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Random Windows 7 Crashes

Best Answer Solice93 , 12 May 2019 - 11:41 AM

At this point, I'm not sure what to do. I mean I guess that the original problem is resolved, but I have no idea why. Just kinda stopped happening after I replaced the motherboard and power supply.... Go to the full post »

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Hello again, months ago I started a topic about my computer crashing at random intervals. It stopped after I followed the tech's steps, but now it has popped up again but a different set of things are happening.

1. Computer will go into sleep mode.
2. Screen will completely go black.
3. Crashes with no output.
4. No output on monitor and holding down the power button for 6+ seconds will yield no response from the computer.

I read on a forum that changing the power mode to SR1 (or something like that) in the bios would fix this. I did it, and it worked, but I knew that it was only a bandaid for a larger problem. I could feel it.

Now, a similar set of crash steps occur:

1. Computer will crash randomly
2. Screen will completely go black.
(Sometimes) 3. It will reboot and freeze on the bios screen with no input accepted.
4. Power button input is accepted.
5. I can then reboot.

This most recent time, the screen went black and no input from the power button is accepted. I will have to cut power manually.

If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it!

I use Windows 7 64-bit, and AMD 8350 Black processor, an Nvidia GTX 960 4gb VRAM, 16gb RAM, an Asus M5 A78L-M USB3 motherboard, and a brand new 1TB Samsung QVO SSD. If any other info is needed, I will gladly give it. Thank you in advance for your time and help.
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Ran sfc, found no issues. Ran memory diagnoatic tool (standard, 1 pass, cache enabled) no issues. Crashes keep happening. Starting to get more worried
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello again Solice93,


Sounds very much like overheating which among other things can be caused by a weak or failing power supply.



Can you post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).


Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s. 


To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

  1. In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.
  2. In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.
  3. Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.



If using a computer and not a mobile phone, please avoid adding multiple posts while waiting for us to reply to your OP, edit your opening post to include anything that you wish to add, when viewing the boards members/staff will always check out an OP that has no replies, if you reply to your own OP it can appear to others that you are already being assisted and your request for help could be overlooked, something that none of us want.

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I can't even get the computer to stay usable long enough to download and post it now.

I'm using a Corsair CX550M.

I bought the motherboard with the processor and aftermarket cooler pre-attatched. They are used parts. The RAM, Motherboard, Cooler, and CPU are used. The thermal paste may need to be changed out. Idk, what do you think?





Got it to work!


PS Sometimes I have to use mobile, so please bare with me. Thank you!

Edited by Solice93, 14 April 2019 - 07:50 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Can you save your Speccy results as a txt file, edit out any product keys and then attach the file to your next reply for us.


I'm using a Corsair CX550M.



Not the best of PSUs when there is an add on video card involved but should be ok with your system, we will still take a look at at the temps and voltages, see below;


Download Speedfan and install it.  Once it's installed, run the program and post here the information it shows.  The information I want you to post is the stuff that is circled in the example picture I have attached.

If you are running on a vista machine, please go to where you installed the program and run the program as administrator.



(this is a screenshot from a vista machine)


So that we have a comparison to Speedfan, download, run and grab a screenshot of HWMonitor (free).


To capture and post a screenshot;


Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... Click on the More Reply Options tab then after typing in any response you have... click on Choose File...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on Attach This File...on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would.


Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.


In addition to the above, being a modular PSU I would suggest that you checked to make sure that all cables are securely connected to both the PSU and the item of hardware that they are connected to.

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All have been attached as requested. That resolution sucks though. I will also test the cables. I will update if I find anything amiss


Edit by phillpower2: Removed Windows product key from Speccy report for security.

Attached Thumbnails

  • SpeedFan.jpg
  • CPUID HWMonitor 1.jpg
  • CPUID HWMonitor 2.jpg

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    Mechanised Mod

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You will note that I took the liberty of editing out your Windows product key in the Speccy report, did you miss this rather important request in my reply #5  :)
Are you overclocking at all.
Is Windows 7 fully up to date.
Do you know how to check the BIOS for the temps and +3.3. +5 and +12V rail voltages and how to restore the MBs default factory settings.
Temps are ok but a couple of voltages are a bit off, this could be as a result of the present Windows Power Plan settings, see below. 
Power Profile
Active power scheme High performance This is a form of overclocking that is known to cause instability and overheating, change it to Balanced in the Windows Power Plan.
Your RAM requires a stable 1.5V but if you look at the VIN readings in both HWMonitor and Speccy there are no two VIN readings of 1.5V which suggests that the voltage to the RAM slots could be off.
CPU CORE 1.416 V
VIN2 1.836 V
VIN3 1.944 V
VIN4 1.848 V
VIN5 1.308 V
VIN6 2.880 V
VIN7 2.364 V

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Ah, thank you. I did not see it when I combed through it.


I'm overclocking my GPU and GPU voltages. I made sure to check it really well when I first did it. It's been stable for a year. I have not messed with any other settings. I did once, but didn't like the CPU fan being on all of the time, so I reset it back to the original settings. 


Yes, I have updated it as much as possible lately. I've even recently updated the GPU drivers as well. I haven't updated any other hardware drivers though. 


CPU temp is reporting 43/109C

MB temp is reporting 37/98.5C


VCORE is reporting 1.392V

3.3V is reporting 3.284V

5V is reporting 5.040V

12V is reporting 11.951V


Do you mean going to the EXIT menu in the BIOS and pressing the "Load Setup Defaults" option? If so, I can do that if you instruct me to.


High performance has never been an issue before, but I'm willing to try anything to fix this. Up until the last time I contacted this forum, everything has been running exactly as you see it unless something changed without me knowing it.


I honestly don't know what a VIN reading is, but I appreciate your transparency of the process nonetheless.

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    Mechanised Mod

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I'm overclocking my GPU and GPU voltages. 


Not being pedantic but should the above be CPU and GPU voltages?


VCORE is reporting 1.392V





1.375V is the stock VCore voltage for the AMD 8350 Black CPU and 61°C is the maximum safe operating temp, your VCore reading 1.392V in the BIOS and 1.452V in HWMonitor as small as they may seem if not intentionally being OCd is not right, additionally, the VCore and other BIOS readings will be different when the computer is under load, the other BIOS readings are ok for those that we can see but there is nothing there for the RAM, was there no DRAM readings in the BIOS anywhere.


If not already aware, should the VCore reach 1.5V you will most likely get a smell of smoke as your processor fries.


I would suggest keeping a check on the CPU temp when using the computer for anything demanding, same with the voltages, HWMonitor will do or you could use MSI Afterburner which is free, download here I know your board is an ASUS but Afterburner works with other brands and I personally do not use or recommend the ASUS AI Suite software so if installed would remove it and use Afterburner instead, your choice though btw  :thumbsup:


Do you mean going to the EXIT menu in the BIOS and pressing the "Load Setup Defaults" option? 



That is correct, once done don`t forget to save the settings before exiting the BIOS then do some gaming for 15 to 30 minutes or so and then check the temps and voltages in your choice of monitoring program, Afterburner, AI or HWMonitor etc, make a note of the readings, immediately restart the computer so that you can access the BIOS, check the temps and voltages and again make a note of them so that you can post the info when you next reply.


I honestly don't know what a VIN reading is,



As mentioned in my reply #7 your RAM requires a stable 1.5V, two of the VIN readings represent the voltage that is going to the memory slots on the MB** and if you check you will notice that none of the readings are 1.5V, this means that your RAM is either not getting enough power or alternatively it is getting too much, either way it is not good.


** I suspect that it will be VIN1 and VIN5 in HWMonitor.

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Oh, I didn't know you wanted my GPU voltages as well. I didn't see those in the bios regardless.


It seems I have misunderstood how MSI Afterburner works when I originally used it to overclock my GPU. by looking at it, it seems like I need to enable it on startup for the overclock to be applied every time. Right now, my GPU is not being overclocked and hasn't been for a long time. I guess it is a little naturally beefier than I thought.


So what should i do about the CPU and the RAM? Is there a solution to my problem? I loaded the default BIOS settings,I will run the Heaven benchmark suite on high settings for a while to monitor the temps, voltages, and such and will try going into sleep mode after to see if my problems crashing persist. I will update with the results.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Oh, I didn't know you wanted my GPU voltages as well.



A misunderstanding perhaps as I never mentioned checking for GPU voltages, I was referring to the fact that in your reply #8 you said "I'm overclocking my GPU and GPU voltages" this implies that you are overclocking the GPU twice which is not possible, this the reason why I asked if you meant the CPU and GPU were being overclocked.


Please follow the suggestions in my reply #9;



do some gaming for 15 to 30 minutes or so and then check the temps and voltages in your choice of monitoring program, Afterburner, AI or HWMonitor etc, make a note of the readings, immediately restart the computer so that you can access the BIOS, check the temps and voltages and again make a note of them so that you can post the info when you next reply.



Can you also answer the following that was asked, there would normally be a reading of the voltage going to the memory slots in the ASUS BIOS;


 was there no DRAM readings in the BIOS anywhere.


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To elaborate, I was overclocking my GPU clock speed and the voltage. Are those considered separate overclocks? I am not overclocking my CPU at all.


Alright, the moment I've been waiting for:


HW Monitor reports:


CPU VCORE is 1.428V

VIN1 is 1.488V

VIN2 is 1.848V

VIN3 is 2.004V

VIN 4 is 1.980V

VIN5 is 1.308V

VIN 6 is 2.688V

VIN7 is 2.364V




TMPIN0 is 58C (136F)

TMPIN1 is 44C (111F)


BIOS reports:


VCORE Voltage is 1.392V

3.3V is 3.265V

5V is 5.010V

12V is 11.951V


CPU TEMP is 54C/129F

MB TEMP is 44C/111F


The only things I could find regarding DRAM Voltage are these:


> DRAM Timing Configuration

Memory over voltage

> DRAM Controller Configuration

> EEC Configuration


But none of those had any information regarding the amount of voltage going to DRAM. I double checked all of the items and options to see if I could discern it.




So it looks like my temps were to the max limit at 49C. In fact, I did see 49C as soon as I opened up HW Monitor and then shortly go down to 48C after I teminated my game. That isn't good. 


Update 2: 


Ok, I guess HW Monitor doesn't know what the max temp values are. I just saw the CPU at 57C.... so yeah

Edited by Solice93, 23 April 2019 - 08:44 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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If you OC something you only need to say that it is being OCd, we try to help folk with fixing things here and are not experts in OCing by any means, I for one am not overly familiar with all of the settings that one may change I`m afraid.


Still the same strange voltage readings and by the looks of your latest CPU temp reading a strong contender for an overheating processor.


Try CPU-Z (free) to see if that gives you the RAMs voltage, download from here click on the SPD, take a screenshot of the results and attach it to your next reply for us.

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Here you go, as requested. Should I try putting on new thermal paste? I don't know when the last time new paste was put on. I bought the CPU, CPU cooler, MB, and RAM used as a set. 


How often should new thermal paste be applied?

Attached Thumbnails

  • RAM Voltage 1.png
  • RAM Voltage 2.png

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Ok, decided to just go ahead and reapply new thermal paste. I was not impressed by the previous owner's job. Pretty sloppy.

The reason I'm replying again and not editing my previous reply is that I can't get my pc to stay on long enough to gather any useful info. I ran windows in safe mode and it seems to work just fine. Idk anymore.
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