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How did you get your nick?

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*ruthandtroy is still in the corner, enjoying the social networking :whistling:

and forgot to grow up after my 18th birthday

I thought that was optional?
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When I was very young, my twinbrother could not pronounce my real name, Raimund. He called me Amun instead.
Born in Germany, but living in Thailand for 20 years. Doing mostly design (crystalglass figurines and stemware) on computer, but not an expert yet.
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It started way back when I made a story about the seventh element being the balance bewteen everything else.
And the people born to this element had unique powers.

I dont remember much, manny years ago.
I used the name for the element as my first forum name, and it kindof stuck.
Now I even have changed my middle name to the shortening of it.
So that I am now named Bala.

And thats about it.
:whistling: *throws sheep at people in corner*
(Nobody puts Bala in the corner... Yegawd I just qoted Dirty dancing... I feel so... dirty.. :blink: )
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:whistling: *throws sheep at people in corner*

Oh goody, lamb chops! Barbecue for all the people in the corner! Thanks, Bala! :blink:
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Jay-Bernie Tan = JayBern

Simple as that. (: Wonder how did ScHwErV get his nick. xD
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Yeah, ScHwErV. How did you get yours?

My nickname came from a boring French class - we added letters to the end of names.

*Fredil Yupigo joins ruthandtroy and the rest of the crowd in the corner. BHowett can't just tell us?
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Hey everybody, while we are waiting for ScHwErV's post (it might be a while), let's enjoy the barbecue thanks to Balance! I'm providing drinks:

:help: :blink: :whistling:

I think BHowett should just tell us...

But who cares, this is one great party in the corner. Admin, can we please have a bigger corner?
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Just push the non-cornerers away, Mr. Geek :whistling:
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well i had it for awhile now but i came up with it when i was bored one day and when your bored you tend to go insane so "boredinsanity" was born
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Hey ppl i got my nick coz im a huge SLIPKNOT fan n well most fans kno that slipknot refer us as maggots (thanks to JOEY their drummer) n its uglymaggot coz i dont care what u think bout me. thats how i got my nick

Cool stuff awesome site thanks see ya'll round
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Earl J Prignitz

Earl J Prignitz

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After I retired I took up the hobby of woodcarving. I carved mainly Santa Clauses. I'm sure I carved over 2000 of them. I had 85 different styles of them. Following my strokes in 1998 I was no longer able to carve, hence I became known as an excarver.

I am a retired Friends pastor - 92 years of age and a dedicated peace lover. I have been a pacifist for well over 70 years. I spent 39 years of my life in one form of ministry or another in 4 different states. I am now living in Friends Fellowship Community and have been for over 8 years after suffering from two strokes just prior to that. I am married for the second time to a lovely woman named Rosalie. My first wife died after we were married over 61 years from a fall that broke her neck. .
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Hi Earl! Wow that sounds like an amazing life you've had. I once had a go at woodcarving, but I'm not incredibly patient, and it was too boring for me. :) You have my respect!
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Mot Gnuoy

Mot Gnuoy

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I got mine from boredom at a friends house. We started to write everyones name backwards. Mine was the only one that stuck. Mot Gnuoy = Tom Young.
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The name TuxedoJericho has been with me for almost 9 years now. It started at the local community college. they had just built a brand new library with a computer lab room.

A few friend of mine and I were members of the old FIREFLY community. I had a few different names there, but Tony was known as Tuxedo_Mask, from sailor moon. So one day there, I went over to pro wrestler Chris Jericho's site. On there, he had a section dedicated to people putting his head on other bodies. So, I came across one of him on Prince Darien/Tuxedo Mask's bo0dy, with the phrase "Tuxedo Jericho" on it. I like the idea and used it. It seems almost everywhere I go, I am the only person with that name.

On some sites, TuxedoJericho is too long to be entered, so I sometimes shorten it down to tuxeyj
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I guess it has taken long enough to post, but when you are 60 time flies :)

My wife gave me the name about 5 years ago, as I spend all my free time in the basement.

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