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Lenovo ideapad 320 stuck in boot up loop

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Best Answer scottb , 02 February 2019 - 08:22 AM

Hi phill, Its failed the first test on 63%, at least now we know whats wrong with it! Ill have to look at the price of a replacement drive and see if its worth it. Thanks again Scottb Go to the full post »

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Scott,


If me, I would download a Windows 10 ISO direct from Microsoft and once installed reinstall the Lenovo drivers and nothing else, this will get rid of all the bloatware that gets installed on brand name computers, added bonus of doing this is that you will be able to install Windows on its own partition, ISO info here

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Hi Phill,

I’ll give it a look when the usb pen arrives, just another question. If I was to get a shot of a Usb pen that has a windows recovery portion on it, created by a friend from their ASUS laptop. Can I use that to try and reinstall windows on the Lenovo laptop?

Thanks again

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Scott,


You can create and use Windows media on one computer for use on another computer but you cannot use Windows media that was created on a computer specifically for use on that computer, hence the reason for the second option here

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Hi Phill,

Cheers for that, I could have used the ASUS one I think it was created as a basic windows 10 system repair pen when the laptop was bought a few month ago. But I’ll just wait and do the windows iso way and see if that works.

Thanks again

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Scott,


If the media was made any other way than the "for use with another computer" option there could be generic ASUS drivers on the device, if there is and you used it you could end up with ASUS drivers on the Lenovo notebook and that wouldn't be good.


When you come to installing Windows I suggest that you create a 250GB partition just for Windows and the system drivers etc then rename the rest of the storage space on the HDD something like data only, this will help protect Windows from becoming corrupt.


You are welcome btw  :)


NB: The fact that you were able to access the HDD using Puppy Linux suggests that the HDD may be ok and that it was Windows that had/has the problem, a bad update for example.

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hi phill,


just thinking to do the windows install i'll need a product key will i not? using the lenovo creator i don't need one as the recovery software is unique to the laptop.



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Hi phill,

Down loaded the installation media tool. Followed the instructions from the link to create installation media for usb flash drive, all went well and finished the creation.
Unfortunately when I insert this into the Lenovo notebook and boot up it goes to a windows screen, with a little spinning icon and the in seconds the screen just goes black and it just sits on this screen.

I've also added a photo of the files that are in the windows 10 usb pen

Im sure this is the same as when originally used the Lenovo software.
Any ideas?

Thanks again


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Edited by scottb, 31 January 2019 - 09:01 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not around for too long at the moment Scott & will need to get back to you in the morning UK time.


Did you disable secure boot in the BIOS and check that the ISO was good by checking it with QEMU.

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Hi phill,

I didnt originally download any .iso file as I followed the instructions for creating it to usb and it just created it insitue. The option to download the .iso file was if you wanted to burn it to dvd.

I have since downloaded the .iso file ran the checker and this is what its saying.
The pc Im using to try and create stuff on is an old one running windows 7.

Secure boot is disabled, boot is set to legacy, boot priority is set to legacy and boot priority order No 1 is set to usb.

The only thing I changed when creating media was setting the language to English uk from English us.

Dont worry about not being around today Ill just be glad if I can eventually get this thing running again!!

Thanks again.

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Edited by scottb, 31 January 2019 - 10:25 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Scott,


Can I just ask, when you used the media creation tool to download Windows to the USB stick, the "for use with another computer" option, were you asked if you wanted to download the 32 or 64-bit version of Windows, if this is not done the version of Windows that is being used to create the media will download the equivalent of what is running on the download computer.


NB: The term ISO is easier to use than Windows media creation tool version and both effectively mean the same thing, to differentiate between the two it would normally be suggested to either burn the ISO to disk or download to a USB device.

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Hi phill,

On the page your referring to the option for the 64-bit version was already selected I just left it as it was, but Ill have another look at it and try reselecting it and try to recreate the usb.


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Hi phill,

Ive tried creating the usb again. Ive posted the pictures of the steps taken the usb drive is now ready. It went to 100% then back to 0 and then up to 100% again.
Let me know if the steps looks ok?
Once this is done Im now away to try and use the usb to reinstall win10 on the Lenovo.
Would it be easier if I borrowed another windows 10 laptop to try and create this on?

Update, no joy its just doing the same thing, loads to the windows page you get the spinning icon for a minute then the screen just goes black.
Ive posted a photo of the files on the usb drive also!



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Edited by scottb, 01 February 2019 - 06:55 AM.

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Hi Phill,

Something defo strange about this laptop, I borrowed the ASUS laptop running win10 and created the usb drove on that and the same thing happened. Loaded to windows icon screen then just went to a black screen.
I then tried to recreate the Lenovo recovery disk on the win7 laptop and ran that and exactly the same thing happened loads to windows icon screen and then the screen goes black and nothing!
Not sure what else I can do?


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Hi Phill,

I downloaded avg rescue disk and ran it on the Lenovo and I think my original theory maybe correct looks like the hdd is corrupt. When it was running an inisual installation test it came up with a message /dev/sda invalid chs sector 0. Then when it loaded before the scan options it came up with this error message in picture.
Dont think Ive any way of repairing it once it starts failing the whole thing would fail eventually.


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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Scott,


Apologies for the delay getting back to you  :(


Can't disagree with what the AVG rescue disk is telling us but the behaviour of the Windows media on the USB device is rather odd as you are not even being given the option to install or repair the present OS on the drive, example of what would normally happen, Windows would begin the process of installing on the HDD and should it encounter a problem you would get an on screen message saying Windows Cannot Be Installed to This Disk, Puppy was also able to access the drive which on very rare occasions can happen when a drive is bad but this not very often.


What I suggest you do now, use Puppy Linux to check for and back up any important data and then test the HDD by running Seatools from a USB thumbdrive, see How to use SeaTools Bootable info here

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