Allow two to three hours for the following. Your 120 W7 will be safe as it is not connected.
Computer off.
1. Disconnect both the W7 120 and D Data drives. Only the 240 SSD should be connected.
2. Plug in the 2TB external USB Drive.
3. Plug in the RE USB and Boot to it.
4. On the left > click Restore.
5. On the lower left of the main window, if more than 1 image is displayed, Double click the last full backup of the W7 120 drive
it should have a matching date and ID to the one you saved. If not displayed > In the left menu, click Browse for an image.... on your 2Tb drive, > double click the file you want and it will appear on
the main window.
6. On the right of the lower window > click Restore Image. a new window will open. Your blank 240 SSD will be shown below the drive you are restoring.
7. Left click and hold down on the 1st partition in the top window, > drag it down to the blank disk below, and release.
8. Left click and hold down on the 2nd partition in the top window > drag it down to the right of of the 1st partition in the lower window,and release.
You will now see the 2 partitions and a block of unallocated space to the right.
9. In the lower window > click once on the C: partition.
10 On the line below the window > click Restore Partition Properties, a new window will open.
11 Click the Maximize size button and the partition will expand to fill the drive space. >> click OK, the window closes
12 At the bottom of the open window > click Next,
13 A confirmation window opens, if all is correct > at the bottom click Finish.
Go for coffee break.
When you get back.
1. At the Restore completed screen > click ok > at the bottom click Close. The main window remains open.
2. Use the RE power button to shut down.
3. Remove the RE USB, > unplug the 2TB Drive, > Connect the Storage D Drive, DO NOT connect the W7 120 Drive.
4. Boot. You should now enter the W7 on the 240 SSD
If you failed to Boot to the 120 SSD
1. Boot from the RE USB. > click the Restore button.
2. In the left menu > click Fix Windows Boot Problems
3. On the screen that opens > click Next > on the screen that opens, > click next > on the screen that opens > click Finish.
4. In the box that opens > click yes to restart the computer. You should then restart to the new W7 240 SSD