in the FRST search box and then click on Search Files
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in the FRST search box and then click on Search Files
Cookies on-off 1.0.1 still appears in the extensions
OK. Do the FileSearch
OK Can you look at the list of installed programs and see what you have installed within the time period that you have had the problem?
I read that recommendation on several sites online. No, I can't find anything new or unusual in programs from the last month, and this has been going on for just a few days.
in the FRST searchbox and let it search the registry. Does it find anything?
Your PC is not part of a domain is it?
As far as I know my PC is NOT a part of a domain. If there's a way I can check I'll do it!
running frst right now
Let's try this Fixlist:
(Close Chrome first)
After the fix, fire up Chrome, do your Chrome://policy thing again and let's see if that made any difference.
closed chrome 1st...ran the fix...started chrome, did policy thing, same 3 as before are still there
cookies on-off 1.0.1 still appears in the extensions
Try rebooting.
I've actually tried re-booting several times as we've tried different things. No luck. Cookies on-off is still in the extensions and under policy the same 3 as before are still there. If you have something else for me to try, I will try to get to it in the morning, but I've got a very early morning tomorrow so I've got to say good night for now and thank you very much for all of your help!
OK. Night night
Try a reset:
Go in to Chrome Settings, Advanced then at the bottom is a Reset option. Try that and see if it helps. You will lose your current extensions so will need to reinstall them.
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