Hi, I am back faced with the same situation. But i have done some research and have new thoughts about my main problem.
Please feel free to jump in and tell me im stupid at any time, For that makes no difference to me at this point.
Now i have read all there is to read on this subject. I am on WORKGROUP which "All computers are peers; no computer has control over another computer" http://prntscr.com/6hbjcx
So my thinking if correct, Tells me that me being in a 'workgroup' instead of 'Homegroup', Means i would not have the rights to do anything critical to the system such as create a restore point. (Creating a restore point to fall back on if what i was about to do to the computer was a fail....) I hope im making since to you, It makes perfect since in my head i may just have problems describing what im thinking, Or leaving some important details out of my thoughts.. Before this all started getting messed up, I remember changing my names of the computer but i was unaware it changed my Admin rights. If this made any sense to you, would you reply with thoughts or opinions on this matter.
The reason i ask these questions now is because
i typed cmd and brought up comand prompt right clicked ran as administrator and when it got to where it said
i wrote 'net user' It said
C:\Windows\system32>net user
User accounts for \\MICROSOFT
Administrator GhettoWatta Guest
Leroy new smith
Now i don't know exactly what that is telling me,
But... 'Leroy' is an account i just made trying to fix this system restore problem a month ago, 'new' account was made after 'Leroy', so the 'new' account is right around a week old. and 'smith' was the original account first account made on this pc.
i have 5 user accounts to choose from when logging into windows. ( other, 'other', Leroy, new, smith,) The second 'other' is the user profile i use. i have passwords to each and everyone of them. (This is my computer.) so please don't think i am trying to steal info or what have you.
Edited by Leroyman, 15 March 2015 - 07:22 PM.