Yeah, I would think with a little imagination doing something like that would be rather easy really, just time consuming. I only have one friend that is into computers and he has like 33 years experience in them. He is some sort of big wig independent computer consultant for large corporations or something, I never have asked too many details.(kind of a new friend). Apparently, he was working with the internet and "writing packets" back in the 70's for the government. I don't even know what that means LOL. One day he was talking about spaghetti writing or programming or something, I just kept saying "oh yeah" and "cool" "I understand", but I didn't
Anyway, this is part of an email I sent him about some idea I was having for a computer room when I own a house someday.
Though it is very far down the road, I would absolutely love to have a job or business designing cases, heatsinks, the look of video cards, etc. I mean, I really want to be able to fix computers and all, but I like doing that design sort of stuff with car stereos, home décor, fashion, etc. I really like design/engineering/fabrication. One example would be not just mounting a flat panel to the wall, but mount it to a custom wood frame IN the wall, and have it fairly flush with the drywall. Another example is for when I have my own computer room in a house, I am already thinking about having approximately 4 functioning CLEAR computer cases with the sides left off and mounted directly next to one another on a wall. Maybe some non functioning ones too. All interior parts would match in size and color, but be different parts. All wires would be hidden/inside walls. Possibly have the computers connected with a kvm switch of some sorts. On another wall have a projection screen drop down from the ceiling to watch movies in big screen. The wall across from the computers mounted to the wall would have a small counter top for a keyboard and mouse with a 32” monitor for the computer screen, or possibly like two 20” monitors again mounted to the wall, no actual desk. ETC ETC. I love to dream, and I often find myself imagining how I would design this kind of room. All wires would be hidden, the carpet would match the color of the interior parts of the computer, and don’t even get me started on the sound system, you get the point LOL. Is there such a thing as a computer room home décor engineer with emphasis in electronic device fabrication degree? Hahaha, I think I would be great at it. Seriously =) When I lived out of state and had a pretty good job, the first thing everyone would say when the walked into my apartment was “wow, you have a really nice place”. …black Italian leather furniture, flat panel lcd, glass topped furniture, unframed wall art, etc.
It took me 6 months to pick out my first “car payment” car. I really really take my time in finding what I like and everything, and without trying to exaggerate EVERYTHING must be exactly how I want it/need it to be. Color, function, wow factor, etc. Like with the computers, if I lose a screw and can’t find a matching one, they all get replaced with matching ones. I don’t think I’m anal, I just enjoy that sort of thing, design and cleanliness
Here is a current link to my first build topic.
Here If you care to read up on what I'm trying to do with my first build.
Sorry for the long post,