularly viscious virus, which is why I am here.

Edited by Little Muddy, 31 March 2012 - 12:47 AM.

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Little Muddy
Welcome to Geeks to Go and I see you have posted a topic in our Malware forum and received a reply
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When i was making my first ever mail i couldnt use my full name, one of the suggestions were aayushagra.
Liked it, even tho i changed my mail i prefer to keep aayushagra as my identity.
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It came from my occupation. I used to prepare samples for analysis at a metallurgy lab, and my name is Dave.

Edited by samplerdave, 24 April 2012 - 06:00 AM.

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bit of a boring one here.
We owned a fish and chip shop and the locals when referring to me used to say "that chippy chap"
At the time it totally described me so it stuck. :blush:
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Hi, I had a cockatiel named tikitot
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I got this from Java Programming Language. :thumbsup:

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When I adopted my cat he came with the name of Smoogers (soft "g") and I always add Mr or Miss to my pets' names. Hence Mr Smoogers or mrsmoogers.
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hi, my nickname is consist of two parts first one [Sahil] thats my real name..and the second one [Waste] that part i joined with my name bcoz most people around me think i waste too much time on internet..so i thought why not join waste with my name...and now most of the community's where i am a member know me as "sahilwaste"
thats the story..:)
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edit: sorry i accidentally double clicked the Post button and the post is double posted...really sorry.

Edited by sahilwaste, 07 May 2012 - 10:04 PM.

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