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My HP Envy is Nothing to be Envious About - SLOWER than an Abacus

HP Envy Windows 8.1 slow slow computer

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I complained to HP about how unbearably slow my HP Envy is and after they made me send it to them for repairs all they did was reload Windows, which I had already done myself, return it to me with more issues than it had previously and then declare that the issue is I simply don't have a big enough harddrive to be able to essentially be on the internet and do anything else at the same time. That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard as an excuse. I wouldn't have paid $1K on a preconfigured notebook for graphics if it weren't even capable of running MS Word and a web browser at the same time without locking up and crashing.

Some of the details of my many issues include multiple memory hard faults/sec; memory shows as maxed out in performance monitor however I haven't seen any errors. Disk & CPU also often hit 100% on performance monitor and Wifi/network looks like a steady heartbeat which goes from 0-10Kbps or 0-1Mbps, chugging along. When I look at the resource manager it seems as though it's Firefox/profiles, Windows/updates or System32/drivers that are bogging down my system, but I could be completely wrong. Even if I'm not running Firefox or have Windows Updates suspended and I only have one program running, Adobe Lightroom, and then Windows Explorer, task manager and Resource Monitor. It seems pretty ridiculous. Sometimes it takes several minutes, up to half an hour just to wake my computer from sleep and be able to login again. The harddrive is very often spinning very loudly and my notebook gets quite hot in the process. It will continue to spin loudly for at least half an hour and sometimes hours before quieting down. I'm unable to get any work done in the meantime. And then, it only stays quiet for a short period of time before spinning up again. Currently, it has been running loudly for over an hour. I was trying to work in Adobe Lightroom and only loaded Firefox to send this message. I've already loaded all of my updates and rebooted a couple of days ago.


I make sure the vents aren't blocked although admittedly I do have dogs and I know there is some fur inside my fan, but I also know that's not the issue since this has been going on since about as long as I've had my computer. I've moved many programs out of start-up (over and over again thanks to HP).

I feel fairly confident that I don't have any malware or viruses. I've run Malwarebytes multiple times, did a boot scan, I have Avast, have run other malware detection software and reloaded Windows multiple times.


Windows Explorer crashes occasionally. There's some weird issue with my user account not showing up on my computer or network after HP created a user named "HP" as the head account when they reloaded Windows on my computer. I don't know why they had to add any account or name my computer. I probably screwed it up though when I attempted to change it back the way it was before I sent it to them. Sometimes it will show up on the network with users listed as HP and Public. Sometimes users are listed as [MyNewUserName], Default and Public.

Details about the actual computer:
HP Envy
Processor: Intel Core i7-4700MQ 2.40 GHz

Windows 8.1

I'm sure I'm forgetting several things. I wasn't sure however what to write other than, "My computer is unbearably slow. Please help!!" I'm disabled so it's difficult enough to have energy to use my computer. It would be really nice if my computer were able to perform as the tool I need it to be when I need it. Anything and everything you are able to do to help me figure out what the issue is and eradicate it would be appreciated more than I can adequately express.


Thank you in advance,

Disabled Dork

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:welcome:   Disabled Dork,


Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here,  this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s. 


Are you aware that Windows 8/8.1 and 10 have an updated version of Windows Defender that offers the same real time protection as Microsoft Security Essentials, you do not need third party AV protection and by not installing any you are reducing the possibility of potential conflicts and freeing up resources on your computer, information courtesy of admin here

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Thank you for your response.




Thank you for the information on Window's Defender. I'll have to do more research to see if it makes sense for me.


Incidentally, last night after three hours of my harddrive running continuously loud, hot and too excessively to allow me to work in Adobe Lightroom despite numerous attempts with everything else closed, including task manager and MS Explorer I gave up decided to head to bed. It was then that I unplugged my phone which I had forgot was plugged into my computer. At that point things finally began working in a more bearable manner. I had automatically closed Windows Media Player as soon as it loaded up when I plugged my phone in to charge and to my knowledge I don't have anything syncing between my phone and my computer. So I am baffled as to why last night my computer was acting crazy with my phone plugged in. This isn't normal, that isn't the culprit for all of my issues and I've been able to continue working before while my phone has been plugged in. That's just what seemed to be the issue last night.

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I did download, run Speccy and post the url. It's at the very beginning of my response. Did I somehow do it wrong? I checked to see that the link worked before posting, and I can see it in the body of my text even before I login. ???? Please help me figure out why either you aren't seeing the link I posted or I posted the wrong thing.

And yes, I am still having trouble. As I stated, the additional information I shared about the phone being charged via the usb port isn't the culprit for all of my issues since that isn't a consistent variable whenever I have trouble. I was merely sharing the information in case it helps.
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Before doing the above can you tell us the exact model of HP envy it is that you have, I also spotted the 88% memory usage and would like to do some research while you are busy.

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HP Envy 17 model 17t-j100

I was thinking memory leaks.

More to respond when I can actually get on my computer. After 40 minutes of waiting to come out of sleep, I decided I don't have the patience I've had before and shut it down.

I had just turned off MS updates right before my original post as a last resort as I had been dead in the water for hours and was grasping at straws. Also previously uninstalled Avast to see if it was the main issue and problems persisted and then I had a bit of a nightmare getting it back on due to some glitch with the license. I'm not confident that everything would go smoothly if I were to try again and frankly don't see a need to. Will try a clean boot. Will likely take me awhile as my energy is severely limited and I live on my computer for the few hours a day that I do have any energy. It's how I communicate and function.

Very much appreciate any and all help. Hope I don't come across as unwilling to follow suggestions.
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Thanks for the full notebook details which I used to confirm that it would accept 16GB of RAM, reason that I asked was I previously used the motherboard details from Speccy and found that the Hewlett-Packard 1966 (U3E1) MB is used in various models some of which will only accommodate a max of 8GB of RAM, yours system is all good with 16GB of RAM though, confirmed here


Will wait on your update regarding the clean boot for now, no rush here so take as long as you need with it.

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Please enable Windows Update and install all latest updates.

Memory usage very high and could slow down your computer you should close programs you don't use.

You have not rebooted your computer for few days you should reboot your computer to clear junks from memory.

Uninstall Avast antivirus to check if its causing the slow down problem.

Try Clean Boot state to find out if any of the startup programs or services causing the slow down.

As stated earlier, even with everything closed, including MS Explorer windows, computer is still incredibly slow/memory usage high.

I don't want to sound as though I'm not appreciative of the suggestions and help. But as a way to try to help both you and I, so you don't have to toss out the rudimentary tips akin to when a person calls customer support and we have to go through Tier 1 explaining that the computer IS turned on, all of the cords ARE plugged in and connected (although yes, I have known a few IT professionals to make the mistake before so I do understand it's still a necessary evil in some cases just to make sure the obvious isn't overlooked),... I do know my way around a computer more than the average user, and I don't mean I use Google to look everything up. In fact, I'm more of an internet dummy and don't do much surfing in general.

I don't like to act as though I know everything, as obviously I don't. I did my best to drop a few clues without being blatant. The thing that doesn't work very well in my case is my actual brain and I'm definitely not any sort of a computer/IT/communications expert. But, I do understand about rebooting, defraging, emptying my cache, updating Windows, drivers, OS, ... clearing programs out of Start-up, keeping harddrive space free, having adequate memory, that my network is essentially (not actually) only as good as my weakest/slowest device...

That's not to say not to suggest things. I just thought you should know I do know a thing or two. My first CPU was an Atari 800 in the 2nd grade. I used to write programs in Basic and trade them with a friend in a nearby neighborhood. He became a programmer and I chose a different route. But I've still been around many, many different computers. Apples, DOS, Unix, Sun and Windows 7 and 8. I hope none of that comes across as rude, cocky, or in any way negative. I was just hoping that it might help. One of my photography sites there are different boxes which users can choose as a way to identify their level of proficiency. I think that it helps quite a bit, especially when reading comments and reviews by different members so that one can get a feel for the way in which they use their equipment and their understanding of the different terms used to describe things. So I do honestly hope that I didn't say anything that comes across in the least bit offensively. I really am VERY appreciative of your time, effort and patience.


Now, 4 hours after I started downloading the 4 "Important" Windows updates, my computer is finally ready to reboot. And for reference, I didn't have any programs loaded except for Explorer and Firefox. Let's see how long it takes to reboot this time.


Next step, attempt clean boot and see if I'm still having issues, which I expect I will.

Before I do that, as I was looking at the Speccy log, I noticed that there are a few big chunks of Peak Memory Usage. I fully expect for those to occur with Adobe Lightroom (LR), Adobe Photoshop (PS) and even perhaps in MS Word. I also understand that I'm transferring the data over my network, usually directly through LR, but occasionally via Windows Explorer, so it's understandable that there would be peaks in Windows Explorer. However, I don't understand why there would also need to be peaks in dllhost.exe, svchost.exe, Avast and Firefox.


I guess I can somewhat understand Avast scanning the data within my own network, as if I were to plug in a suspect harddrive, then the data would need to be checked for any potential viruses, malware or threats. But I know exactly where the files are coming from, either directly from my own compact flash memory card from my camera, my own external harddrive and then they are being transferred to my laptop while I work on them. And then they stay in a closed loop in my network. I also understand that anything can become infected and spread through my network, but it still seems a bit excessive to be scanning everything in every direction. Of course, I know your suggestion regarding Windows Defender was made from the getgo. I'm not a big fan of Microsoft in general. I'm reluctant to go the route of MS Defender as it doesn't seem to be secure enough. The reports indicate that Defender doesn't catch as much as the other AV software nor does it provide as much protection in general. Additional software would still be required to compliment Defender in order to provide the same services which Avast and its competitors provide. The question would be is there somewhere in between the two, where I can choose not to have every last bit scanned, as I outlined, but still have the necessary unknowns scanned or even the capability to turn on scanning for my local network?

What I'm essentially asking regarding dllhost.exe and svshost.exe is, are these processes somehow being redundant, running either silmultaneously or overlapping and therefore causing an excessive load on my harddrive when there's no need for things to be that way? The way I see things, I shouldn't have multiple processes accessing the same data files at the same time, especially when they are sizeable files and they are being accessed across my network (that's the most logical way for me to be able to maintain, use and store the amount and size of files that I use regularly and keep my harddrive freed up enough so that conceivably my computer isn't too slow to work on. Or, is there a possibility that either of these processes is damaged?

One way that I always know when there are MS Updates to be installed on my computer is that my SimplePass (fingerprint login sensor) won't work. It won't light up, doesn't even register any attempt to login via fingerprint. I joke to myself that is how Microsoft ensures that I will install updates, just so that I can login to my notebook without hassle. :D

I'd greatly appreciate if you all could help me figure out what the issue is with my notebook while I continue to complete the CleanBoot process, waiting an indeterminate amount of time between each change to continue using my computer as I forgot to specifically state that the issue is inconsistent, so it might not be evident right away whether any one thing is or is not the culprit. And then return here sharing whatever I might have as an update. I don't want to be pessismistic, but I implore you to please continue to look at the details I've given you thus far, put your thinking caps on, ask me for further information, provide me with some further diagnostics I can run and provide you with feedback.


I know there are several error logs onboard which could potentially help somebody who might know what to look for. Photoshop crashes regularly. Thankfully I haven't had a blue screen in awhile. I do get regular errors in MS Excel, Word and Outlook about being able to connect/save after hibernating and I have to Save As, but I think that's a different issue. I know there have been other errors, I just can't remember exactly what. I just think there might be a more efficient route to the answer, that's all. But if I'm being too pushy and impatient, tell me. I can understand. I know sometimes when something is frustrating it gets a little harder to be patient. Plus, I do understand that you're helping so many other people and I wouldn't want to try to take away any time and energy from anybody else just because I'm being grumpy. Apologies if I am coming across that way. After dealing with this issue for a couple of years it's really starting to get to me.

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Two quick checks that you can do;


1: Open Task Manager when the computer is not doing anything much and see if anything is shown to be using up the RAM.


2: Download Process Explorer which you can obtain from here

Save it to your desktop then run it (Vista or Win7 - right click and Run as Administrator).  

View, Select Column, check Verified Signer, OK

Options, Verify Image Signatures


Click twice on the CPU column header to arrange things by CPU usage, this will put the services with the highest CPU usage at the top of the log. 


Wait a minimum of a minute then grab a screenshot and attach it to your next reply for us


To capture and post a screenshot;


Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... Click on the More Reply Options tab then after typing in any response you have... click on Choose File...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on Attach This File...on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would.


Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.

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Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.

Thank you for spelling this out for me. I can be oblivious to the obvious at times.


Thank you both for your responses and continued help.

1. The Clean Boot did make things MUCH faster. It almost makes me feel afraid to begin adding any processes back. :) However, unfortunately this wasn't the answer to my problems. Even with almost all programs/applications closed and waiting a few minutes after startup just to be sure all background services had a chance to do their thing, I opened up Task Manager and Resource Monitor to be able to see what was going on as well as listen and feel. I then attempted to try to open Adobe Photoshop (PS) and right away had issues with the program "not responding". The Windows Explorer window I had open repeatedly crashed. I could hear my harddrive working hard and I felt the side of my notebook beginning to heat up. We definitely didn't solve the issue yet, but I do have faith that we will figure it out.


So, I haven't started the next part of adding back the startup programs as I don't think it makes sense to just yet. But I will, I like to make sure that when I do things I'm as scientific as possible so that I can be sure I know what may and may not be affecting an outcome. For instance, I wouldn't have uninstalled my antivirus and made any other changes without first stopping to check to see if removal of my antivirus alone was my issue, or at least how much of an affect it had on specific complaints.

In this case, it seems to me to make sense to just leave the other junk off so I can clear up whatever issue is bogging down my computer and then leave the startup programs for last since we know that while they do have some effect, they aren't the entire issue.


Please, tell me if there's any reason why this doesn't make sense. I fully realize that I'm not always right in my thinking.

Also, I wanted to say that the instructions on your link for the Clean Boot are well laid out, Freebooter. They are clear, concise and easy to follow.

2. I ran Sfc/Scannow per your suggestion. Corrupt files were found and unable to be fixed. I'm going to try the scan again in Safe Mode and then if that doesn't work to repair the files, I'll try DISM, unless if you suggest otherwise. In the meantime, I'm attaching the log file with this response.Attached File  CBS.log   1.67MB   634 downloads


3. I downloaded and installed Process Explorer. It didn't give me an option to install on my desktop or even ask me where I wanted it located. It's possible that I'm so out of it that I completely missed some huge red flashing button, but what I did actually see was some large blue banner across my screen from Microsoft stating, "Windows SmartScreen can't be reached right now. Check your Internet connection. Windows SmartScreen is unreachable and can't help you decide if this app is okay to run." However, my internet connection was fine and my network was fine. So the only thing I can think is that one of the startup processes I disabled is necessary for Windows to communicate with the internet in this instance?

Anyways, I was able to download, install the program and run it. Essentially the only thing I have running on my computer are Firefox, Explorer, Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer and my memory usage is going up to 85%. This is after I have closed the command prompt and it has been closed for awhile. It's looking like Firefox and specifically the plugin container might be the culprit. I still don't understand why it's constantly saving profiles, drivers, and who knows what other crap. I've tried using Chrome for awhile before and it didn't seem to be any faster, but this looks very bad right now. I took a few screenshots since it was fluctuating slightly.






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Click twice on the CPU column header to arrange things by CPU usage, this will put the services with the highest CPU usage at the top of the log. 
Wait a minimum of a minute then grab a screenshot and attach it to your next reply for us



When you ran Process Explorer did you follow the above steps before grabbing the screenshot.

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I swear I did double-click to sort by CPU, but I do see that it didn't properly sort. I just did it again. Of course, I've been running Chrome vs Firefox and things seem to be much different while running Chrome. I will give more information below. I had been working on a response to the rest of the items already.




The memory usage is looking good still high but should not cause any system slow down.

Please install all Windows updates and latest device drivers.

Please follow my suggestions at my tutorial to boost speed of Windows OS.


"Optimize Windows OS for Faster Performance"



I'm not sure you noted that I'm hardly doing anything on my computer and it was using 85%, or in other words, 8.5 GB of memory. If I only had 8 GB of memory in the first place, that would mean that there's not enough room for my programs, not enough to launch them, and certainly not enough to surf on the internet, let alone what I actually NEED my computer for, running and using my actual programs. Yet there are plenty of computers and devices which can run a web browser and more on 8 GB of RAM. So please, don't minimize the fact that my computer, with my specs and the details I shared was performing poorly and if it hadn't maxed out the memory it would be locking up. Again, all I had open was a web browser. I need to be able to use my computer for it's intended purpose, my graphics work. I'm not saying this to be a jerk, I'm merely trying to make it clear that there's a huge issue and either we're mis-communicating somehow or misunderstanding one another.


I'm wondering if perhaps I'm misunderstanding the intent behind your comment though or am misinterpreting it. That or I'm not giving the right information for you to understand me and the extend of my issue. There were other things which were occurring which were showing me that my computer was slow, I was attempting to use the on-board tools as a means to show you that what I am experiencing isn't just a figment of my imagination or me nitpicking. When I see "not responding" show up as I attempt to use or load a program, I experiencing screen lag when moving my mouse across the screen and also as I attempt to type these are things which are directly affecting my ability to work. Help me make sure we're on the same page.

One question I feel we need to answer is WHAT is using all of my memory? why? and how do we fix it? Because 85% of my memory should not be required for surfing the internet.


I do realize however that somehow I messed up the screen shots/Process Explorer sorting.

Web browser

Also, I switched to Chrome and was having the same issues at first, but then whatever was hogging the memory appears to have ceased, at least for now, and went back to a more reasonable 30-35%. It's not as though I've been on the computer that much or that long, but it is seemingly better than Firefox just from the standpoint that the memory usage isn't as high.

However, the disk usage continued to rise to 99%, hover there and then fall back down, just as it had with Firefox. I had a few issues with lag when typing in my browser, and it's not as though I type close to 200 wpm, so there shouldn't be any on screen lag. None of these issues I'm mentioning here are in any way related to running the DISM or Sfc/Scannow commands or startup since I was monitoring performance for quite some time away from those procedures.

Unfortunately, when I wanted to grab screenshots of the Process Explorer while Chrome was running vs Firefox and the memory was in high use (but I wasn't running any programs still), I was too distracted and I wasn't able to grab the screenshots. I've continued to use Chrome and whenever I've glanced at the stats the memory usage has been back down at a realistic level of 30-40%. 
Of course, it wouldn't have helped much since I had it sorted wrong.


I'm going to switch back to using Firefox after a reboot and see if the memory usage jumps back up again. In the meantime, I would like to know what is causing the high disk usage regardless of which browser I'm using. I NEED to be able to use my computer for graphic tonight and as much as possible tomorrow though so I don't really have the time to give up to play or sacrifice any performance.


Windows Updates & Drivers

I stated above that I installed all of the Windows updates. 
Also, to my knowledge, my drivers are up to date, but it's entirely possible that any are not registering as needing to be updated even when I check them individually.



When I attempted to run Sfc/scannow in safemode I first got a message that my machine was waiting for a reboot. I tried rebooting 3-4 times and kept getting the error. I gave up and that was when your message came to go ahead and run DISM. Luckily that worked.


Completed successfully and the corruption was repaired. I attempted attaching the log file here but apparently it's too big to upload. 6,849kb txt file, or technically .log.


I've already run the chkdsk command. There aren't any bad sectors or fragments


Optimizing OS

I haven't gone through every single item yet, I started going down the list and responding to each item only to realize that they were all things I'd already done. I will still go through the list because I don't want to assume I know everything or that I might not have overlooked something. Unfortunately however it takes me exponentially longer to do things than most people and I don't have that sort of time to give up right now. I need to remain focused on the actual issue.




Is it possible that there's a reason that Firefox is acting so strange on my computer? I would find it hard to believe that it is an extensive resource hog on everyone's computer.

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Time and energy are limited right now so I'm unable to provide a full report.


However, regardles of what the specific values show on my computer at any moment in time I have been mostly unable to work on my graphics work, which is of the utmost importance. I have three deadlines in about 4 hours and for the majority of today Adobe Lightroom has been "Not Responding".


This is regardless of whether I was using Chrome, Firefox or no webbrowser at all. This was also regardless of whether the memory registered 24% usage, 89% usage, the Disk was at 99% (where it seemed to hover for much of the day), if I was copying files across the network, if I had all of my MS Explorer windows closed, if I closed down tabs on my browser (such as from 5 windows down to 2), ... I did my best to grab a handful of screenshots and label them so hopefully I will remember what was going on at the time. But the baseline of the story remained the same, I wasn't able to get any work completed because the one program I needed to be able to use was frozen, it took over an hour to even force it to close. And I am fairly confident that the issue isn't Lightroom. In fact, I have had it closed for about half an hour and now Firefox just crashed.


The top process throughout was a system idle process "ntoskml.exe"

It continues to run now even with everything else closed. (Of course, I've opened my browser once again.) I'm in the process of downloading drivers and attempting to update them. My notebook tells me that they are all up to date. I'm having a bit of difficulty verifying the validity of that just by looking and comparing apples to apples since, as I've known for quite some time, there are a few things which don't match up between what HP says about my laptop and what really is on my notebook.


So, as of now, I'm feeling as though the two big chunks which are affecting my computer are whatever this system idle process is and perhaps an issue with Firefox. I wasn't able to duplicate the results that I had the other day with Firefox however.


Here are a few graphics from today to keep you entertained, in case it helps.

PE_system idle process_LR closed USB unplugged ntoskrnl exe.JPG



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The higher the system idle process figure the better as that means that nothing is taxing the CPU, if you look at your first screenshot FF is the highest user at 7.33 and the overall CPU usage is only 16.82%, next look at PE screenshot three and you will see that LightRoom is reading 44.82 and the overall CPU usage is 56.32, any service reading anything above 15.00 or so will cause you problems and in this instance LR is clearly a cause for concern.


FF crashing could be totally unrelated and for now all we can do is take a look at your storage device.


Check the drive with CrystalDiskInfo 7.0.0 Standard Edition which you can download from here once done grab a screenshot (possibly two) of the results and attach to your next reply for us.



BTW: You mention having had this issue for a couple of years and have obviously done a lot of research into so you must be aware that other users of LR have had the same issue, there are a few instances of it and some suggested fixes here if you by chance have not seen the info.

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Not heard back from you DisabledDork, do you still require assistance or are all issues now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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