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Ok We can use a boot disk and that should get drive d working.
If we go down this track there is a good chance that the upgrade cd will reinstall windows
But not 100%.
If we take this option any programs that you do not have the disk for will most likely not work as programs write files to the registry and since we will be replacing the registry they will not work.

Boot the machine and when you get any error message hit enter, hit enter on all the errors.
If windows starts leave the computer running. If I am not on line and windows does start have a look if Wannabe1 is online.
go to this link: http://www.geekstogo...forum/index.php and at the bottom of the page is a list of who is online, click on his name and PM him that windows is up and he will help you.

Edited by peterm, 31 October 2005 - 11:06 AM.

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If windows does not start
Restart the computer. When you see the "Starting Windows " message, press the F8 key, and then select Safe mode command prompt only from the Startup menu.
Type the following line to export the registry
regedit /l:c:\windows\system.dat /e c:\system.txt enter
Type the following lines, and press ENTER after each line: cd\windows
attrib -s -h -r system.dat
Type the following line to rename the current registry file: ren system.dat system.old
regedit /l:c:\windows\system.dat /c c:\system.txt
Restart Windows

Edited by peterm, 31 October 2005 - 12:19 PM.

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If windows still won't start

1. Restart the computer. When you see the "Starting Windows " message, press the F8 key, and then select Safe mode command prompt only from the Startup menu.
2. Type the following line to export the User.dat portion of the registry
type the following line:
regedit /r:c:\windows\user.dat /e c:\user.txt ENTER
3. Type the following lines, and then press ENTER after each line:
attrib -s -h -r user.dat
4. Type the following line to rename the User.dat file:
ren user.dat user.old
5. Type the following line to import the User.dat portion of the registry:
regedit /r:c:\windows\user.dat /c c:\user.txt
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sending message :tazz:
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in regard to post #256: first i am to boot computer...just want to make sure i understand... in this step i will go to microsoft and make a boot disk and use that, correct? oh ok remember it has to be a cd not floppy, ok so far?


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Sorry Skip #256 now
and try #257 then if it does not start #258
We will back track to #256 if we have to.
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is this typed correctly: regedit /|:c:\w...

so there is a space after regedit

no space between \ and windows


thank you

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Hi Caron
That is correct.
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hi peterm~

trouble with my typing?

is this correct?

regedit /|:c:\windows\system.dat /e c:\system.txt




if i;m thinking right i think this would mean there are a total of 3 spaces only ...after regedit and after dat and between e and c

i am getting bad file name or invalid switchBad command

Edited by caron, 05 November 2005 - 07:06 PM.

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Hi Caron
After regedit /l
is that the letter L you are using? and not the pipe command | they both look the same
You should be using the L

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hi peterm~
yes, i was using the pipe...when i used the L tje command seemed to work, no error message, but the drive just kept spinnng...nonstop...no result...the same happened wiyj post #258

at work there is a w98 machine i can use, can i use it to make something to restore mine?

i also have a w2000 cd...don't know how w98 compares to w98,

remember how my cd drive was not working until i changed the order in the bios ...well maybe i could do something like that to make the floppy work



Edited by caron, 06 November 2005 - 04:01 AM.

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hi peterm~

i was thinking:
  • maybe with all of my experimenting i moved some vital info...and when the program cleaned... it ckeaned the necessary files...so the stuff is just not there
  • can i use the 98 machinr at work to make some sort of recovery/resstore disk? what about compatability?
  • would you take a look at this and tell me what you think,,,some of the errors are identical BUT their machines were booting with the errors. (i am trying to find out how to get you to the right spot) ( be right back)
  • well then i guess this
i understand that you need to share your time, so whenever is good.



Edited by caron, 06 November 2005 - 01:02 PM.

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Hi Caron
Lets not throw it out just yet.
You said you have computers at work with 98
1) Do they have a 98 cd you can borrow?
2) Does the computer at work have a cd burner?

If it has a burner then we need to see if the cab files are on the hard drive.
Go to Start > Find > files or folders. In the box that pops up next to Named (top line)
*.cab find now .
If the files are there they should look like Win98_02.cab (about 14 – 15 or more files)
If they show up burn them to a cd.

If you do not have have a burner at work or the files are not there then get a 3.5” floppy disk and on the computer at work
· Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Add/Remove Programs, and then clicking the Startup Disk tab.
· To make a startup disk, you will need one floppy disk with at least 1.2 MB capacity.
· When you insert the startup disk in your computer before restarting, the computer starts from that disk, not from your hard drive.
· Or go to www.bootdisk.com & make a bootdisk
· The startup / boot disk goes on to a floppy not a cd.
This will leave us with 2 options
1) We try the 98 upgrade disk you have with the boot disk. If I am not on line when you get to this point have a look if Wannabe1 is on line 1 of us will guide you through what to do next.
2) This option should start the computer however any programs you have on the computer that write files to the registry – Microsoft office etc will not work unless you have the original cd.
1. Restart the computer. When you see the "Starting Windows 98" message, press the F8 key, and then select Safe mode command prompt only from the Startup menu.
2. Type the following command to move to the Windows folder cd \windows
3. Type the following line:
attrib -s -h -r system.dat
4. Type the following line:
ren system.dat system.xxx
5. Type the following line:
cd \
6. Type the following line:
attrib -s -h -r system.1st
7. Type the following line
copy system.1st c:\windows\system.dat
8. Type the following line:
attrib +s +h +r system.1st
9. Restart your computer.

Edited by peterm, 07 November 2005 - 02:17 AM.

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Before you do anything in my previous post
Start the computer and either hold down the Ctrl key or tap F8
When you get the screen with the choice of how to start the computer choose
Step by step confirmation.
The 1st option should be to process the system registry press N
then press Y for the next lot but read each one and when it gets to the questions about
loading VXD files if the 2 files we are having trouble with show up answer N
then answer Y to the rest.
Does windows start now?

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hi peterm~

been trying to get back to you, but been working and schooling nonstop...

i have not even read the last two post, going to do that now and then sleep on it. well actually i read the first sentence or two something about a burner at work. will find out tomorrow. no windows 98 as this point. will continue reading..

thanx so much! will try to do as much as i can.



as i was about to press send i noticed the last post well try now. oh will you pretty please look at this there are so many similarities:go to www.annoyances.org
search in all forums for message #1126105908 also search 98 forum message #1023368763 and message #1044483609 let me know what you think
i cant believe you have been guiding me through this for so long...
thanx again

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