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My online history seems to have disappeared on my Win XP, Firefox sys

Windows Xp History

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I wonder if anyone could advise me.


Although I am aware of various peoples views on Win XP. I am aware of its vulnerablities.


Having used it for some time now, and have had some past issues...

But overall , I have been able to use it ok for basic general browsing the Internet without too many problems..


But this weeks for the 1st time that I can recall ... I seem to have an issue with my Online History having seemed to have disappeared or that it has stopped recording it..


This is not just a one off , as I have switched the computer on and off or restarted it a few times..

and the history options have not worked as they should.


AS FAR as I RECALL OR AM AWARE... I have NEVER deleted my URL history..


unless of recent times I accidentally clicked on something that I should not have..

BUT often to delete something there can be a two part of the process.. to fully confirm you intend to definately remove or delete something ...


On selection Firefoxs 3 bar option  shown in the top right corner, when I click on it...




there is options to select "History" or "Options".


IF I select History option.. I can then opt for the option the SHOW or View History SIDE bar... that then shows the full details of each past  months History internet URL in  folders.

In the past until this week.... when I click on each months last few  months folders..


There are options listed


Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days , This Month, then March Feb , January, Then the 2023 folders such as Dec 2023etc

then older than 6 months.


At the Left side of each option folder... there used to all show a Small Square box with a + PLUS sign in it

when when you click opens the folder to view the URL history for each specific history period.


BUT FOR SOME REASON...  The Plus sign boxes are missing on Yesterdays box and Februarys.

BUT all the option folders do show the PLUS sign  [ + ] 


Above those folders is a History  search bar and there is a VIEW box selction  on the right of the seach box .


if you click on the View Box.you can select by SITE or by DATE or Most Visited. or last visted

and at the top of the list is bt SITE and DATE,


IF I select by Site...EARLIER ON I COULD SEE. ALL the   BOXES showing the plus signs.  BUT when you click on each BOX...there are NO URLS shown in each of them...



to below..  that Option stopped showing any Folders at all for some unknown reason.


BUT when shown by date only ... that misses out the two that I described... ie yesterday and Feb.






SO I am NOT sure why when I select VIEW BY DATE... that two options do not show any Plus [+] box

or any URLs in any of the folders.


and AFTER I had checked all the options and then retried to select "BY SITE"  only...

that that later did not show any folders at all... they had all disappeared.


I DO HAVE enough disc space at least when I last  checked  of a few gbs..so its not like the disc is near its disc space  limit....


Other than it being some software of tech fault or that IT MAY BE THATI HAVE BEEN Hacked and someone messing with my system...and obtaining my history.


Then I am NOT sure what is going on.


I wonder if anyone who still has some faith with WIN XP may be able to offer any suggestions as to what may have happened ?


IF I select OPTIONS.... I can select to look at or remove history or tempory files , cache etc .

I often do regular browsing and cache and temporary internet file removals in which I have to select the Firefox Browser History option.


Selecting :  Options , Privacy, History, then selecting,  Clear recent History...

In which I have always just selected the select and click on clear the Cache.


I can select START shown on the low left bar on ones screen and then select Run and insert and then click Ok to delete the DNS.


ipconfig /flushdns



Operating and Browser Systems info:


Windows XP

Home Edition

Version 2002

Service Pack 3


AMD  Turion 64 Mobile


Browser :

Firefox  ESR  version


52.9.0  ( 32 Bit )


Can I ask... in ref to tell if my Computer Chip or Software is 64 or 32 Bit

Is that Just in relation to the Chip ? or and also certain software !


I am Not sure how to check unless

On trying to check for what BIT relates to my system.

I maybe a bit confused parden the pun.


As there a ref when I check my Windows XP version and details.

by going into control panel, then selecting systems , General.

Its shows Windows XP information.


It does NOT make it obvious to me what BIT option it maybe in terms of spelling it out

with full specific clarity.


IT mentions the AMD chip and mentions 64 Mobile...   BUT does that mean its therefore  64 BIT ?


BUT when I look at details for Firefox Browser. ... that refers to 32 BIT...



This link shows how to search various Windows Op systems to check for if its 32  or 64 bit.


I had to schroll down a bit to find Windows XP option...

and then It did NOT make obvious in the first part of the description..as it seemed to ref to Professional versions


but there is a ref to the Windows XP home version in a small box below the photo image that is shown.





There are no 64-bit versions of Windows XP Home or Windows XP Media Center Edition. If you have either of these editions of Windows XP, you're running a 32-bit operating system.






64 ot 32 BIT

  • 32-bit processors are older, slower, and less secure, while 64-bit processors are newer, faster, and more secure.
  • 64-bit systems handle large amounts of random access memory or RAM more effectively than 32-bit systems.
  • 32-bit hardware and software systems work with data in 32-bit pieces, while 64-bit hardware and software systems use data in 64-bit pieces.
  • A 64-bit processor should generally run a 64-bit version of Windows, although it can run a 32-bit version just fine. A 32-bit processor, however, can only run a 32-bit version of Windows.




To obtain my Internet usage I use a Iphones personal HOT spot and a Wireless Network adaptor..


A few weeks ago I had a problem with my iphone as it was full to capacity and I was unable to remove the photos

as there was not enough free disc space and I took it to a mobile shop and asked if they could help remove some photo files and tanfer some to a external Hard drive I gave them...which they did start to try to do for me... but it ended up taking longer than expected and it was towards the last hours open time and I wanted my phone back so they had to cancel the data transfer...


where they said they had to inially take a back up copy .


They did not make it clear if they had actually removed any files.. but they had NOT copied any to my ext HardDrive

and the told me to go back nd to allow them more time to do the process.


When I got home and looked the phone.. I could see 178 MBs had been removed...when prior there was only 8 mbs free space on a 16 GB phone...


When I tried connecting to the internet later... That did allow the hotspot to work ok.

and for the first week or two I could see ALL my History ok on my laptop computer..

which is the one I refer to with my problem wich uses Win XP./ FF.


whether or not the may had done anything to the I phone that may monior my internet use somehow..


that MAY be possible I would think and may explain my problem...I WOULD this was NOT the case.


but its the only thing that I can think off...at least for now that be the cause of my problem... unless someone else has since hacked my system.


The only other I had done recently was to change to another Mobile phone network privider also in the last month.

but things had been Ok for the initial 3 to 4 weeks when I started using their service.

Edited by dowsp, 20 April 2024 - 02:00 AM.

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In ref to my Initial post, so far it seems to have had a lot of views but no reply as yet.


IN REF to my Problem with FIREFOX  browser History...  ( MY Google Chrome history seems all OK )


Since my post... I later found I could Not find my past History in various folders, such as for prior 7 days or last month... or each past months, such as

April, March, Feb, Jan  or Prior 6 Months.


BUT I was able at one point to see a list of what I think was my whole history for what I think was at least for  the prior 12 months or more or maybe even r since I started to use the Computer which would be over 5 yrs worth.  BUT as I mentioned the file histry was NOT shown as being in any  Titled Folder description.


THEN.... Today I turned on my Computer and I have found ALL my Past History  files has totally disappeared.


Just to recheck in case it was just some unusual error...or glitch.


I have since restarted the computer to recheck if that History had disappeared  and it does appear to have done so.


I did a search to see if there was any way to recover deleted History.


and found this link.




I wonder if anyone can confirm if they would advise me to try this approach ?


IF it is the answer to my initial query... I am surprised that no one made a reply to suggest trying this as an option.

Unless there is some risk involved that they do not recommend.



Upon following what it says... to try to recover my history


1. Click "Start" > "Search" > "Tools" > "Folder Options." 2. Click "View" > select "Show hidden files and folders" > uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" and "Hide protected operating system files"


IF I was to do this step. I get a warning that If I click YES to this step , that IT could make my Computer Inoperable.


So I am rather wary about committing to chancing or risking that option. at least without Asking for further advice from a G2go Forum Expert Advisor.

(uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" and "Hide protected operating system files")


IF I get advised that its safe to proceed...to the above


Then there is a ref to  a index.dat file


and also to


Download and install index.dat file reader on your PC if you don't have one


In ref to knowing IF I ALREADY have a   "index.dat file reader"


Is there a way that I can check if I already may have this file ?


Would such a index.dat file reader not normally be part of the Windows Histroy Systems files.


3. Click search in "All Files and Folders" in the C Drive > type index.dat in search bar > click "Search". 4. Download and install index.dat file reader on your PC if you don't have one



I SEEM TO RECALL.. Some years ago when I used a very early Windows System.. well before Windows XP... that it was easily possible to select various Restore History Options... or RESET  points for one past Internet History dates... maybe say such as selecting various time frames. such as selecting just short term such as the past day or two... or the prior week or month, or maybe even longer time frames, of 6 to 12 months or more.


Is that something that is not easy to change on more modern Windows Systems or even since Windows XP came out..



Follow the step resolve the problem easily. Restore Firefox History Using Backup Copies Backup copies of deleted Firefox history are stored in hidden files named as index.dat files. If you have accidentally delete Firefox history, you can recover it by locating the index.dat file.

1. Click "Start" > "Search" > "Tools" > "Folder Options." 2. Click "View" > select "Show hidden files and folders" > uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" and "Hide protected operating system files". 3. Click search in "All Files and Folders" in the C Drive > type index.dat in search bar > click "Search". 4. Download and install index.dat file reader on your PC if you don't have one. 5. Open index.dat file within the reader > Click on the Firefox browsing history you want to restore > Click "Restore". Then you can open your Firefox browser to check all your restored history now.

I hope resolve your problem then reply back to me.

Thank you asked Question in Mozilla support.


Arman khan



Edited by dowsp, 06 May 2024 - 08:42 PM.

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