you're pushing past my capabilities. I don't use any of those apps. I'll copy and paste the registry.txt file below and send another post with the diagnostics.txt file:
Process CPU Private Bytes Working Set PID Description Company Name Verified Signer VirusTotal I/O Reads I/O Writes
System Idle Process 84.98 52 K 8 K 0 0 0
MsMpEng.exe 6.67 182,720 K 205,748 K 4040 Antimalware Service Executable Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/66 409,292 993,683
procexp64.exe 3.49 36,252 K 73,784 K 8612 Sysinternals Process Explorer Sysinternals - (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/65 567 1
dwm.exe 1.18 40,300 K 44,500 K 1068 Desktop Window Manager Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/64 4 0
Interrupts 0.76 0 K 0 K n/a Hardware Interrupts and DPCs 0 0
NBCore.exe 0.65 44,224 K 60,448 K 9532 Seagate Dashboard Seagate Technology LLC (Verified) Seagate Technology LLC 0/66 18,481 18,774
System 0.48 228 K 23,176 K 4 266 5,659
rf-chrome-nm-host.exe 0.38 11,504 K 20,024 K 5692 rf-chrome-nm-host Siber Systems Inc. (Verified) Siber Systems 0/66 1,193,321 47,709
csrss.exe 0.38 2,392 K 4,664 K 680 Client Server Runtime Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 30,587 12
dllhost.exe 0.24 4,972 K 10,256 K 116 COM Surrogate Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1,205,206 0
chrome.exe 0.18 71,556 K 106,304 K 8216 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 114,907 66,221
svchost.exe 0.10 42,276 K 47,852 K 1908 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 55 7,591
robotaskbaricon.exe 0.08 12,024 K 25,236 K 8884 RoboForm TaskBar Icon Siber Systems (Verified) Siber Systems 0/64 3,299 426
svchost.exe 0.07 7,196 K 13,752 K 556 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 3 0
WmiPrvSE.exe 0.07 9,064 K 15,900 K 5984 WMI Provider Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1,230 624
nmsrvc.exe 0.06 11,536 K 9,316 K 3960 Pure Networks Platform Service Cisco Systems, Inc. (Verified) Cisco-Linksys LLC 0/61 5,814 30,872
svchost.exe 0.05 10,476 K 18,724 K 3276 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 2,340 26
explorer.exe 0.02 66,168 K 115,608 K 6984 Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 8,391 637
AppleMobileDeviceService.exe 0.02 4,940 K 11,856 K 2176 MobileDeviceService Apple Inc. (Verified) Apple Inc. 0/65 338 26
svchost.exe 0.02 2,452 K 7,920 K 3404 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 94,207 94,076
svchost.exe 0.02 3,680 K 12,332 K 2452 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
LMS.exe 0.02 1,776 K 5,740 K 8924 Local Manageability Service Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel Corporation - Software and Firmware Products 0/57 0 1
TecoService.exe 0.02 2,156 K 7,640 K 3948 TOSHIBA eco Utility Service TOSHIBA Corporation (Verified) TOSHIBA CORPORATION 0/62 0 0
chrome.exe 0.02 43,916 K 50,892 K 9264 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 24,512 48,305
Memory Compression 0.01 544 K 90,004 K 576 The system cannot find the file specified. 0 0
MobileService.exe 0.01 26,436 K 27,360 K 3476 Seagate Dashboard Seagate Technology LLC (Verified) Seagate Technology LLC 0/65 129 6
iPodService.exe 0.01 2,204 K 7,324 K 8744 iPod Service Apple Inc. (Verified) Apple Inc. 0/66 68 0
lsass.exe 0.01 6,384 K 13,204 K 788 Local Security Authority Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/63 1,403 545
BDTUpdateService.exe < 0.01 21,048 K 15,348 K 2588 Browser Defender Update Service Threat Expert Ltd. (Verified) PC Tools 0/56 980 618
iusb3mon.exe < 0.01 1,872 K 6,820 K 9176 Intel® USB 3.0 Monitor Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel Corporation 0/67 0 0
csrss.exe < 0.01 1,800 K 4,512 K 588 Client Server Runtime Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 483 0
SynTPEnh.exe < 0.01 6,104 K 13,304 K 5496 Synaptics TouchPad 64-bit Enhancements Synaptics Incorporated (Verified) Synaptics Incorporated 0/67 0 0
svchost.exe < 0.01 12,192 K 27,744 K 364 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 65 86
svchost.exe < 0.01 5,112 K 16,084 K 516 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 271 116
svchost.exe < 0.01 4,108 K 10,544 K 3536 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 546
iTunesHelper.exe < 0.01 4,132 K 13,476 K 8712 iTunesHelper Apple Inc. (Verified) Apple Inc. 0/65 70 0
thunderbird.exe < 0.01 142,268 K 139,368 K 3444 Thunderbird Mozilla Corporation (Verified) Mozilla Corporation 0/66 4,817 828
Seagate.Dashboard.DASWindowsService.exe < 0.01 27,980 K 32,248 K 3460 Seagate Dashboard Seagate Technology LLC (Verified) Seagate Technology LLC 0/67 203 88
mDNSResponder.exe < 0.01 2,076 K 6,184 K 3092 Bonjour Service Apple Inc. (Verified) Apple Inc. 0/66 1 1
svchost.exe < 0.01 3,508 K 9,216 K 4328 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 2 2
TODDSrv.exe < 0.01 1,292 K 5,036 K 3600 TDCSrv Application TOSHIBA Corporation (Verified) TOSHIBA CORPORATION 0/67 1 0
WUDFHost.exe 1,960 K 6,508 K 1980 Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Host Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 0 0
WmiPrvSE.exe 2,476 K 8,604 K 9752 WMI Provider Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1 0
WmiPrvSE.exe 2,620 K 8,164 K 3288 WMI Provider Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 0 0
WinRAR.exe 7,768 K 23,976 K 2504 WinRAR archiver Alexander Roshal (Verified) win.rar GmbH 0/68 407 97
winlogon.exe 2,732 K 7,688 K 780 Windows Logon Application Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 2 0
wininit.exe 1,392 K 5,484 K 668 Windows Start-Up Application Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/66 1 0
Video.UI.exe Suspended 24,888 K 28,588 K 7004 (No signature was present in the subject) 1/67 200 38
UNS.exe 3,336 K 11,464 K 6800 User Notification Service Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel Corporation - Software and Firmware Products 0/57 19 7
TosCoSrv.exe 2,920 K 6,964 K 3628 TOSHIBA Power Saver TOSHIBA Corporation (Verified) TOSHIBA CORPORATION 0/65 0 0
taskhostw.exe 6,268 K 15,456 K 6304 Host Process for Windows Tasks Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 159 228
SystemSettings.exe Suspended 19,928 K 44,240 K 10208 Settings Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/67 7 2
SynTPHelper.exe 1,040 K 4,052 K 7020 Synaptics Pointing Device Helper Synaptics Incorporated (Verified) Synaptics Incorporated 0/62 0 0
SynTPEnhService.exe 1,240 K 4,320 K 3560 64-bit Synaptics Pointing Enhance Service Synaptics Incorporated (Verified) Synaptics Incorporated 0/66 2 1
svchost.exe 3,216 K 7,836 K 2624 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 4 0
svchost.exe 1,916 K 6,796 K 2792 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 8,188 K 26,840 K 5724 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 475 129
svchost.exe 4,396 K 8,460 K 7136 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 2 1
svchost.exe 12,636 K 19,080 K 1332 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 1 2
svchost.exe 2,284 K 7,156 K 1684 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 13,468 K 13,488 K 1344 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 624 2,750
svchost.exe 7,384 K 20,496 K 2244 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 429 1,527
svchost.exe 5,276 K 11,864 K 2888 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 154 1
svchost.exe 5,152 K 6,836 K 1516 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 9,520 K 18,216 K 708 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 146 8
svchost.exe 9,992 K 24,948 K 3100 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 7,185 1,823
svchost.exe 1,344 K 5,400 K 1900 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 2,616 K 6,932 K 664 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 7,172 K 23,944 K 8072 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 235 407
svchost.exe 2,400 K 10,940 K 2972 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 5 0
svchost.exe 4,784 K 10,980 K 1880 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 17 17
svchost.exe 1,952 K 9,456 K 6992 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 2,544 K 8,396 K 1452 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 24,536 K 32,708 K 3120 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 940 6,182
svchost.exe 6,708 K 14,212 K 1264 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 4 38
svchost.exe 3,392 K 10,308 K 2672 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 3,080 K 8,564 K 1844 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 3,996 K 16,300 K 8320 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 1 0
svchost.exe 4,528 K 18,744 K 3672 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 151 33
svchost.exe 1,696 K 5,824 K 2616 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 4,980 K 12,920 K 2516 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 3,752 20
svchost.exe 2,072 K 11,004 K 1580 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 3,540 K 10,308 K 3968 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 611 4
svchost.exe 1,972 K 7,268 K 1892 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 34 0
svchost.exe 2,484 K 7,116 K 4720 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 2,604 K 9,712 K 1296 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 2 0
svchost.exe 2,624 K 9,108 K 6372 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 3,216 K 12,492 K 6336 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 2 0
svchost.exe 2,072 K 7,436 K 2084 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 610 475
svchost.exe 1,000 K 3,668 K 1016 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 2,196 K 8,376 K 1304 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 1,704 K 5,376 K 1488 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 3 0
svchost.exe 1,892 K 6,992 K 1448 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 72 0
svchost.exe 2,464 K 7,128 K 2216 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 1,820 K 7,116 K 2224 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 1,544 K 5,624 K 3076 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 3,796 K 12,004 K 3084 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 1,814 43
svchost.exe 2,828 K 8,232 K 3176 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 1 1
svchost.exe 2,556 K 6,276 K 3208 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 1,620 K 5,772 K 3448 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 1,324 K 5,084 K 3656 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 88 0
svchost.exe 1,348 K 4,952 K 1652 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 1,780 K 6,592 K 4896 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 1,376 K 5,124 K 5404 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 2,056 K 7,952 K 5544 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 8,692 K 33,196 K 5976 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 134 1,075
svchost.exe 2,200 K 11,324 K 6480 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 5 0
svchost.exe 1,800 K 7,104 K 6488 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 264 0
svchost.exe 1,656 K 6,980 K 1916 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 0 0
svchost.exe 2,376 K 10,668 K 9436 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 4 0
svchost.exe 1,592 K 5,652 K 7588 Host Process for Windows Services Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/65 1 0
spoolsv.exe 9,456 K 16,920 K 3036 Spooler SubSystem App Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/67 20 26
smss.exe 536 K 976 K 392 Windows Session Manager Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/66 9 7
sihost.exe 6,756 K 24,644 K 3160 Shell Infrastructure Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 28 0
ShellExperienceHost.exe 30,940 K 72,976 K 6644 Windows Shell Experience Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/67 147 612
SgrmBroker.exe 2,636 K 4,760 K 1104 System Guard Runtime Monitor Broker Service Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/66 0 0
SettingSyncHost.exe 4,532 K 4,580 K 8096 Host Process for Setting Synchronization Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/67 97 116
services.exe 5,208 K 8,092 K 744 Services and Controller app Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/66 5 3
SecurityHealthService.exe 4,440 K 14,680 K 3516 Windows Security Health Service Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows Publisher 0/66 6 2
SearchUI.exe Suspended 93,816 K 76,512 K 7368 Search and Cortana application Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 2,190 322
SearchProtocolHost.exe 2,416 K 11,576 K 8328 Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 1/66 2 0
SearchIndexer.exe 30,388 K 29,296 K 9116 Microsoft Windows Search Indexer Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 859 288
SearchFilterHost.exe 1,400 K 6,124 K 432 Microsoft Windows Search Filter Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 1 0
Seagate.Dashboard.Uploader.exe 26,008 K 41,232 K 8840 Seagate Dashboard Seagate Technology LLC (Verified) Seagate Technology LLC 0/66 364 7,512
RuntimeBroker.exe 1,764 K 6,872 K 5148 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1 0
RuntimeBroker.exe 3,980 K 16,228 K 7888 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 8,768 0
RuntimeBroker.exe 10,040 K 27,720 K 7716 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1,211 1
RuntimeBroker.exe 5,824 K 20,824 K 7408 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 19 2
RuntimeBroker.exe 2,704 K 14,092 K 8368 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1 0
RuntimeBroker.exe 1,956 K 7,584 K 844 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 9 0
RuntimeBroker.exe 2,252 K 11,300 K 9272 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 6 0
RuntimeBroker.exe 2,848 K 15,596 K 5784 Runtime Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 2 0
RoboFormCompanion.exe Suspended 10,692 K 21,964 K 9904 RoboFormCompanion (No signature was present in the subject) 0/66 115 56
Registry 1,244 K 21,892 K 96 The system cannot find the file specified. 4 5,400
PresentationFontCache.exe 25,456 K 16,100 K 6180 PresentationFontCache.exe Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/65 17 0
NitroPDFDriverService8x64.exe 1,452 K 5,556 K 3396 Nitro PDF Spool Service Nitro PDF Software (Verified) Nitro PDF Software 0/61 0 0
NisSrv.exe 5,768 K 8,624 K 6556 Microsoft Network Realtime Inspection Service Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/66 0 0
NetworkLicenseServer.exe 5,928 K 6,828 K 2928 ABBYY network license server ABBYY (Verified) ABBYY SOLUTIONS LIMITED 0/66 2 3
NASvc.exe 2,372 K 9,088 K 9064 NeroUpdate Nero AG (Verified) Nero AG 0/64 35 0
MSASCuiL.exe 1,984 K 8,588 K 8496 Windows Defender notification icon Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/67 0 0
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe Suspended 5,480 K 20,376 K 4940 Microsoft Edge Content Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/66 0 0
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe Suspended 6,080 K 21,116 K 2852 Microsoft Edge Content Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/66 0 0
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe Suspended 6,056 K 21,160 K 6852 Microsoft Edge Content Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/66 1 0
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe Suspended 38,656 K 36,352 K 9320 Microsoft Edge Content Process Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/66 527 0
MicrosoftEdge.exe Suspended 26,348 K 51,472 K 9972 Microsoft Edge Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Corporation 0/66 219 109
Microsoft.Photos.exe Suspended 25,272 K 256 K 9560 (No signature was present in the subject) 0/65 2 0
Listener.exe 1,724 K 916 K 6728 Camera detection stub Eastman Kodak Company (No signature was present in the subject) Eastman Kodak Company 0/56 0 0
jusched.exe 1,460 K 6,568 K 8396 Java Update Scheduler Oracle Corporation (Verified) Oracle America 0/66 0 3
Jhi_service.exe 1,444 K 5,660 K 3300 Intel® Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel Corporation - Intel® Management Engine Firmware 0/57 0 0
IntelMeFWService.exe 1,072 K 4,876 K 6428 Intel® ME Service Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel Corporation - Intel® Management Engine Firmware 0/57 0 0
igfxTray.exe 8,032 K 10,276 K 3108 igfxTray Module Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel® pGFX 0/66 568 0
igfxHK.exe 5,468 K 8,164 K 2172 igfxHK Module Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel® pGFX 0/65 457 0
igfxEM.exe 7,360 K 11,596 K 6500 igfxEM Module Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel® pGFX 0/66 549 3
igfxCUIService.exe 1,840 K 7,536 K 2088 igfxCUIService Module Intel Corporation (Verified) Intel® pGFX 0/67 72 0
HxTsr.exe Suspended 12,224 K 17,228 K 8808 Microsoft Outlook Communications Microsoft Corporation (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation 0/65 21 6
HeciServer.exe 1,592 K 6,252 K 3196 Intel® Capability Licensing Service Interface Intel® Corporation (No signature was present in the subject) Intel® Corporation 0/66 3 16
fontdrvhost.exe 3,368 K 4,624 K 928 Usermode Font Driver Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/64 0 0
fontdrvhost.exe 3,316 K 3,224 K 932 Usermode Font Driver Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/64 0 0
FABS.exe 1,796 K 7,300 K 8660 Verzeichnisüberwachung und Hilfsaufgaben für die Medienbibliothek MAGIX AG (No signature was present in the subject) MAGIX AG 1/65 0 0
dts_apo_service.exe 13,580 K 8,368 K 3216 dts_apo_service (Verified) DTS 0/64 13 0
dllhost.exe 1,408 K 6,228 K 7384 COM Surrogate Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1 0
dllhost.exe 1,960 K 8,868 K 1564 COM Surrogate Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 52 58
dllhost.exe 3,280 K 9,540 K 8312 COM Surrogate Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 36 49
DeviceAgent.exe 30,076 K 29,408 K 8864 Seagate Dashboard Seagate Technology LLC (Verified) Seagate Technology LLC 0/66 110 6
DBAgent.exe 7,612 K 23,992 K 2284 Seagate Dashboard Seagate Technology LLC (Verified) Seagate Technology LLC 0/65 8,269 0
dasHost.exe 6,244 K 12,620 K 4088 Device Association Framework Provider Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/63 0 14
ctfmon.exe 4,460 K 13,316 K 6636 CTF Loader Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 0 0
conhost.exe 1,728 K 6,168 K 1756 Console Window Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 1/67 1 0
cmd.exe 3,008 K 2,196 K 5324 Windows Command Processor Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 1 0
chrome.exe 34,944 K 51,640 K 3152 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 1,890 2,174
chrome.exe 21,800 K 24,012 K 5228 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 623 4,664
chrome.exe 44,616 K 48,756 K 8012 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 4,447 3,543
chrome.exe 41,184 K 37,852 K 8260 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 3,612 4,088
chrome.exe 2,072 K 7,612 K 6120 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 111 22
chrome.exe 2,004 K 8,048 K 9836 Google Chrome Google Inc. (Verified) Google Inc 0/65 3 0
browser_broker.exe 2,036 K 9,468 K 5888 Browser_Broker Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/65 1 0
audiodg.exe 9,620 K 16,640 K 1228 Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 1 0
armsvc.exe 1,440 K 6,032 K 2940 Adobe Acrobat Update Service Adobe Systems Incorporated (Verified) Adobe Systems 0/67 0 0
ApplicationFrameHost.exe 13,100 K 27,728 K 8196 Application Frame Host Microsoft Corporation (Verified) Microsoft Windows 0/66 26 0