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How-to repair Windows XP

Windows Repair How-to XP

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zee alice

zee alice

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hey that's really interesting, ill see if it solves my problem.
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john lee

john lee

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Oh ! thats the way to repair the computer I always try the first repair message and it get me directly to dos mode
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I have lost my CD. can anyone have a link a free installer of windows xp?
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I was forced to repair my Windows XP system because of corrupt files. As a result it was downgraded from SP3 to SP2 and IE went from version 8 to version 6. When I try to run Microsoft/Windows Update I get a message "The requested lockup key was not found in any activation context", and when I try to update to IE8 I am told that I need to download an update before installing IE. The update does not install and I am then invited to download and install it manually, I am told that it cannot open my default browser, despite the fact that my default browser (Firefox) is already up and running. The same problem occurs if I try to download SP3 from the Microsoft website,leaving me with a blank page with this URL "http://xpsp.dlservic...3-x86-ENU.exe". IE opens my home page and some of its sub pages, but gives the same error message for all other websites. When I run the WGA software I am told that I need to activate Windows, but when I click on the Activate Windows icon, absolutely nothing happens. Can anyone help? :D ;)

Edited to add, 7 October 2010 19.00 BST
Further to this, I think I have eventually managed to restore my PC to normality. I had to download a programme from Microsoft, called FixIt, in order to turn on automatic update. This then allowed me to download SP3, along with other updates. When invited to restart, I was unable to log on without activating Windows, but clicking on the Activate Windows button, nothing happened. I eventually had to go into Safe Mode in order to download IE8, and when I restarted in normal mode, the activation of Windows worked. It then told me that it could not load my personal settings, but a further reload solved this problem. ;)

Edited by smcc42, 07 October 2010 - 11:56 AM.

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This thread is really worth following. It's one of the oldest sites on windows fix that I've ever bookmarked.
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I just went through the Windows Repair on this page, but then when my computer went through the re-start, I now just have a black screen. Any ideas?
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Ok, so I'm having some problems with my computer (obviously). My windows explorer doesn't run properly all the time and I keep getting viruses a couple days after deleting them. I figured I'll just wipe the HD. Unfortunately, I don't have my discs to do so. Is there a site that I can go to to get everything I need including the drivers and programs I need?
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I suggest you go to the Malware Removal and Spyware Removal Forum and run all the steps located in the
START HERE. These self-help tools will help you clean up 70% of problems on your own.
If you are still having problems after doing the steps, then please post the reguested logs in THAT forum.
If you are unable to run any of the tools then start a new topic in the malware forum and put this in the subject line...I am unable to run any malware tools

If you are still having problems after being given a clean bill of health from the malware expert, then please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).

Add a link to this topic so that malware tech can see what steps have been taken here
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Why does the setup look different on my computer? I'm all confuse now.
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After I press F8 I dont get the repair screen. I get a screen that says

The following list shows the existing partitions and unpartitioned space on the computer.

To set up windows xp on the selected item press enter
To create a partition in the unpartitioned space, press c
to delete the selected partition, press D

Does this mean my old version of XPis to corrupt to repair? What do I do on this screen???

That's how my screen look if I remember... don't know what to do with it
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To make a repair on windows xp home sp3, will I have to get a windows xp home cd with the same service pack? And how do I know which service pack the cd has? The one I have from mirosoft doesn't say anything about service packs. It just says windows xp home edition.

If I have a windows xp home edition sp3 and try to repair with the above cd, will I have problems? And if yes, waht problems?
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i run windows xp pro on my hp desktop. i decided to create an extra partition on my C disk and proceeded to install windows 7 on it. i then deleted the windows 7 os along with the extra partition and now have just xp pro running as before with just one partition.

ever since that point, whenever i need to reboot my pc, it prompts me to specify whether to boot with windows 7 or an earlier os - which is a little bit annoying since there's only one os, windows xp pro.

how can i repair this?
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The problem is your boot.ini file. It still references the Win7 bootup. Lets take a look at it.

Please do the following in the exact steps. Failure to do so could make the boot.ini damaged and cause unstable or unusable results with your system.:

Save a Backup Copy of Boot.ini

1. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl and then click OK.
2. Click on the Advanced tab, and then click Settings
3. In the Startup and Recovery area at the bottom click Settings.
4. Under System Startup click Edit. This opens the Boot.ini file in Notepad ready for editing.
5. In Notepad, click File on the Menu bar, and then click Save As.
6. First in here change the location in the top white drop down box to Desktop. Then in the file name change to Boot.old and save as Text Document(*.txt) and save it to your Desktop and then click Save

Please copy and paste all the lines from your Boot.ini file in your next reply.
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;Warning: Boot.ini is used on Windows XP and earlier operating systems.
;Warning: Use BCDEDIT.exe to modify Windows Vista boot options.
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional"

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Hmm ok it's not in your boot.ini file. It has to be in the MBR then.
Do you have a XP installation disk?
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