I have been messing around with trying to get rid of this very persistant malware. I have even replaced several phones, laptops and computers after spending way to much time trying to contain and eradicate it. I am a security professional, but not a malware expert, although I am getting up to speed. In any case, this particular malware is too embedded and replicates too quickly for me to get a clean environment to work on. So I am back to the hope that I can clean it and identify the attack vectors and prevent it from coming back or spreading to any other devices nearby. I have run the Farbar-64 tool on my HP Pro 3500 Desktop after removing the CMOS battery, clearing the CMOS, attempting to restore the BIOS to factory settings (unsuccessful) and a clean install of Windows 8. I have attached the results. I also ran Rkill, and JRT...also attached.
Any help would be appreciated tremendously as it is affecting my ability to work.