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Women in IT

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IT Crowd, right? It's been ages since I watched that stuff.
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Yea, I couldnt resist the joke was there.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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i think the lack of women in IT positions is probably one of a lack of supply...and much less a lack of demand... with certain jobs (roughnecking on an oil rig, logging, truck driving, auto mechanics etc...) there is a stereotypical view of things being "men's work" or "women's work"...but with computers and other tech jobs...i don't know that those stereotypes hold up as strongly...since MOST of what "we" do is mental work...

i know in my company (the U.S. portion of it anyway) we've got 22 locations and probably about 50 or so IT people distributed around those locations (quite unevenly i'm the only one here but other locations have like 6 IT folk) and i only know of 2 women in the IT/IS departments...one of whom really doesn't do IT...she just balances the IT budget for her location and such...

surprisingly the Japanese portion of our company (i.e. in Japan) has probably about 75 females in the IT group (granted the IT group there has about 1,000 to 1,500 people in it) they do mostly programming and web design though
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