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installing WIN98

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Well, I'm just going to get started on installing WIN 98 on new (120GB) hard drive on older Compaq Pressario 5150. Why? Great deal on Seagate drive and my wallet is not ready for a new puter! I've read the section here about a clean install.

My only questions that I can think of at this time is partitioning. I'm planning on setting four partitions. I believe I understand how.

I'll follow this format's guide and respond how things are going.

I'm using my Mac G3 laptop to be online.

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Well, I've had some usual family disruptions. What is the BIOS/startup so that the CDROM starts first?
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I take that you still have the old hard drive and the operating system is still on it. for you will need it to format and partition the new drive. If your drive came with a software disk install the software on the old drive and make the new drive a slave. You may have trouble with the computer seeing the entire drive. If so follow the instructions included with the drive. If you dont have the software or instructions go to the Seagate website and download them to your machine. And read the instructions thoroughy. Use the software to format and make any partitions you want, it was designed to work with Seagate drives. Also you may be able to use it to copy an "image" of your old drive to the new one, saving all your files and programs and eliminating the need for an installation.
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I appreciate the response.

My other hard drive is dead. I have nothing to copy or use. I am starting with a brand new hard drive. The problem of HD sizes is something like 138GB or larger. The new Seagate I have is 120GB so size should not be a problem.
Things are a little difficult in that I don't appear to be able to use the Geeks information on installing a new drive. Compaq has what they call a Quick Restore CD that has all the original software. It has a type of restoration process. The drive I'm installing, Seagate, has an installation CD also. It appears the Quick Restore wants to simply load the original software. The Seagate CD seems to want to do some sort of a preparation. Seagate only gives me an option to chose WIN98SE but not plain WIN98. I have WIN98 not 98SE. Should I assume I should start with the Seagate CD and choose the WIN98SE? The Seagate software says something about it determining the size and maybe number of partitions. It also asks about FAT 32 or 16, I've forgotten which to use. Do I remember 16 is for older systems? I replaced a HD (40GB Maxtor) on this computer before and I'm rather sure I used FAT32 on it then - does this sound correct?

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Hi bamakodaker

Run the Seagate software first to partition and format the drive. Win98SE will work just fine and you'll want to format to FAT32. There can sometimes be other issues that crop up using OEM restore disks to install the operationg system, but we'll burn those bridges once we get to them.

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Ran Seagate, made 4 equal sized partitions, I used Default setting for Clusters. It asked for Setup floppie. I used one I had written Win98 startup disk. I believe the date was 2001. I hope it had what I really needed.
It asked to have software CD so I put in Compaq's Restore. It warned all data would be lost. Does that include the partitioning? It did not ask where to install original software. Am I to assume it put it within first partition? Wouldn't that be referred to as Drive 1 or A?
I hope I have things going correctly at this point.
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Opps, would there be any problematic difference in going with a Full Restore rather than a Quick Restore?
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So far...so good. :tazz:

Your partitions will be fine and you have no data to loose so that's ok. Did you label the partitions or use default values? If default, the partitions should be "C", "D", "E", and "F". Your floppy drive will be "A" and your cd-rom will probably be "G". The software contained on the Restore cd will be installed in the "C" partition by default and that's ok, too.

You're doing great! Keep moving ahead.....

EDIT...Do the Full Restore.


Edited by wannabe1, 04 September 2005 - 04:52 PM.

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wannabe's got you on the right track for a new install. Your product key may be on the back of your getting started manual, or on the case of your computer.
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Did a Full Restore and ran a Virus Scan from the Restore CD
System cannot read the boot sector of logical disk F.
I can not move up to read scan results. It appears to be done in 44 seconds. It is now at an A:\> prompt.
Why the scan? It came back to that "page" for the restore and the Virus Scan was one of the options. My thinking is there isn't a boot section in F anyway.
At this point am I to do anything else? Should I install boot section in other Drive locations?
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Is your startup disk still in the floppy drive? If yes, remove it and reboot. And no, there should not be a boot sector in drive F.

EDIT...Remove the restore cd from the cd-rom drive, too.

Edit 2...That seemed a little quick for a Full Restore...are you sure it has completed?


Edited by wannabe1, 04 September 2005 - 05:26 PM.

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I did not time the Restore but it seemed like a long time to me!
Floppie out, CD out - rebooting. So far not asking for Product Key.
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OK, got the Product Key part done.
Went to setting up printer, when I selected button for having CD I couldn't get it to load so I'll just do that later. Instructions on that CD driver seem to indicate it is for a later add on anyway.
Was I supposed to make any boot disks yet or is that later?

Hmmm, I got back to the part asking for printer driver. The options with the installed software list an IJ200, I have a 300. I selected 200 and got back to a window saying install CD with drivers. I installed but couldn't find the CD player. When I did a browse I have hard drives c, d: dsk1_vol2, e, f, and CD is g. (?? Sounds like something is incorrect there) Anyway - it asking to copy files, searching for autodlc2.exe on the Driver installation CD and can find it. What should I go back to?

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c, d: dsk1_vol2, e, f

Is this in My Computer????

Make sure there are no disks in the drives and reboot again...when asked for the printer drivers, click cancel (we'll get to those in a few minutes). How does the operating system look? Does everything seem to be working ok? How's the display and desktop?

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All those drive listings I saw when I went to Browse as it was looking for printer drivers. I just thought the CD was to be something like C rather than G.
As part of the registration, I guess it was going to call via the 56K dialup modem - which is not connected as I now use a DSL Lite setup. I have not rebooted after the OS started. Everything has looked good! I haven't seen it in a long time now!
As part of the registration and it trying to call in - it says - the TAPI device is not available for use, close other applications then select Retry.
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