I think it is going to try to boot off the drive 0 unless you change the boot order so what was happening is it is trying to boot from a drive which doesn't have an operating system.
Yes i was just thinkin so, but i dont know what happened, since i havent changed the boot order in the bios; the strange thing is that on rebootin, it wasnt seeing any of the 2 SATA drives...
You have to make sure it is not confused about which drive to boot from.
I dont know why it got confused about the booting drive; the order is correct, but after i plugged the "infected" drive, something made my system unhappy...
Not sure why it couldn't boot from the CD tho. Perhaps the drive is defective?
I think it wasnt booting from CD because it was still seeing the drive with no OS installed: in fact it asked me to install Windows on a partitin of the PATA drive, but i refused and canceled the installation.
I dont want to handle that HDD no more, i'm sure something bad will happen; unfortunately i cant check it neither from a live CD (i have Avira), since it isnt enabled on the system. I've heard of BartPE, but i dont know how to use it...if the operation could be dangerous, i'll try to find another PC for cleaning it...