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How to track a printed document

printer serialnumber tracking

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i have a printed document.Now how can i find that from which system or printer it is printed. while googling I found that latest color printers would print its serial number in tiny yellow dots along with the content but as hidden. But what about the black and white printers. tracking can be possible .??

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard of this technology in black and white printers but that does not mean it does not exist in a different guise, yellow dots can be camouflaged in a colour document but would stand out in a black and white document so an alternative method quite possibly does exist and is used, some info on such printers here


Tracing a document back to a printer is one thing but determining who actually printed the document is another matter + keep in mind that unless a printer has been registered with the manufacturer for warranty purposes etc it may not be known who actually owns the printer that produced the said document.


NB: The technology is used for catching bad guys btw and the majority of people need not have any concerns about it  ;) 

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