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Windows 10 keeps restarting/rebooting (Resolved).

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Best Answer spidergirl79 , 18 January 2018 - 03:31 PM

I got rid of the AVAST! Thanks for your help on that.   Domestic circuit. So something in my house? Oh no.. And come to think of it, the other PC in our house does not wake up from s... Go to the full post »

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Okay. Checked the rocker switch and nothing. Tried a socket on a different wall, nothing. A (desk fan not PC) fan is working. A lamp is on. The amber light on my monitor glows. But my PC is RIP.


EDIT: Okay so after plugging it into the new socket (WHY are power supply cords SO short!) I tried turning it on. Nothing. Flipped the rocker switch. Nothing. Sat down. Defeated. Perused my cell phone. About 10 minutes later I thought, try again. Boom! My PC came on. It lives. For now. 


Also I forgot to answer your question about items waking up my PC: Yes, all in the same floor/room. The heating system that wakes up my PC is actually an electric heater with a wall thermostat, not a free standing heater.

Edited by spidergirl79, 18 January 2018 - 03:21 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Sounds like a bad connection somewhere, possibly the case power button but  at the same time it could be the domestic circuit so it should all be checked.

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✓  Best Answer

I got rid of the AVAST! Thanks for your help on that. :) 


Domestic circuit. So something in my house? Oh no..


And come to think of it, the other PC in our house does not wake up from sleep (as fas as I know) when other devices are turned on.... thanks for your help.


What should I do with this thread?

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    Mechanised Mod

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If all is good just mark it as being solved, its been a bit of an epic so there is no single answer that gives the full solution  :)

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Many thanks again for your time, help and patience with me.  :smashcomp:

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are most welcome  :)

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