Both are on the desktop. The zipped and the bare.
I cannot remember how to get the code. I disabled avast for an hour. Where is the code?
Edited by itsmesunny, 02 July 2014 - 07:56 AM.
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Both are on the desktop. The zipped and the bare.
I cannot remember how to get the code. I disabled avast for an hour. Where is the code?
Edited by itsmesunny, 02 July 2014 - 07:56 AM.
I knew that!
Oops! Sorry abut that.
Ok. you mean from the Dell Support link:
I watched you doing it.
On Add/Remove hardly any of them give just the REMOVE option. Most are CHANGE/REMOVE and I cannot do anything I get windows about install and DLL . Cannot remember it word for word.
did not see that cuz the Adobe was highlighted and that is one of the few that say REMOVE.
If you go down that list you will see
Also, when you were doing the hardware window thing, you were not checking the bottom choice which is do it without a CD.
Edited by itsmesunny, 02 July 2014 - 08:58 AM.
I get window pop ups of stuff that is missimng. Like INSTALL.LOG not found or DLL something. They are different pop ups.
There is just some really stupid stuff on there I would like to get rid of.
Anyway I did the Quick scan - which I actually had done a while ago - all is good.
Now I will do the no sound diagnostic.
Edited by itsmesunny, 02 July 2014 - 03:50 PM.
I restarted.
I am tearing my hair out here. It's not working. The first thing failed. I wrote it down. It's long.
Sound Interactive Test: pcdrsound.p5x Application Error - etc.
I had sound once and it was really good. Now it's gone and I don't know why.
The pic on the manual does NOT match so I don't know which plug. No matter what color.
All day yesterday and all day the day before. I'm losin it with trying to find out why I HAVE NO SOUND!
That's all I want to fix - the sound!
It's a beautiful day and I need to get outta here.
Edited by itsmesunny, 02 July 2014 - 10:04 AM.
First I need to apologize to you English.
I lost it there for a while. It was super hot in my office at home and it was a beautiful day outside so I just kind of blew a fuse.
Thank you for being so gracious about it.
Should I not try to finish what I was doing with the driver downloads? I think I could have continued...
I am not back home yet but when I get there I will do what you posted above.
If you do get this could you please let me know if you think I ought to continue what I was doing.
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