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Ok thank you so much. As soon as it gets here I will definitely do as instructed and will update u ASAP .... I hope it works :( 


Its taking so long to get here but I think its coming from Hong Kong .. maybe I hold of done express mail.


I do have a question ... On the computer I am trying to fix I run a very long cable from the modem to the back of the tower which runs across my long hall bc I had to put my computer on the other side of my apartment .. I was told I can get a wireless card for the back of y tower so that I don't have to run that cable across the entire apart ...


what is it called and where can I buy one? You have directed me on those two pieces I needed can u tell me where I can order one as well online? Please thank you so much.

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Yes, you can add a card to a slot inside the computer but need to know if your Router is Wireless enabled   Please post the brand?model.

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I have a Verizon modem/router .. yes wireless. I get verizon fios don't know if you know what that is but they are my cable tv. home phone and internet provider and they told me I could use one of those cards but I am no sure which one or where to get it.


Theres a bunch of numbers on the router but not sure which is the model number ...

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This is the card I think will do the job. > http://www.newegg.co...N82E16833166076

Please contact your ISP to confirm your router model and that the adaptor is compatible. > http://www.verizon.c...netEquipmentRef


If they suggest their own product, it must be a PCI-e 1 card to fit in the black slot on your MB. 

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Thank you so much .. will call my ISP tomorrow to make sure before purchasing this .... I finally received the other piece today. I will install it tomorrow and will update you as soon as I am done or run into trouble. Thank you for always being a great help :)

Edited by Lexy610, 12 April 2014 - 10:52 PM.

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Your welcome :thumbsup:

Please make sure to follow the steps exactly in reply #315 and post back the result. 

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Hi .. ok I have my tower opened .. and I truly can't figure out what "blanking plate" I am suppose to remoe and I can't make out from the picture diagram where exactly this PCI card is suppose to connect to or slide into :(


I am a tad confused :(

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Never mind .. I hink I figured it out buy looking at the PCI card and the slot I was able to figure it out and align everything ... will update u soon to see if it works ** fingers crossed :) **

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Its not working :(

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Let us know if these instructions are OK and you can proceed. 

First instructions are for a PCI sound card but is exactly the same for the PCI adaptor card you are installing.  

> http://www.geeks.com/techtips/2006/techtips-08jun06.htm 

This video is for instlling a wireless PCI cardbut the hardware install is the same for the card you are installing,

> http://www.homepcbui...rd-adapter.html


Install your card to the white slot furthest away from the CPU.

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The first link isn't working ... 


The second link is that for the wireless we just recently spoke about? I don't have that yet

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Fixed the first link.

The video is just to show the installation method for a PCI card, not for the wireless card we discussed.

Restart the computer and enter the BIOS, does the keyboard work in the new PCI card?

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what do u mean enter the BIOS?? Im I suppose to change something in BIOS once I install the PCI card?


I did the installation exactly as it showed in those images ... the video was confusing and looked nothing like what I needed to do but I did figure it out and it is installed ... I even went back in and opened the tower and made sure I installed it correctly and in the right place ... so do I change anything in BIOS once the PCI card is installed??

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No, there is nothing to change in the BIOS.

I just want you to restart the computer and enter the BIOS to see if the keyboard still works, (even though you are not changing anything) You still need to > Press F10 to Save setting and exit. 

Has the computer restarted?   Are you back at the windows Desktop.?   Does the keyboard work?

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HI .... I turned my computer on and started tapping F10 and got a quick black screen and some words but noticed at the middle of screen it said "keyboard failure" .. tried it several times and tapped on F12 and F2 and still got "keyboard failure" ..


So it booted up to me windows desktop but kb isn't working :(

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