Welcome, and yes because I repel apple products lol.
new win10 user needs help, badly. (Resolved).
Best Answer darkmj16 , 06 April 2019 - 06:14 AM
My m.2 sets kinda in the middle of the board. Butni dont think its ever reached 30c. Now my data drive which its a 3.5 sits right in front of my intake lol good case design there. When i was gamin... Go to the full post »
Posted 01 April 2019 - 06:48 PM
Posted 04 April 2019 - 11:42 AM
the headset is...erm perma not working. (flys well, takes landings a bit hard though)
Just noticed that we had missed answering an earlier question;
also reading throw the report... the RAM is g.skill flare... but 2400 not 1200... problem?
No problem with your RAM, the RAM is working in dual channel mode, 2 Xs 1200MHz = 2400MHz
what are the general safe temp zones for cpu, gpu, and mobo?
There is no universal temperature for all hardware as they each vary with MBs being about the only item of the three that you mention being most similar, what I can say is that the cooler the better, if you look around online you can find info on temps of CPUs with one such example being CPU World AMD Ryzen 7 1700 specifications for some general information take a look at the WePC info here
You are welcome btw
Posted 05 April 2019 - 04:43 PM
lol @ kiwi. cant blame you there. i like the free source and customizing you can do with android, but its just a little to much customizing for me. plus i like everything integrated with each other to make it feel nice and smooth.
@phil ya, got a new headset anyway. a nice wired one. plugged in insta working like it should.
ok on ram, didnt really understand dual channel and what not. thanks for shedding some light.
thanks for the info! ya as mentioned before im deathly afraid of heat taking another computer. ive been told before i run my computers to cold lol. but anyway finding the specs for the temps will help me to choose a fan setting, im not convinced the default settings are suffecitant. and i say that bc at times my game will start screen tearing. then ill set the fans to max manually and the tearing stops. but i never get any overheating warnings and it doesnt always feel hot hot when i go to feel the fan air being blown out.
would either one of you be able to help with fan settings? or would that be a new thread thing?
Posted 05 April 2019 - 04:49 PM
@darkmj16 Nice, and glad it worked out for you too with getting a fix (new head set).
Posted 05 April 2019 - 04:57 PM
ya i wish it could be wireless but im not ready to deal with that headache again lol.
as for the fans i think i might of figured it out with the articles you posted. thank you! i believe i will need to add another fan (so itll be 1 in 2 out) however im wondering if maybe i should get 2 more fans, 2 in 2 out. the fornt of my case (where the 1 in is) can hold 2 120mm. while the rear of the case holds a 120mm on the back (currectly the out HOWEVER my cpu is water cooled, and the set up currectly is case, rad, fan. fan is pulling the air and pushing thought the rad and out the case) and the 2nd fan that i will be getting can be a 120mm that would mount on the top of the case.
heres the case i have. shame i cant have more fans since the mobo has 5 fan headers lol. any suggesting on fan routing or did i nail it?
Posted 06 April 2019 - 02:33 AM
I personally have 5 fans, 4 intakes and 1 exhaust.
Posted 06 April 2019 - 05:51 AM
The ideal cooling set up is the pull/push method but it needs balance, same amount of fans in the front as there is at the rear is good and the fans when possible should be the same diameter and run at the same RPMs, good cable management is also important as it reduces both noise and turbulence, often overlooked is cooling the HDDs which is important as they start having problems when they hit the 50°C mark, SSDs can operate at higher temps but should still be kept as cool as possible, top and side fans are a bonus but are only any good if the air that is being drawn in or expelled is unrestricted, the case material itself can get hot otherwise.
Posted 06 April 2019 - 06:14 AM
When i was gaming last night i has an overlay up watching temps with default fan settings, no tearing and cpu and gpu never got above i think it was 53c and 57c. I did have a vid card driver update though. Guessing the driver update fixed the tearing since it got released maybe a week after the other driver update.
My cable mgr is on par lol cant even tell i have cables. Something a friend taught many years ago. I think i will still get 2 more 120mm and move the rad to the top. The noise doesn't bother me that much since i have gaming headset.
Wish i ciuld have a 5th kiwi. But im not ready to try to cut up my case lol.
Thanks guys. I do believe all my questions and concerns have been answered. Since switching the power plan to balance everything has been working itself out. Thank again for that tip!! Never would of figured that out.
Posted 06 April 2019 - 07:36 AM
You are most welcome and thank you for concluding your thread darkmj16
Posted 06 April 2019 - 02:46 PM
Phillpower2, I have had my fans like this for a few months now and never had a problem with heat again, 2 from the top are in takes 2 at the front are intakes, and the 1 at the back is the exhaust. Everything in my PC has been more cooler since. Besides there is enough room at the back for air to get out as well as the exhaust. Positive air pressure.
Posted 07 April 2019 - 02:56 AM
Nothing wrong with having more fans than you need KiwiProbie and it certainly does no harm, there are downsides though which include, additional power draw, unnecessary noise and fans spinning but not actually achieving anything, if there is very little hot air to expel one exhaust fan is adequate, the crux of it is you want the same amount of cool, clear air being drawn in as warm/hot air is being expelled by the exhaust fans, many good quality PSUs now have thermally controlled cooling fans that slow down or stop once the internal temps of the PSU has dropped, both are done to reduce power draw and noise with the added bonus that it reduces wear on the fan bearings.
Posted 07 April 2019 - 05:43 AM
I don't mind the sounds of the fans to be honest, strangely enough I find it a little relaxing.
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