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stuck in Win10 repair loop

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Hi. I'm using my phone to post this...

I'm stuck in the Win10 repair loop. It continually tries to find the issue and repair it. Then it gives me the blue screen with further options. I've tried several things to get out of the loop...

But I think the problem stems from a driver update I did. I had a sound issue -- all sound suddenly cut out. Flash, via YouTube vids crashing, has caused this in the past, Bud not for a very long while. What I did was go into device manager, disable the sounds drivers, then re- enable them. But this time I decided to update one of the two sounds drivers ... And it was after that that i got the ":( sorry..." Screen which brought me into the repair loop.

I'm thinking, if I can delete or roll back the driver via the command prompt, that MIGHT fix it. Can some one tell me how to delete my sound drivers via the command prompt (or roll them back)?

I'd you're curious, Below are further details of what I've tried so far.

I tried choosing the safe mode option, but it won't work. I just end up back in the loop. I tried choosing option 7 in the repair menu (something about not checking drivers when booting). And I tried a fix I found on YouTube. W/it you go to the command prompt option, copy your (If I recall) ms config directory, and do something else I can't recall, and it's supposed to "permanently fix" the problem.

No luck.

And, for some reason, I have no restore points (which I don't understand) -- it's another option in the repair options menu.


Edited by Phlegmbot, 21 April 2016 - 11:31 PM.

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This is the YouTube video I referenced above: https://m.youtube.co...lient=mv-google
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Another update: I realized that Windows updated the night before my restart (after which the Loop began). And in doing searches for stories, in finding updates cause these loops sometimes.

So I tried another fix that I've found... It's similar to the one above, but it didn't work.

However, one of these two fixes did fix the system restore options! So I gave all three a shot, and they each came back with an error related to Avast (it seems to be unable to extract a certain .dll file).

I read that anti-virus software can impede system restore.

So I'm wondering if there's some way to delete Avast AND if that would even work.

I called Microsoft. They asked if I tried Safe Mode and the like (yes), and figured trying to delete Avast wasn't a bad idea.

So we went to the command prompt. He brought me to some directory I've never heard of (can't recall what it was), told me to type "product get name" (or something like that). But that just returned an error. He said that means my PC can't access my apps.

He also warned me that the Fix option which says it will reset Windows and keep your personal files does NOT keep those files. So he warmed me not to try that.

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Hey, freebooter! THX for replying.

in reply to your questions:
1. Drivers:
I want to try deleting the tell sound drivers. One is an AMD, I honestly don't recall the name of the other one. Not sure if this is even a useful b option. But if I'd possible, I don't see why trying it would hurt. (you're the expert tho', so I'll trust your thoughts on this).

2. The restore points:
It wasn't 3 tools which gave me errors (honestly, I wouldn't even know what tools I could use since I have no Windows access), it was the 3 restore points that were available. I tried all 3 available restore points, and all came back with an error citing an Avasr .dll file that it couldn't "extract." So I'm actually wondering if it's possible to delete Avadt as well.

** FYI: I went to a MicroSoft store. The guy the told me "it's likely that the update caused a problem with Avast. That and Norton are the most common causes of conflicts with Windows 10." He recommended backing up files (which I cannot do until i get my hands on a spare PC) and either rolling back to Win7 or resetting Win10.

And 2 questions from me:
1. There is a D drive partition, but the drive I normally refer to is C. Which do I use for your fix above? How do I know?

2. The command prompt is being accessed via the blue Repair Options screen (not in Windows. Or safe mode or anything). I just want to be sure that that doesn't make a difference in terms of running the processes you suggest.

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P.S. In the above: Tell sound drivers = TWO sound drivers

AVASR .dll = Avast .dll

Avadt = Avast

So sorry for the errors, I am doing all this from my phone and geekstogo.com forum does NOT have an Edit Post option when posting from your phone.
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Hi, freebooter!

I am running scannow as I write this reply. And I will rum Chkdsk next, but my hardsrive is only about a year old (the computer itself is more than 4 years old, but the HD is new).

I did not run any of these previously,because. I just needed to be sure about the drive and that I explained the situation clearly. Apparently I did, b/c you made it even clearer how to do these steps. (so,yes, I am in the Windows Recovery Environment, thank you for that).

Thank you again. I will post the Scannow results. If checkdsk is Not necessary b/c the drive is fairly new, let me know...otherwise I will run it.
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OK, after an hour, Scannow came back with "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation."

I was at the X:\windows\system32 prompt when I typed Sfc /Scannow /OFFBOOTDIR=d:\ /OFFWINDIR=d:\windows command.

Should I have been at a D: prompt?

Because of the above, I was afraid to run Chkdsk.
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Another note: At the same "X:\Windows\system32" prompt I tried"Dism /image:D:\ /Get-Drivers"

It resulted in this error: The command-line of missing a required servicing command. For more information, refer to the help by running DISM.exe /Image=<path_to_ offline_image> /? where <path _to_the_offline_image> is the full path to an offline Windows image.

Clearly, I don't know what the offline window image is or I would run into this.
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Chkdsk ran and said it "found no problems."

I performed all of the above, Freebooter! I also took pictures of the screen so you can see that I followed your instructions.

For the "Get-Drivers" issue, I DID try both C: and D: For the drive. Neither worked.

I also tried Scannow again and I tried the new Dism suggestion -- again, these did Not work. See photos for all of this.

Please let me know what next. AND THANK YOU AGAIN

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I have run the risk commands both with and without spaces. I get the same errors. (By the way, the example at the site you linked me to show no spaces). I've included another screenshot (taken with my phone).

You wrote: "Run the Automatic Repair tool"
- I'm uncertain what this refers to. Is this one of the tools mentioned earlier? Or do you mean Startup Repair on the Advanced Options (blue screen) page? Or something else?

You wrote:
Please post the content of the SrtTrail.txt file in your next post for us to view.
- I'm uncertain how I would post ANY file. I do not have a flash or other driver which connects to my phone. As mentioned, I'm using my phone to reply here. If I can view it via the Windows prompt, I could take photos of it.

Please advise on the above so I can continue with your steps.
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I forgot the photos...

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Hi, Freebooter!

Ok, I'm very confused about the Dism thing. I think we're facing a language barrier here. Perhaps you could ask another tech to help us communicate on this issue. I suggest this because, as I understand what your wrote, two posts ago you said add a space and the most recent post seems to say NO spaces. I simply do not understand which you mean ri say.

Alright, onto your next suggestion: I created those folders (see photos) and again ran Sfc -- it still did not work.

I then opened the srttrail.txt file -- see photos.

In terms of the HD diagnostic tool, I thought my brand of HD was Seagate, but I do not see that brand on the list. I guess I could open the back of the computer and take a look at it, but it'll have to wait till tomorrow (I'm awfully tired tonight).

I couldn't open the Microsoft link on my phone. The page just would not load. However, the Windows 10 Automatic Repair screen (which you showed an image of in an earlier post), under Troubleshoot> Reset this PC, there IS the Reset But Keep My Files option. However, I was warned NOT to try this (by Microsoft) without first backing up my files. (I have a spare HD enclosure and will be able to use someone else's PC in a couple of days for this.) Apparently the process does not always keep one's files even tho' it's supposed to.

However, if you can show me how to backup my files to a 2nd HD via the command prompt, I can begin that immediately and THEN try the Reset My PC>Keep My Files option.

With that in mind, MS also said that the likely cause of my problems is Avast. As stated in one of my earlier posts, when attempting to use System Restore, I received an error which read "unable to extract Avast [something, something] .dll" I am wondering TWO things: Would deleting Avast from the command prompt be a helpful idea and, second, I'd so, how would I do that?

If you like I can again try System Restore and take a picture of the error message.

OK, that's all for now, Freebooter. And once more, thank you!

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* mean ri say = mean to say

*and, second, I'd so = and, second, if so

The above are error corrections of my most recent post (I cannot correct typos via my phone after I've posted).
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which i have ask you which link you are referring to and what space you are referring to as you can see above i quote your saying there is no spaces
- this is why I suggested we involve another tech to help us. We are definitely having a language barrier issue. ;)

the boot issue from Command Prompt execute below commands one at time and restart your computer to found out issue is resolved.
- when you say "one at a time", do you mean restart after EACH line command. OR... Do you mean run each command and restart after I have run ALL three?
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Hi, Freebooter!

I of course meant no offense with the language comment, but we're clearly having some trouble understanding each other.

I have attached a photo showing the results of the 3 commands. Please let me know if I should try again at a D: Or C: Prompt. (I did restart and I was brought back into the Automatic Repair screen.)

Thank you once more.

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