So the test passed one of the RAM modules, but failed in many spots on the other. I assume I should order another stick of RAM that matches the one that passed the test.
Here are the results from the tests:
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Best Answer phillpower2 , 30 November 2015 - 08:42 AM
That is ample testing and no further crashes running only the single stick of good Ram would suggest that you have found the culprit. Can I just ask if the both sticks of Ram have been tried/t... Go to the full post »
So the test passed one of the RAM modules, but failed in many spots on the other. I assume I should order another stick of RAM that matches the one that passed the test.
Here are the results from the tests:
How many passes of Memtest did you run on each stick.
Before purchasing any new Ram I would use the computer with only the single 4GB stick of Ram that passed Memtest but only if at least 6 or 7 passes were run on it, this to see how the computer behaves with only a known good stick of Ram in use.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to tell how many passes were run. The stick with the errors was run for over 27 hours. The stick without any errors was run for about 24 hours (the screenshot above was taken a while before we actually stopped running the test, but the results were the same).
We have been running the PC on the lone stick of RAM. No crashes so far
That is ample testing and no further crashes running only the single stick of good Ram would suggest that you have found the culprit.
Can I just ask if the both sticks of Ram have been tried/tested in each memory slot, this to make sure that it is the stick of Ram that is bad and not the slot on the MB that it was used in.
Yes, I did test them in each of the memory slots just to make sure it wasn't the MB. Fortunately the bad RAM Module errored in both slots. I went ahead and ordered a replacement RAM Module of the same type. I'll do a Memtest on it as soon as I get it installed to make sure it isn't faulty.
I guess that about wraps up this issue (I hope).
Thank you again for all the help!!!
Only my suggestion and totally your final decision but personally I would purchase two new matching sticks of Ram and then sell the known good one on one of the more common auction sites.
How are things going dhitchner
Glad to hear that all is well and thank you for the follow up
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