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I have a couple of questions please...a little long

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Wow! :) This all sounds so complicated. I dont know half of what ya'll are talking about. :) I will definitely check with Verizon or Alltel and will attempt to check into wireless too, though Im not completely sure what it all means....I kind of have an idea. Will just have to keep these posts close by for reference. On the speeds, I REALLY dont have a clue on what the different Kbps and Mbps etc. mean. All I basically know is what mine connects at and what those 2 satellite plans offer as the connection speed. What do you think would be an adequate speed for what I need? Thank goodness for computer smart folks like you! :)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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information in a computer is stored as 1's and 0's, One piece of computer information (either a 1 or a 0) is a bit and it's represented as a lower case b. (8 bits make a byte), so Kb is a kilobit or 1,000 bits, an Mb or Megabit is 1,000,000 bits....so 1Kbps is a data transfer of 1,000 bits per second, and 1Mbps is 1,000,000 bits per second and so on.

DO NOT confuse kilobits (b) with kiloBytes (B) as they are completely different things! and too complex to explain here
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