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Keyboard shortcuts not working

Windows 8.1 Keyboard shortcuts

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Hi guys,


Can someone please help me with my windows 8.1 laptop? I am a regular user of keyboard shortcuts which has never been an issue in the 2.5 years I've been using this laptop. As of today randomly throughout the day the ability to use certain keyboard shortcuts has completely stopped working. e.g. Windows + left, windows + right, tab, [bleep]+tab etc. However not all keyboard shortcuts have stopped working e.g. control + alt + delete continues to work consistently. Each time this has happened (about 4 times today) I have restarted my laptop and everything has been working fine again for a few hours before it happens again.


Is there something I can do to fix this? I know it's not the physical keyboard because the keyboard shortcuts work again when I restart and it's not all keyboard shortcuts that have been affected, unfortunately it's mostly the ones I use all the time.


- Purple Haze

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