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Before a clean install of Win 10...

- - - - - Moving data from C: to D: ...

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Accumulated "junk?"  I referred to "what-not!"  That's basically what I was talking about.  This probably happens to all PC's ultimately.  I don't think I have that many programs installed.  And when I download stuff, I very careful to say no to all the bloatware that sometimes comes with the download.  Most of what's there are programs meant to clean out that junk.  I don't remember where I got help.  The only thing I noticed happening after installing and running a zillion programs meant to help clean out my system is that one of my setting was lost.  :)  I don't think it's possible to clean out all the junk that way unless you have an almost infinite amount of time to work on it.  And I'm slow.  So I'd need even more time!  


Yes!  I need to do just the regular upgrade now.  :(  But then at some point, soon, I need to learn how to reinstall Win 10, clean.  I'm not sure if you were able to get anything out of the picture I sent you of the back of the external drive.


Were you able to make out what kind of USB port that is, on the back of the drive?  

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Hi! :)

It seems that it is a MiniUSB 2.0. But it says USB 2.0 so i'm not sure. Do you have a smartphone? Their chargers usually have an adapter and a cable that is MiniUSB to USB. Try using such a cable to connect it. I need the exact make and model of the EXTERNAL HARD DISK and the ones of your PC, so i can see what ports do they have. If you know that you can tell me. eSATA seems to be the best one, but your PC might not have eSATA port (especially if it is a laptop).

PS.: I have posted Router instead of external hard disk. Now it is ok after the edit.

Edited by MystiqueWolf, 20 June 2016 - 08:59 AM.

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OK, I have an iPhone.  It has an Apple LIGHTNING connector so I can't use it for the external hard disk.  After you told me the port on the HD was a USB mini, then I did a little work and found that it's most probably a USB mini B port, on the external hard disk.

The make and model of the HD is:

1 TB G Drive 

by... G Technology


I'm pretty sure I have no eSATA ports on my computer.


I'll be satisfied to connect the HD with a USB mini B to standard USB, 2.0.  I'm pretty sure 2 and 2.0 mean the same thing.  There are two kinds of USB mini connectors.  USB mini A, and B... and they are different from each other and not the same as the LIGHTNING connector I have on my iPhone charger.  There are also USB MICRO connectors which are different from the minis!


I'll thank the gods if the dam external HD actually works after all this hassle!

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Android phones usually have one type of charger cables, USB to USB mini. iPhone has a different charger but you already know that. Is your drive THIS one? On the page for that drive it says it has only a USB3.0 and FireWire interfaces. USB 2.0 cables work for USB 3.0 interfaces.Please take a look HERE. When you bought the HD, didn't it come with a manual or a cable? At the second link you can see all manuals for products of G-Technology produces drives.
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I'm back home now.  One of the manuals is probably good enough to use for the external drive I have but I'm not sure.  Mine is old and I can't find a manual for that exact one.  I ordered the proper cable so when I get it, I'll test the drive and install it if it works.  Then I'll try to move the files on the C drive to the D drive. 


The drive you picked out was not the right one.


I tried to COPY all the files from the C drive to the D drive but I got an error message.


"You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this file."


I AM the administrator of this PC!  Can you shed some light on this yucky situation? 


I suspect there's a special procedure for copying files from one drive to another because doesn't moving the files break links and stuff?  When the C drive gets wiped, the original files will be gone.  And after Win 10 is installed, I don't want to put those personal files back on the C drive.  I wanna keep them on the D drive, (where they should've been in the first place).  And I'll want to delete the copy of the old OS.  (I donno how I'm gonna do that!)

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Okay, first, what files exactly did you try to move to D:\? Did you try to move each and every folder/file on C:\ to D|? If you are able to please give me a list of the folders that you copied to D:\. You have to move only the documents, music, videos, pictures, and important personal and/or business files. The best bet is to upload them to a cloud based backup provider such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox etc.

Please download Speccy from HERE and install it. Then, run Speccy and wait for about 2 minutes till it analyzes your system. Then click on "FIle" -> "Publish Snapshot" -> click on "Yes". Copy the link to the snapshot in your clipboard and paste the link inside your next post. You are free to uninstall the program through Control Panel after that.

For now just do the above and then we'll proceed further. Please don't make changes or move files for now unless i tell you so. Deal? :)

Edited by MystiqueWolf, 26 June 2016 - 02:36 PM.

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Okay, please continue with the other instructions.

I see that your SSD drive is 476GB big, can you confirm that this is correct? If yes, then that is well above the need for Windows 10, and actually in almost all cases this single drive has enough capacity for all your needs. However, you may want to have only the Windows OS and your programs there which you would like to run fast, like games. Again, please answer the remaining questions from my previous post and from this one, and then i will be able to help you.
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"Okay, first, what files exactly did you try to move to D:\?"


I tried to copy everything, (personal files and games, PLUS the OS. 

I did this because copying individual files was confusing.  I didn't know what to copy and what to leave alone so I just tried to copy everything.



Did you try to move each and every folder/file on C:\ to D|?


No!  I didn't try to MOVE anything!  :)  I tried to COPY everything from C to D... including the OS.



If you are able to please give me a list of the folders that you copied to D:\.


I can't give you an exact list but here's a general list of the type of data I tried to copy.

*The OS running on this computer now.  I COPIED it.  I didn't try to MOVE anything.

*Personal WordPad text files

*Steam, (provider of games

*Games... Train Simulator, X-Plane Flight Simulator, Trainz Simulator

*Various small applications meant for cleaning out malware etc.



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Okay, so you just copied them and all of the original files are still on your C:\ drive, is that correct?

Please download the attached Scan.bat file to your Desktop, right click on it and select Run as administrator. If you're asked to confirm please do so. A new Command Prompt window will open and will run a scan. When the scan is finished, Notepad will open. Do not close it.


  • While the Notepad window is still open, Click on Edit -> Select all. The text will be highlighted blue. After this click on Edit -> Copy and close the Notepad window.
  • Paste the copied text in your next reply.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  Scan.bat   214bytes   606 downloads

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I spent many weeks running programs meant to clean out my system... but nothing ever got fixed.  As a matter of fact, something actually got broken!  So at this point, I have little faith in these programs.  :(  scan.bat is running a scan now.  Let's see what happens.  :) 

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OK, I'm not sure what's happening.  The notepad window opened immediately... while the command prompt window is still sitting there saying, "Please wait."  Is the scan finished?

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 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is A273-20D7

 Directory of C:\

07/17/2015  05:14 PM    <DIR>          $Recycle.Bin
06/02/2016  07:51 PM    <DIR>          boot
08/22/2013  01:31 AM           427,680 bootmgr
06/18/2013  08:18 AM                 1 BOOTNXT
08/22/2013  10:45 AM    <JUNCTION>     Documents and Settings [C:\Users]
07/14/2015  09:04 AM    <DIR>          FRST
06/25/2016  10:21 AM    27,437,182,976 hiberfil.sys
06/25/2016  10:21 AM     5,100,273,664 pagefile.sys
06/02/2016  07:50 PM    <DIR>          Program Files
06/26/2016  05:44 PM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
06/26/2016  05:44 PM    <DIR>          ProgramData
06/02/2016  07:51 PM           324,354 Reflect_Install.log
06/10/2014  06:36 PM    <DIR>          RefreshImages
05/03/2015  12:25 PM    <DIR>          RegBackup
06/25/2016  10:21 AM        16,777,216 swapfile.sys
06/26/2016  05:44 PM    <DIR>          System Volume Information
10/01/2015  09:29 PM    <DIR>          System.sav
05/30/2015  06:34 PM    <DIR>          TempDump
07/17/2015  05:14 PM    <DIR>          Users
05/30/2016  11:13 AM    <DIR>          Windows
               6 File(s) 32,554,985,891 bytes
              14 Dir(s)  266,239,270,912 bytes free
 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is A237-2F19

 Directory of D:\

06/09/2016  08:59 AM    <DIR>          $RECYCLE.BIN
03/18/2016  10:30 AM    <DIR>          DOCUMENTS ON D w
07/22/2014  04:29 PM    <DIR>          EIZO EasyPIX w
06/26/2016  11:13 AM    <DIR>          NEW BACKUP FOLDER
06/26/2016  05:44 PM    <DIR>          System Volume Information
10/12/2015  07:49 PM            73,382 TIMESHEET 10 2 15.png
               1 File(s)         73,382 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  952,094,523,392 bytes free

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I see that you have at least two backup solutions installed, FBackup and CrashPlan. I don't think you need more than one backup solution. CrashPlan is a paid online storage service, while i have never heard of Fbackup before. I see that it is just a client working with Google Drive servers. I suggest you to uninstall FBackup and download the official Google Drive client from HERE in case you want to use Google Drive. With Windows 8.1 you have OneDrive built in by default into the OS. I suggest that you choose between OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox and CrashPlan and select only one of your choice. You should always keep a backup of your important files like photos, documents, music, videos etc. For that you can use a cloud service or a dedicated USB or your external hard drive, I recommend using one of the services above. They create a special folder on your PC and sync it with every change to the cloud.

I see that you have Spybot installed. You should use it just as a second opinion on demand scanner and not use its real time protection along with Avira's one. To disable it do all of the steps HERE.

Your PC is good and you shouldn't run into slowdown issues.

How did you copied your C:\ drive, you just opened the C:\ drive, selected all folders and copied and pasted them into D:\? These are important questions.

Have you installed EIZO EasyPix on D:\ drive or you just copied it there? What have you copied in Documents on D, did you copied all of your videos, music, documents and important personal files there?

And for what do you use the NEW BACKUP Folder? Please answer these questions so i can understand exactly what is the status of your PC.
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I see that you have at least two backup solutions installed, FBackup and CrashPlan. I don't think you need more than one backup solution. CrashPlan is a paid online storage service, while i have never heard of Fbackup before. I see that it is just a client working with Google Drive servers. I suggest you to uninstall FBackup and download the official Google Drive client from HERE in case you want to use Google Drive. With Windows 8.1 you have OneDrive built in by default into the OS. I suggest that you choose between OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox and CrashPlan and select only one of your choice. You should always keep a backup of your important files like photos, documents, music, videos etc. For that you can use a cloud service or a dedicated USB or your external hard drive, I recommend using one of the services above. They create a special folder on your PC and sync it with every change to the cloud.


OK, because of the way my mind works, I have to take small "baby-steps" with all this.  And for this baby-step, at this time, I just want to move my files from the C drive to the D drive, (where they will remain).  Then I need to get Windows 10 on my computer.  Backing up everything on my system comes next.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   I see that you have Spybot installed. You should use it just as a second opinion on demand scanner and not use its real time protection along with Avira's one. To disable it do all of the steps HERE.


I searched and found a place with an icon that gave me the menu that I can right-clicked on to get the option you mentioned.  I clicked "Run as administrator."  At the top of the START CENTER window, it says INTERNET PROTECTION: OFF, and then there's a the red 'x' symbol.  It looks like Internet Protection is off.  There's nothing that says, "Real Time Protection."  I went where you told me to... and there's nothing that says, "Live Protection Status."


Your PC is good and you shouldn't run into slowdown issues.


Lots of people are having similar problems.  I'm not gonna replace the CPU, or anything like that!  I tried almost everything, and nothing worked!  At this time, my solution for this problem is to just totally switch of the computer after choosing HIBERNATE, or SHUTDOWN from the menu.  So far I've tested HIBERNATE, and if works.  When I turn the computer on again, it comes up just the way I left it, with everything open.


How did you copied your C:\ drive, you just opened the C:\ drive, selected all folders and copied and pasted them into D:\? These are important questions.


Yes.  I pressed CTRL+A, and chose COPY from the menu that appeared when I right-clicked.

It started copying... but then I got that message.  "You'll need to provide administrative permission to copy this folder."


Have you installed EIZO EasyPix on D:\ drive or you just copied it there? What have you copied in Documents on D, did you copied all of your videos, music, documents and important personal files there?


I don't know about the EasyPix.  If I copied it from C to D, wouldn't it be on both drives now?  Otherwise, if there's only one instance of that program, it wasn't copied.  It was installed.

Most of the files and folders, (such as DOCUMENTS ON D), were already on the D drive.  Only a small amount of data was saved to the C drive by my wife.  My drawings were already on the D drive.  There's no music or videos.   


And for what do you use the NEW BACKUP Folder? Please answer these questions so i can understand exactly what is the status of your PC.


I intended to put all the stuff copied from the C drive, in that folder... but I never got that far.  After everything was copied to the clipboard, I would try choosing PASTE, in that folder.



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