TASK: Calculate surface and volume of a cylinder
rhList = [[4.276, 7.000], [4.000, 8.000], [3.771, 9.000], \
[4.443, 3.142], [3.142, 6.284], [2.565, 9.425], [2.221, 12.566]]
rhList is given
Write a loop that does the following things:
Get the values for r and h from rhList:
Calculate Surface and Volume of a cylinder
Write out r, h, S og V with 3 decimales accuracy.
Save r, h, S og V in a nested list called resultList.
It should look like this when its done:
[[4.276, 7.0, 302.951168611585, 402.09003098979963],
[4.0, 8.0, 301.59289474462014, 402.1238596594935],
[3.771, 9.0, 302.5946920931822, 402.07349678766377],
[4.443, 3.142, 211.74431874567463, 194.85371033115726],
[3.142, 6.284, 186.08590738460174, 194.8939736674729],
[2.565, 9.425, 193.23528005185852, 194.80763343051234],
[2.221, 12.566, 206.35191318586456, 194.7350135716788]]
Edited by Student1122, 11 February 2021 - 04:31 PM.