I have a couple of questions please...a little long
Posted 25 February 2008 - 11:44 PM

Posted 26 February 2008 - 09:23 AM

Posted 26 February 2008 - 09:57 AM

With the type of work I do I often have to search for names of medical facilities or counties in certain states and things like that. I may have to click on an item to get a menu of names to choose from and will have to wait several seconds or longer before it pops up. These are the things I need more speed for so that I can get on with my report and not have to sit twiddling my thumbs between each function as it is so frustrating.

Posted 26 February 2008 - 03:24 PM

If there is no other choice, I'd take it

Posted 26 February 2008 - 08:40 PM

Posted 26 February 2008 - 08:57 PM

AT 50/month you may want to look into a wireless card if EVDO is offered in your area.
Posted 26 February 2008 - 09:11 PM

Posted 26 February 2008 - 09:19 PM

Posted 26 February 2008 - 11:26 PM

Im not really sure, I know of Verizon and Alltel, but other than that I dont know if there are others. What would be the best way to find out? Thanks.
Verizon would be your best bet. You could find the information on their website but it would probably just be quicker to call them. They have a tendency to bury the information you really want to find

Posted 27 February 2008 - 12:09 AM

So I would ask them about the availability of a "wireless card" ? What is that exactly?
If that is the case wouldnt I have to pay for the use of dial up AND satellite then? I was thinking when I looked at Wild Blue's info online that it had a download and upload speed listed, so I took it to mean I would not need dial up anymore. No way I could afford both...

Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:27 AM

Your Modem Connection speed ( 56kbps ) Does not mean your Download / Upload Speed is going to be 56 kbps , As you have Probly Found out by yourself
A 56kbps Modem on a GOOD connection will only download at 5kbps APPROX
I have a ADSL2+ modem Capable of 100Mbps And My Plan Rate is 8mbps, BUT When i Download it does not download at 8mbps , i get around 100 - 150 kbps On good connection

KEEP that in mind

Thats all..
Thank You
Posted 27 February 2008 - 08:03 AM

About 5 years ago, this was the case. Todays systems are more advanced and do not require a phone connection. They are up and down via satellite.i believe that you can't upload over satellites you upload over a dial-up connection but still its better than having dial-up download speeds.
Posted 27 February 2008 - 09:30 AM

Landlord...Thanks. I think I am leaning more towards going ahead and doing it, and yes, it is the only other choice that I have found so far. We are just so strapped for $$ I dont want to make a mistake taking that monthly payment on if the speed doesnt kind of pay for itself through my work if that makes sense.
Anyway, thanks.
You're welcome

Posted 27 February 2008 - 10:25 AM

First, EVDO (cellular phone). This is what I use at home now. Its not true broadband, but its significantly faster than dialup and its trustworthy. I can use it anywhere. Its a card that plugs into your computer that picks up a digital cellular signal. If you call Verizon or Alltel (I use Alltel), just tell them you are looking into broadband, they will know what you are looking for. You don't have to be a tech since the people who answer their phones are not.
The other option that hasn't even been mentioned is wireless (not satellite, wireless). Wireless is a point - to - point system that will require an antenna on your house pointing to the nearest wireless ISP's tower. In my area wireless is hugely popular because its true broadband (capable up to 54mb), its significantly less expensive than satellite, its solid, and it can go where the terrain keeps cable from going. The fun part will be finding a wireless provider in your area. You can call around to the local ISPs and ask them if they know of anyone offering the service. I would bet that if you are in a rural area, you will find at least one wireless provider.
Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:29 PM

also with Verizon, they've upgraded all their towers to REV A.which is conciderably faster than Rev 0....Rev A. is capable of 3.1 Mbps download and 1.8 Mbps upload (compared to Rev 0 at 2.45/.15) there's even a Rev B in the works that's supposed to be around 5mbps download (though the advantage with Rev B. will be the ability to provision multple "spectrum chunks" which will multiply your speeds)First, EVDO (cellular phone). This is what I use at home now. Its not true broadband, but its significantly faster than dialup and its trustworthy. I can use it anywhere. Its a card that plugs into your computer that picks up a digital cellular signal. If you call Verizon or Alltel (I use Alltel), just tell them you are looking into broadband, they will know what you are looking for. You don't have to be a tech since the people who answer their phones are not.
i use my cellphone as a tethered modem with my laptop and the speeds are adequate for my needs when i'm on the road....i can use my VPN and RDP into my servers etc.. with no major lag
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