Please help analyze what's happening with the computer. It is Dell PC with Win 10 Pro.
Firstly, it was OFF when I returned home (it stays ON most of the time). It was a bit strange because Win updates usually end with Restart. I turned the machine ON, moved some image files from a card to a hard drive and tried to open one in PhotoShop. Photoshop program opened and immediately displayed an error message: "An unexpected and unrecoverable problem has occurred. Photoshop will now exit." Clicking OK displayed a new message from Visual C++: Runtime error. The Application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way." Clicking OK, did not did not close the PS, it just froze. When trying to kill the process in the Task Manager, the PS process displayed for a second and vanished. Re-opening the Task Manager, I was greeted with "There are no running apps" message.
Restarting computer led to the same problem, i.e. PS starts, freezes, etc.
Next, checking for Windows Updates, the only option to execute was "Feature update to Win 10, version 20H2" which I decided not to run just yet. Clicking on "View optional updates" showed a blank screen. Clicking on 'back' arrow, displayed another error message: "Something went wrong. Try to reopen Settings later.
Instead of Shut Down / Restart options, there were "Update and Shut Down" and "Update and restart". I chose the first option, but saw a "Restarting" message.
Please help run diagnostics.
Thank you!
Edited by BerDov, 04 April 2021 - 08:21 PM.