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Frequent Blue Screen Crashes

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 06 June 2020 - 06:35 AM

Thanks for the additional info   100% confirms that your RAM is good and that the A2 slot is bad   Should you have any problems with the RMA, offer to send the merchant a link t... Go to the full post »

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Okay, I removed the video card. I booted up the PC, and it functioned for about 5 minutes before I got another BSOD that read "IRQL not less than or equal." I'll post up the minidump as soon as I can get the computer to boot up, but it's stuck boot looping again.


*EDIT: I've been attempting to reboot the computer since I initially made this post, it has been consistently boot looping since then.
**EDIT 2: It has stopped boot looping, it's turning on and staying on, but now my monitor says there's no signal.

Edited by mcm.himself, 31 May 2020 - 07:49 PM.

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All of the above are most likely related so will go straight to your second edit.


The no signal message means that your screen is ok and that the problem is either with the source of the video or with the video cable that carries the signal, I suspect the source of the video here and I will explain below as to why.


I previously mentioned that there were two tests, one quick to do and one that would take a while, you have done the quick test and even though the results were not good you have gone some way to narrowing down the cause of the problem + you have effectively ruled out the GPU as the cause along the way, right, waffle over, the next test concerns the RAM and based on the update/s above it is looking like memory issues are the cause, in case you are not aware, to be able to provide video the CPU needs to use the system memory so any problems with the RAM you will get accompanying video issues such as the "No Signal" message, now to the job at hand, see canned info below;


How to physically test your RAM.


The following checks require the computer case to be opened so take the following safety precautions 1st, disconnect the power cord from the wall socket, press the case power button for twenty seconds or so to get rid of any residual charge in the system, take anti static precautions before touching anything inside, you can do this by touching a bare metal part of the case or PSU or if a notebook by touching a household radiator or associated copper feed pipe.

Have a pencil and notepad to hand.

Remove each stick of RAM and blow out the memory slots.

Insert the first stick of RAM in memory A2, reconnect the power and in the case of a desktop computer the video to screen cable.

Power up the computer and see how it goes.

Make a note of the results.

Repeat the procedure until the first stick of RAM has been tested in each memory slot and the results written down.

Remove the first stick of RAM and put it to one side on top of a piece of paper with the number one on it for identification purposes.

Repeat the procedure with all RAM until each stick has been tested in all slots, the results written down and the sticks identified numerically.


Now the really long winded part;


If no individual stick of memory or slot on the MB has an obvious problem all of the above needs to be repeated but this time by running Memtest 86 for each stick of RAM and in each slot on the MB and for at least 4/5 passes, for some reason that many of us cannot explain a stick of RAM may work in one slot on a MB but not in another.

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Slot A1 is inaccessible because of the cooling system over my CPU, but for the other memory slots here are the results:

RAM 1 in A2 - No boot looping, no signal to monitor
RAM 1 in B1 - "Memory module on non-optimized memory slot;" computer boots and the BIOS screen becomes visible, but what follows is a black screen with nothing but my mouse cursor visible
RAM 1 in B2 - Computer boots and the BIOS screen becomes visible, but what follows is a black screen with nothing but my mouse cursor visible

RAM 2 in A2 - No boot looping, no signal to monitor
RAM 2 in B1 - "Memory module on non-optimized memory slot;" computer boots and the BIOS screen becomes visible, but what follows is a black screen with nothing but my mouse cursor visible
RAM 2 in B2 - Computer boots and the BIOS screen becomes visible, but what follows is a black screen with nothing but my mouse cursor visible (interestingly, this combination led to my PC becoming functional for the most part during my first attempt, but upon attempting this a second time, it produced the same result as RAM 1 in B2)

Would these results suggest an issue with the slots?

Edited by mcm.himself, 01 June 2020 - 12:33 PM.

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RAM 1 in A2 - No boot looping, no signal to monitor


RAM 2 in A2 - No boot looping, no signal to monitor



Slot A2 very well may have a problem as that is the one slot that your MB user manual says to use when you only have one stick of RAM, the behaviour when trying the other slots is most likely the BIOS kicking off because there is no RAM in slot A2 which is the slot that the BIOS checks as part of the power on self test and the slot that is meant to provide the memory that the system boots from.


Long shot but try pulling the CMOS battery and leaving it out for a while, press the case power button for twenty seconds or so, put the CMOS battery back in, one stick of RAM in A2, reassemble, power up then post back with an update for us.


Going offline now but will check back asap tomorrow, good luck meanwhile.

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Unfortunately no dice, I pulled out the CMOS battery, drained the flea power, and placed the RAM in A2 and it's still showing no display. 

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Is there anyone that you can ask if they will test your RAM in their computer, it does look like a problem with the A2 slot but without determining if your RAM is ok we have no way of confirming it I`m afraid  :(

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Yes, fortunately I do. He may not be available until this weekend though, I'll keep you updated on the results as soon as I meet up with him.


Thanks again for all your help, Phil  :laughing:

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Sounds like a plan & you are welcome  :)

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I just wanted to post a quick update, I haven't met up with that friend just yet, but I went ahead and tested both RAM 1 and RAM 2 in slot B2 again, and they're both functioning. In each case I was able to boot up my PC and get Windows to run. I'm not sure if this necessarily confirms that it's likely an issue with the A2 slot as opposed to the RAM sticks themselves, as I can't speak to how consistent I can get these results given that it was just a black screen and mouse cursor just a few days ago.

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Good work on your behalf but it sounds bad for the A2 slot  :(


What would normally have been suggested first but wasn't because of your CPU cooler would be to insert the two sticks in slot A1 and B1 at the same to see if the computer would boot.


Your RAM appears to be ok but as things stand atm your options are limited as even if you are able to get the both sticks to work when both are in the board at the same time the RAM will only work in single channel mode meaning that you would have 16GB of RAM but only 50% of its performance.


Options, you could try restoring the MBs default factory settings in the BIOS to see if a bad setting is the cause of the A2 slot problem, if that does not help the only other option is to change the CPU cooler for one that does not block the use of the A1 slot and then use that slot along with slot B1, the latter is not guaranteed to work either as using these two slots is not one of the suggestions in the MB user manual, it may work ok but likewise it may work but not at the expected performance etc.


Let us know your thoughts.

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So I reset to default settings through the BIOS, the problem still persists with slot A2. 


Would it be safe to conclude that the cause of all the BSODs and boot looping I've been experiencing is the faulty RAM slot and nothing else? And that replacing the motherboard is a possible solution?

Fortunately the motherboard is still under warranty so I could probably get a replacement at little to no cost. Granted I would have to disassemble my entire PC and rebuild it once I can get a replacement, but I wouldn't mind.


A friend of mine built this PC for me a little over a year ago; I had essentially zero understanding of how it worked until this week haha. Between our conversation here on the forums and the research I've been doing on YouTube, I've come to learn a lot about this PC and building desktops in general. I think it would be fun to take a stab at reassembling it myself.  :spoton:

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Good news that there is still warranty on the MB  :thumbsup:



, if that does not help the only other option is to change the CPU cooler for one that does not block the use of the A1 slot and then use that slot along with slot B1, the latter is not guaranteed to work either as using these two slots is not one of the suggestions in the MB user manual, it may work ok but likewise it may work but not at the expected performance etc.



Before returning the board you need to do all the testing that you can, the above is one option but another would be to try the two sticks alongside each other in slots B1 & B2, the RAM if it works will only do so in single channel but what we are trying to do is check the RAM as much as we can and if it works ok in slots B1 & B2 it confirms that slot A2 is bad and you have grounds for an RMA.

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I went ahead and put the RAM in slots B1 and B2 since it may be a little while before I can get my hands on another CPU cooler. After receiving the "non-optimized memory slot" prompt again, the PC was able to boot into Windows and functions normally, so I'm fairly certain that the A2 slot is the problem.


Thanks again for all your help, Phil  :D I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can get the motherboard replaced and I'll keep you posted once I've reassembled my PC. I'm hoping this resolves the issue.

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I would say that you have confirmed that the A2 slot is bad, not ideal but you can at least start the RMA process.


Is your RAM being detected as 16GB but running in single channel mode.


You are welcome btw  :)

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Yes that's correct, it's 16 GB in single channel mode

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