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Facebook Has Blocked me.

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Firstly, this is not a discussion on FB regulations. I'm aware they want every person to only have one account. 

For political purposes I have had numerous accounts on FB and have admin pages and groups. Two weeks ago FB took down all my accounts with no warning. All these accounts were admin on certain pages. I have had years of the usual temprary and permanent bans from FB but not this. I am now unable to open a successful FB account from any of my 3 devices even when using VPN. I assume FB has my devices flagged somehow or worse. 


I am not overly tech savvie and am curious as to ways around this. Before FB shuts down any new account I make they simply ask for a photo of me, not photo ID. When I submit it (either real or not) they still disable the account instantly.


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Maintaining multiple accounts, regardless of the purpose, is a violation of Facebook's Terms of Use.

End of discussion.

Helping you around this would be a violation of Terms of use on this forum.
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You did anything which is against the rules. So FB blocked you. lol

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The only reason that I thought about is, you were not aware that you were not able to abide by their rules and policies.

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Please follow the guidelines made by FB.

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