Sounds like the Windows Installer service is working fine don't worry about having the service set to manual it's the windows default it only starts when needed.
Tell me how are you concluding it isn't working?
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Sounds like the Windows Installer service is working fine don't worry about having the service set to manual it's the windows default it only starts when needed.
Tell me how are you concluding it isn't working?
I am downloading an msi-file in relation to an installation of a mathematics program, my school is providing called MathCad. To install this correctly, I have to download a file, from this link:
But everytime I do so, and open it, it opens in wordpad, with a lot of coding I guess.
I'm getting 404 error on the link... but I don't need it.
What is the version of MathCad you want to install?
I'm going to bed now, cuz I am a "sleepydude"
I will be up in approxtimately 7 hours
I'm going to bed now, cuz I am a "sleepydude"
I will be up in approxtimately 7 hours
Ok, sleep like a baby
The problem with MathCad 15 happens because the program isn't build for install/work on Windows 8.1!
Before working on the Mathcad problem I would like to fix the WinDefender glitch presented on the FSS log.
Here you go, when I tapped the export service button, it said it wanted me to pick a service, even though I already checked "windows defender"
Please follow my instructions carefully. You don't need to check any check box, this time type windefend on the Search box.
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