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New Stuff that I think is Cool!
Posted 24 March 2009 - 06:17 AM

Posted 24 March 2009 - 06:20 AM

I have seen several people wanting to upgrade a video card for a laptop. I guess now you can, what would you do about the existing video card? Disable it in device manager?
Posted 24 March 2009 - 06:22 AM

Posted 24 March 2009 - 06:30 AM

Honestly, I picked out the video card for my first build more on the look and style than the actual function. If you ever read my topic that I gave you the link to, I think I would almost enjoy building others computers more than my own, so I could always be changing the color, style, and overall appearance of the computers. Like making a "professional" looking computer vs. a "gaming" computer. I'm trying to blend the two styles in my build.
I have decided that I don't want any lights in the inside of the computer except 1 or 2 cathodes UV color mounted to the top of the case, so the actual light is out of site, but will shine down onto the computers. I think it will have a nice effect. Kind of like when someone is standing under neath a neon sign, and their hair color has the tint of color of the neon sign. See what I'm saying?
Posted 24 March 2009 - 06:40 AM

well...depending on the level of CAD (2d or 3d)....the more ram the better...and a better graphics card will do a lot better....i've got a bunch of engineers here that are running CAD LT (2d only) with on board's not the best but it works good enough for what they're doing most of the time...the guys that have inventor (3d and 2d) have to have a decent add on card for it to be usableOhhh, I see. Well it is still really cool. And that other link to Nvidia's site, most of that is over my head from the quick read. I'm not real into gaming so just about any normal video card is good for me. However, I plan to start attending school soon, and I wonder if I (eventually) do get into some design aspect of computers, if I will then need some heavy equipment to support a CAD program or whatever to do that with. I think those kind of programs require lots of RAM and good Video Cards right?
that's how my wife shops "ooh that package looks nice!"...uh yeah but how does the product work? "does that matter?"Honestly, I picked out the video card for my first build more on the look and style than the actual function.
Posted 24 March 2009 - 06:47 AM

GeForce 9600 GSO
Posted 24 March 2009 - 07:05 AM

Posted 25 March 2009 - 09:37 AM

Posted 25 March 2009 - 09:58 AM

You know, and I'm being serious here. I actually find someone telling me the answer and then providing information to back that up or me finding the information already knowing a general answer MUCH BETTER than googling myself. And here's why I disagree with always googling for everything when applied to the way I learn best(key phrase, "the way I learn best".
Again, I'm quite serious and have learned this and given this thought over my adulthood.
I have always been a very visual learner. To expand that, a more cognitive learner. Click Here for a definition of cognitive. Meaning that I learn much better with someone saying well this is the quick answer or here is the canned speech I use, and then I become very aware of a the general idea making my research and/or experience instantaneously to a level to where I fully will understand the root/early form of a subject and the theorized/unknown parts of a subject when I do research/experience it. For some reason, and I'm almost willing to say "never" here, I "usually" do not just get an answer from someone or something and just accept that as the correct and best answer. Overtime, I will remember that canned speech someone recommended and attempt to find a better one or through experience develop a better one. (just using canned speech as an example)
The short answer, Just tell me, because I don't ever just stop there.
In conclusion, maybe for many people when you just tell them the answer it actual disables their learning, however, for me I feel it catapults my learning, gives me a good jump start and gets me interested.
Hopefully you were able to follow that, but I will google it and try to find out.

Posted 25 March 2009 - 10:39 AM

also..being in're going to need to foster you research skills
Posted 25 March 2009 - 10:53 AM

Gosh, talk about getting your hopes up.
Geek U: I know! It's like a catch 22. I absolutely love all the learning and research in one aspect, however, (going along with what I said in the previous post) I can barely stand the fact that I don't get to literally sit side by side with a malware expert and him explaining verbally and pointed at the screen saying something like
"see this entry here, the reason I used XXXX tool to get rid of it is because blah blah blah. Furthermore, here is a good website or link to fully understand how XXXX viruses work"
Furthermore, this same problem is happening with my system building and upgrading research. I don't have ANYONE to hang out with and talk about computers or to work together with on a build. All I have is google, and I guess other sites too if I wanted, but you get the point.
I have one friend who is double my age that I email with sometimes about it, and he has invited me over to help him work on clients computers twice. It is not enough dsenette, it is not enough. I feel like I'm going to burst with eagerness and curiosity one of these days, I can barely stand it.
I spend hours upon hours on the computer learning right now, and every night I fall asleep thinking about them and Geek U.
Posted 25 March 2009 - 02:12 PM

I spend hours upon hours on the computer learning right now, and every night I fall asleep thinking about them and Geek U.
You want to be careful Ferrari keep your obsession under control. If you don't you might loose what life you have or burn out on something you love to do. If you are looking for a more instent reponce of communication when you want to talk about computers. Have you tried the IRC chat. I would also recommend doing something constructive with your desire to learn about computers. If you don't have your A+ yet try getting your A+ pick up a book about it and read it or there are plenty of websites that have articles about it.
Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:33 PM

I am currently looking into attending a 4 year institution for something in computers. Right now the Bachelors program I'm looking at has computer engineering in the title, but I'm waiting to hear back from financial aid office and/or counselors to see if i can afford it and more specifics on the program. I may end up doing an ITT Tech, not 100% sure yet.
Also, in regards to getting burned out, I hear what you are saying. It is just so hard not to want to learn more. I currently force myself to do other things, but honestly, half the time while I'm out shooting pool or watching a movie with my girlfriend, I find myself drifting off into computer land. I don't know how I am supposed to stop that.
In example, My girlfriend says to me lately "your thinking about computers again aren't you?". However, she has been quite supportive really, not even gotten mad or anything. But I would think that can change.
Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:37 PM

Edited by tuxmaster, 25 March 2009 - 03:38 PM.
Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:49 PM

And I really do appreciate your advice, I do keep it in mind since the other time you have mentioned all that( I believe it was you).
So Anyway, the topic of this is "New Stuff that I think is Cool". Do you know of anything that I might not be aware of since I am somewhat new? Like programs, or new cases, maybe theoretical technology?
I was reading up on 64bit OS's the other day and it seems from what I have read that it is awesome technology and really not even new, but programs and such aren't really keeping up with it. I started to get a little lost when they were saying something about 32bit programs actual double in size because of the 64bit OS and thus it actually can take longer to open the file. That is probably a little wrong, but it was talking along those lines. I was tired and said to myself, "I'm gonna have to get into that another day" haha.
I'm wanting to put XP x64 on my new computer as the backup OS, but I don't know if I really need it. Seems like it really is only beneficial to someone using demanding software or programs that in turn have heavy memory demands. However, if my schooling ends up having to work with CAD or something, I may need that.
dsenette, you still with us?
Edit: I kept typing 64bit processor but what I meant was 64bit OS. Sorry, I have made the changes.
Edited by Ferrari, 25 March 2009 - 03:57 PM.
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