Hum, what about nvlddmkm.sys? BlueScreen View is saying it seemed to be caused by that, which I believe is Nvidia. This is in the one from 23 September.
I've already run sfc /scannow a couple of days ago as part of the All-in-One Windows Repair. Attaching that log.
DriverMax has had me update the Nvidia display drivers, and there's a few other things as well that I've not done.
Here's the rest of what it says:
One more is cut off from that image but is not up to date as well: Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller, New version available
I'll try removing the game-ready features now, as other games appear to work fine, and MGSV is the only one for which I have these features installed.
EDIT: 'Reverted' my Nvidia settings for MGSV but that did no-thing as the PC's after its latest blue screen, and apparently neither did the update do any thing. I'm in safe mode now, about to remove all the Nvidia driversand then install them again. Was going to use Driver Fusion but thought better of it in favour of the regular Add/Remove Programmes function. DriverMax doesn't seem to have a driver removal function however, just an updater. Adding the latest dump as well, which according to BlueScreen View implicates nvlddmkm.sys once again.
EDIT 2: Uninstalled and reïnstalled my Nvidia card as I said I would, and played/ran MGSV for several hours. Not exactly new information but every time I play the game it strengthens the theory that sleep is the problem, as there's only a problem when coming back from sleep (and only when I play MGSV). Will put the PC to sleep now and run the game again to-morrow, see what it does and has my driver exercise helped.
EDIT 3: Once again on waking the computer my initial attempt to play the game caused it to crash. Can't remember but I think it blue-screened on the first attempt to play as opposed to the usual pattern of crashing the game on the first attempt and the whole PC on the second attempt. Either way, here's the dump file. After the blue screen and restart, the game ran fine for as long as I wanted it to before I'd quitted it. I wish I could test the game without the graphics card but I'd hardly expect it to run using the onboard graphics. Perhaps a friend has one I could try. I've been getting slight graphical artefacts, such as parts of a programme remaining visible when I minimise the window, or sometimes the shapes of some buttons remaining on the screen as totally black shapes. Any of this goes away fairly quickly after minimising but Idon't remember it happening before a few weeks ago, round the time this started. Thanks again.
Edited by For the love of sod., 25 September 2015 - 11:56 AM.