I think I wanna stop now. The computer has been acting "funny!" Doing things on its own. Small things... Charms Bar coming up and transporting me to the Control Panel... Until now, when the system shut down by itself! I'm gonna check the temperature but the computer is so cold inside and out, that I don't think this can be an overheating problem! I'm reinstalling my "bloatware" antivirus software! Scanning now. Let's see if these new problems go away.

System hangs at shutdown...
Posted 30 March 2015 - 03:00 PM

Posted 30 March 2015 - 03:01 PM

You did not start a new thread?
Posted 31 March 2015 - 11:11 AM

I did. But that thread is about the redirects in Fire Fox. I scanned with multiple virus and malware programs and found nothing. The computer shut down on its own yesterday. That's what worries me the most. I posted on a few other places to get answers on some of the other problems.
Posted 03 April 2015 - 12:34 PM

I think I traced the cause of the shutdown hangs. Apparently, the OS is shutting down but the computer is still running. The light on the case and the fans are still on. I went into the command prompt and tried different things. I was told that command-line sort of means you're MANUALLY doing stuff... and it should work every time! But it did not!
At this point, I'm looking for a DOS command for cutting the power to the computer. I'm not sure what they call it. POWER OFF?
shutdown -s -f -t 0
The above commands fail to shut the power off sometimes!
These shutdown hangs are happening to a lot of people... in Win 8, 8.1, and even 7.
I think the only real solution is to return the computer or try to shut the computer down in the command prompt or in RUN.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:50 PM

ROCKMILK! If you're still available, I wanted to update you on what's happening with my system, and ask you a question. I came back to you because of how smart I think you are.
I may've found a workaround for the shutdown problem. If I use HIBERNATE, things work just fine. And if I wanna renew the system after using HIBERNATE for a long time, I just do a RESTART, and that works perfectly too.
Yes it's true that the SHUTDOWN problem doesn't show up at first, so after a while, maybe it will affect the HIBERNATE option too, but so far there's no sign of the old shutdown problem in HIBERNATE or RESTART.
And I like HIBERNATE much better than SHUTDOWN. I don't have to find my place again in my work each time I turn the computer on in the morning. Everything is already there, opened and ready to by used. It's like a laptop!
And here's my question. I did a virus scan with AVAST. It found a couple of things that had to be fixed. And the program suggested I do a boot-time scan. I did, but it seemed like that scan stalled or something. So in an effort to see what was going on, I got out of the scan so I could Google some stuff about that type of scan. I mean it stayed at 38% for a very long time.
I read that I should download a program called RKill, to maybe help me find any remnants of the malware AVAST found. But RKill said it couldn't edit my HOST FILE. I downloaded HOST-PERM.BAT and ran it as an admin to unlock the file but it didn't work. I also used GRANT PERM but still, RKill said it couldn't change the HOST FILE. I'd like to do another boot time scan tonight but I'd like to have the HOST FILE unlocked before then. Do you think you know how I can get access to that file?
Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:26 PM

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