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Help with Python Task please

Python nested list programming Help Loop

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TASK: Calculate surface and volume of a cylinder

rhList = [[4.276, 7.000], [4.000, 8.000], [3.771, 9.000], \
[4.443, 3.142], [3.142, 6.284], [2.565, 9.425], [2.221, 12.566]]
rhList is given
Write a loop that does the following things:

Get the values for r and h from rhList:
Calculate Surface and Volume of a cylinder
Write out r, h, S og V with 3 decimales accuracy.
Save r, h, S og V in a nested list called resultList.

It should look like this when its done:
[[4.276, 7.0, 302.951168611585, 402.09003098979963],
[4.0, 8.0, 301.59289474462014, 402.1238596594935],
[3.771, 9.0, 302.5946920931822, 402.07349678766377],
[4.443, 3.142, 211.74431874567463, 194.85371033115726],
[3.142, 6.284, 186.08590738460174, 194.8939736674729],
[2.565, 9.425, 193.23528005185852, 194.80763343051234],
[2.221, 12.566, 206.35191318586456, 194.7350135716788]]

Edited by Student1122, 11 February 2021 - 04:31 PM.

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I don't think anyone is going to do your homework for you but if you  post the code you have so far we would be glad to help debug it.

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My first try is:

rhList = [[4.276, 7.000], [4.000, 8.000], [3.771, 9.000], \
[4.443, 3.142], [3.142, 6.284], [2.565, 9.425], [2.221, 12.566]]

ListO=[2*pi*r**2+2*pi*r*h for r,h in rhList]
ListV=[pi*r**2*h for r,h in rhList]
resultlist=[[O,V,r,h] for O,V in zip (ListO,ListV)]

Outcome :
[[302.951168611585, 402.09003098979963, 2.221, 12.566],
[301.59289474462014, 402.1238596594935, 2.221, 12.566],
[302.5946920931822, 402.07349678766377, 2.221, 12.566],
[211.74431874567463, 194.85371033115726, 2.221, 12.566],
[186.08590738460174, 194.8939736674729, 2.221, 12.566],
[193.23528005185852, 194.80763343051234, 2.221, 12.566],
[206.35191318586456, 194.7350135716788, 2.221, 12.566]]

I dont know how to get r,h from rhList to also run the loop. They stay the same, also how do i only get 3 decimales in this case?

my second attempt:

rhList = [[4.276, 7.000], [4.000, 8.000], [3.771, 9.000], \
[4.443, 3.142], [3.142, 6.284], [2.565, 9.425], [2.221, 12.566]]

for r,h in rhList:

print ('{0:0.3f} {1:7.3f} {2:10.3f} {3:15.3f}'.format(O,V,r,h))

302.951 402.090 4.276 7.000
301.593 402.124 4.000 8.000
302.595 402.073 3.771 9.000
211.744 194.854 4.443 3.142
186.086 194.894 3.142 6.284
193.235 194.808 2.565 9.425
206.352 194.735 2.221 12.566

Now the results are correct, but they dont come out as an nested list.

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    Malware Expert

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In your first example could you not do something like:



ListO=[Round(2*pi*r**2+2*pi*r*h for r,h in rhList,3)]
ListV=[Round(pi*r**2*h for r,h in rhList,3)]


Then create your ResultList from R, H, O & V


Note your output isn't in the order required by the original problem statement.  Should start with radius, height

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