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Updating Vista SP1 & SP2 was referred...

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Niki McKnight

Niki McKnight


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These are other error messages re: updates....



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Niki McKnight

Niki McKnight


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Hmm, I have had auto updates turned off since I first plugged this machine in, because I use a satellite, and if windows decides to download a huge file, I end up fapped... So, here's the screen shot, however bear...=~)

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try turning on auto updates and see what happens...my gut feeling is it will fail but lets try anyway...
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Niki McKnight

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Strolling around the event logs, awhile back and again today I came across a few things that left me unsettled, as I don't understand.... This pc is in my house and I live alone in the middle of the woods, I'd assume the only log on I'd see would be me, Faith/Nichole... as in the first SS below, but who is Faith$, Null and the anonymous log on, in the other 3 SS?




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Niki McKnight

Niki McKnight


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I had auto updates on... and in the event viewer, it say repeatedly:

Windows Update established connectivity. (ID 30)
Windows Update lost connectivity. (ID 29)
Windows Update failed to check for updates with error 0x80070490. (ID 25)
Windows Update sucessfully found 0 updates. (ID 26)
Windows Update received a service shutdown request. (ID 39)
Windows Update received a service stop request. (ID 38)

And on 3/2/2010 and 3/3/2010 (Event ID 40 and ID 26)

An update was detected. (ID 40)
Windows Update sucessfully found 1 updates. (ID 26)

And on 3/1/2010 (Event ID 41)

An update was downloaded.
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Niki McKnight

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Under Problem Reports and Solutions were the following: ( I sure hope I'm not overwhelming you, I just want to make sure you have all the info you need, and that you don't have to wait for anything...)






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Niki McKnight

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How important were the dlls that didn't register?



Two more error messages re: updates:


(Is the following related?)


Ok, again THANK-YOU SO MUCH and I'm going to go now before I look even more OCD than I am....

Hope your day is wonderful....Cheers ~Niki
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with all the different errors your getting and because sfc /scannow could not fix a few of the files in your OS
your to the point your going to have to repair or completely do a new install of the OS....that means contacting the computer manufacture and buying a restore disk for your computer (about $25.00)...it will include all the drivers necessary for the system it needs except anything new you added...so first backup all your data to 2 locations like DVD's and a external hard drive...make sure a different computer is able to read the data BEFORE you do the repair/reinstall...also have any drivers you may need for anything you added on hand as when you do the repair you may need them
you can still use the computer until you get the disk...

Edited by happyrock, 16 March 2010 - 10:23 AM.

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Niki McKnight

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Do you know which files it couldn't fix? Can I not just copy those files off of the Vista home disk? I guess I bombarded you, I'm sorry... What were your thoughts regarding the other logons? Also, I have a copy of my registry from a long time ago, could I not use it to repair what is a not functioning properly? Sorry, for so many questions, but I really want to understand what the problem is, not just start over. Or if I have to start over, I'd like to know what caused the problem so that I don't duplicate it... And the solution to all the "problems", is to install SP1 and SP2, lol... I read something some where about forcing the install? and or can I install the files that are in the updates individually?
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Do you know which files it couldn't fix? Can I not just copy those files off of the Vista home disk

nope and nope

What were your thoughts regarding the other logons?

thats just your system...its not someone trying to log onto your system

but I really want to understand what the problem is. Or if I have to start over, I'd like to know what caused the problem so that I don't duplicate it.

most likely the malware or the removal of the malware caused some of windows files to get screwed up...
usually sfc /scannow would fix those but for some reason they are not working and I don't have any idea exactly whats wrong or missing...

I read something some where about forcing the install?

you must mean java or QT or a driver...you can't force windows to install anything and if you did you would probably bork the OS to the point of not being able to even boot


Edited by happyrock, 16 March 2010 - 05:59 PM.

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