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    Notepad warrior

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That means Duplicate as in Duplicate topic most likely... You must have double posted...
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You have made 3 topics, where only one is allowed. (If this is for more than one computer, however, then please send a PM to Rorschach112 explaining this, and he will reopen the others).

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No, it was for the same computer, but I never got a response even now, 3 days later where as everyone else who posted at the same time as me and even hours later than mine, got help and answers..And I had to fix something in a post and didn't know that I could edit it. I found that out yesterday.
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    Notepad warrior

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If you've been waiting for more than 3 days than visit The Waiting Room.. Make sure to read the pinned topic there :)
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    GeekU Admin

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It's not 3 days yet - you posted on the 22nd and it's now the 24th. There are other people who posted on the same day as you who have not gotten help yet either - we try to get to everyone, but we have a lot more people that need help than we have people to help them.
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Wow, you are right; it hasn't been three days yet. I thought it had been for some reason. I'm sorry. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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    GeekU Admin

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It's ok - it probably seems longer when you're waiting. If you don't get helped before then, definitely post in the waiting room.
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    Notepad warrior

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Hey guys, I notice that *most* the Moderators, Tech Staffs, Administrators, etc. have an image in their signatures that look like this:

Posted Image

I was just wondering if you have an option to get these when you become a mod or trusted staff...

EDIT: Sorry Sari: Not sure If I'm allowed to use yours as an example...

Edited by piano9playa5, 06 December 2008 - 03:06 PM.

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    GeekU Admin

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Once you become staff, these become an option. It's only available to staff members. It's ok that you used mine.
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    Notepad warrior

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K, thanks :)
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    Notepad warrior

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Hey, I was just wondering if I found an error on the site or if I have to wait for something but anyways:

When I try to edit my Personal Statement, I type what I want in and then hit save settings; it takes me back to the forum home. Then when I look at my profile I see that it still says:

"piano9playa5 doesn't have a personal statement currently."

Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to wait for it to be checked by an admin or seomthing first??

Anyways, thanks..
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    Semper Paratus: Always Ready

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Hey, I was just wondering if I found an error on the site or if I have to wait for something but anyways:

When I try to edit my Personal Statement, I type what I want in and then hit save settings; it takes me back to the forum home. Then when I look at my profile I see that it still says:

"piano9playa5 doesn't have a personal statement currently."

Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to wait for it to be checked by an admin or seomthing first??

Anyways, thanks..


I just edited mine to check to see if there was anything amiss. Did you somehow exceed the 300 character max for the Personal Statement? I am unaware of any rule that says you have to wait to have anything typed in your profile checked by an admin - Just be aware of the TOS, and the GeekU Rules, and make sure that you do not place anything there that coud violate it. It could be that if you exceeded the maximum, and this could be the issue, but I am only making an educated guess here :)

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If you're still having troubles, perhaps doing a hard refresh might do the trick. Press CTRL + F5 and try again.
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    Notepad warrior

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Well I'm positive that I'm not over 300 characters here, because I was already suspecting that so I tried a test with 5 characters just to see... but nothing has changed...

I'll try the refresh and update this post in a few seconds......

UPDATE: Nothing new, still the same old thing...

I'm running out of ideas here... I have two thoughts:

One: I can't update certain information due to GeekU = Not possible as **Brian**'s works fine

Two: I have already updated it and only I can't see it... Someone want to check?

--Thanks for you help guys

Edited by piano9playa5, 10 December 2008 - 09:18 PM.

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    Tech Staff

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piano9playa5 doesn't have a personal statement currently.

Not working yet. Have you cleaned out your temp files? Perhaps try a different web browser?

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