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Hi there, 
I have a probably easy question for you...
So, last Thursday, I came from work and found my boyfriend looking at his tablet. I sat close to him and he was going to show me a video on Facebook when an dating ad suggestion showed up at his feed. I asked him about that. It seemed very suspicious, specially because he was acting weird. Then he promised he had nothing to do with that ad and he had absolutely no idea where it came from. He said he thinks it might be fishing old stuff when he still had the dating account in the beginning of this year when met (which by the way was disactivated in the spring). I use Facebook a lot and I know all the ads showing up in my page come from my most recent browsing.
Sorry for the long story... My question is: Am I right that this ad from last week was based on his recent web browsing behaviour - say from the same week as the ad?
I truly appreciate your attention and sincere response on this.

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Could be but, there's still reasonable doubt. Question is, are you going to let it fester enough to eventually tear you two apart?

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