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Edited by Tokar, 21 May 2008 - 01:48 PM.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. However, I would disagree that there was no incentive to put effort into the submissions. Windows Vista Ultimate (full retail) is being awarded at this moment to the picture and video judged the best. Currently $279 at NewEgg.com.
While it may not have motivated everyone to put forth their best effort we think we received a LOT of GREAT entries. Chosing a winner was actually very difficult.
There are other sites in that participate in the contest, and chose the winner by the 'best submission' method. Like absolutevista.com. I can see the reasoning behind choosing a random person; not everyone can write something in English, for example (like absolutevista did). However, you do have a valid point there, not to say I agree with you. Admin is right though, there was a pretty good incentive.
Edited by Tokar, 21 May 2008 - 04:19 PM.
the random drawing aspect takes a huge burden off the adminsitrators of the contest. creativity is a very subjective term. as one persons trash is another persons treasure. you have only to look at one of the other sites where the "best" entry was determined by a single person or a team to see what backlash takes place when everyone, excepting the winner, feels that their entry was the superior entry. at one site the contest judge posted that she would not answer the all emails demanding to know why their submission was not chosen.
Edited by Tokar, 21 May 2008 - 05:05 PM.
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