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Random Windows 7 Crashes

Best Answer Solice93 , 12 May 2019 - 11:41 AM

At this point, I'm not sure what to do. I mean I guess that the original problem is resolved, but I have no idea why. Just kinda stopped happening after I replaced the motherboard and power supply.... Go to the full post »

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    Mechanised Mod

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But there are 3.0 ports, and they did work in the past. 



It is not me that is saying that your MB does not have USB 3.0 ports, it is the information that you previously post regarding the chipset in your reply #29 + what the specifications for your MB list if you check the Detail tab at the link which says that your version of the board has - 14x USB 2.0 ports (8 ports on the back panel, 6 ports available through the internal USB 2.0 connectors) this implies that regardless of the colour of the USB ports they will only work to the 2.0 standard.


Manufacturer MSI 
model 970 gaming (Ms - 7693) 
version 4.0 
chipset vendor AMD 
chipset model rd9x0 
chipset revision 02 
South bridge vendor AMD 
southbridge model SB 910 - 950 
southbridge revision 40 
system temperature 23° c

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They previously worked at 3.0 speeds. I know so because I used to run a wifi adapter through those ports all the time and I got 3.0 speeds. Flash drives also had a much higher transfer rate through those ports than through the 2.0 ports. I've seen it with my own eyes, I promise.
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    Mechanised Mod

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The only explanation is that the MSI specifications are wrong.
Can you do the following, take a screenshot and then upload it for us.
Open the Device Manager.
In the "Device Manager" window, click the + (plus sign) next to Universal Serial Bus controllers. 
Grab a screenshot for us if you will.
To capture and post a screenshot;


Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... Click on the More Reply Options tab then after typing in any response you have... click on Choose File...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on Attach This File...on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would.


Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.

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Sorry I have yet to reply. Went out of town. Will reply tomorrow or the day after.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Sorry for the delay. As requested, the screenshot.

Attached Thumbnails

  • USB Device Manager.jpg

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    Mechanised Mod

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You can see for yourself that both USB 2 and 3 are listed which either means that as previously mentioned the info at the MSI link is incorrect or alternatively that there is a different revision of the MSI 970 Gaming MB that you have.


Download and run DriverView which you can get from here

Save the results to text and attach to your next reply for us if you will.

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As requested.

Attached Files

Edited by Solice93, 08 May 2019 - 07:28 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Your MB does have an AMD chipset but there is also Via USB 3.0 listed as well, is your board a stock MSI 970 Gaming or an MSI 970 Gaming - R like the board here which does have USB 3.0 and an AMD chipset.
Driver Name       : amdiox64.sys
Address           : 00000000`0141B000
End Address       : 00000000`0142F000
Size              : 0x00014000
Load Count        : 1
Index             : 116
File Type         : System Driver
Description       : AMD IO Driver
Version           :
Company           : Advanced Micro Devices
Product Name      : AMD IO Driver
Modified Date     : 2/18/2010 9:18:24 AM
Created Date      : 4/27/2019 7:07:58 PM
Filename          : C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\amdiox64.sys
File Attributes   : A
Service Name      : amdiox64
Service Display Name: AMD IO Driver
Digital Signature : 
Driver Name       : ViaHub3.sys
Address           : 00000000`04CCA000
End Address       : 00000000`04D07000
Size              : 0x0003d000
Load Count        : 1
Index             : 119
File Type         : Dynamic Link Library
Description       : Framework Version of ViaHub3 Dynamic Bus Enumerator
Version           : 6.1.7600.4903
Company           : VIA Technologies, Inc.
Product Name      : VIA eXtensible Host Controller driver
Modified Date     : 10/31/2014 10:44:34 AM
Created Date      : 4/27/2019 6:59:52 PM
Filename          : C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\ViaHub3.sys
File Attributes   : A
Service Name      : VUSB3HUB
Service Display Name: VIA USB 3 Root Hub Service
Digital Signature : 

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✓  Best Answer

At this point, I'm not sure what to do. I mean I guess that the original problem is resolved, but I have no idea why. Just kinda stopped happening after I replaced the motherboard and power supply. Hopefully that fixed it? I still have no idea if the USB 3.0 ports are working at the correct speeds. I used to get 13-16MB/s down, and now it's reduced to 3.5MB/s down. My Chrome browser is super sluggish as well as some of my programs, and I have no idea if that is because of drivers not playing nice with each other or what. At this point I have more questions than answers unfortunately.


I just ran an internet speed test, and it says I'm getting .62Mbps down and 4.77Mbps up with a ping of 16ms. I've always gotten 100+Mbps down. No clue.

Edited by Solice93, 12 May 2019 - 11:44 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Your MB does have an AMD chipset but there is also Via USB 3.0 listed as well, is your board a stock MSI 970 Gaming or an MSI 970 Gaming - R like the board here which does have USB 3.0 and an AMD chipset.



If we knew the answer to the above it may give us some idea, if both MBs were not the exact same there could be incompatible drivers on the HDD.


For troubleshooting internet connection problems can I ask that you start a new thread as discussing it here would be going too far off topic.

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Ok, I'm going straight off of the physical manual for my MSI 970 Gaming mobo here.


AMD SB950 chipset

- 14x USB 2.0 ports (8 ports on the back panel, 6 ports available through the internal USB 2.0 connectors)


VIA VL806 Chipset

 -4x USB 3.0 ports (2 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB 3.0 connectors)*

* These USB 3.0 ports do not support M-Flash recovery functions



It doesn't specify -R or anything like that.


About the network speeds, understood.

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    Mechanised Mod

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That is the same information that has been provided two or three times previously and unfortunately as you will be aware it doesn`t help you any.


Lets start from scratch and do a check list;


For your MB to have two dedicated rear USB 3.0 ports two of the USB ports on the rear of the board will be blue, do you have two such ports.


For USB 3,0 ports to work on the front of the case a connection between the ports on the case and the MB needs to be made using the JUSB4 USB 3.0 expansion connector and a USB 3.0 compliant cable, has this been done or are you only trying to use two USB 3.0 ports at the back of the case, the following will hopefully explain why this needs to be clarified;


From your reply #19;


I can't get any of my USB 3.0 ports to work at all.



From your reply #40;


I still have no idea if the USB 3.0 ports are working at the correct speeds. I used to get 13-16MB/s down, and now it's reduced to 3.5MB/s down. My Chrome browser is super sluggish as well as some of my programs, and I have no idea if that is because of drivers not playing nice with each other or what. At this point



The above suggests that your USB ports are working and that you may be using a wireless USB dongle to connect to a wireless router, if both are correct, the problem is not with the USB ports but with the wireless/internet connection.

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Ok, I googled the issue, and someone said they had some luck with disabling the USB 3.0 ports in bios, and turning them back on again. I tried it, and it seemed to work. So, USB 3.0 is working again. The only thing I can attribute the wireless dongle to having low internet speeds is that it is a driver issue, and I might need to uninstall and reinstall drivers. I don't mind doing this, I just need to know how to do this and not bork my computer.


Rear USB 3.0 ports are blue. Front are hooked into the motherboard USB 3.0 port. I just did a speed test of sorts, and a 1.5GB file transferred in a matter of seconds to a USB 3.0 portable hard drive. I did the reverse to make sure that upload and download speed to and from the portable hard drive were at 3.0 speeds, and they were.


I will open a new ticket for uninstalling and reinstalling all of my drivers if you want me to (or whatever you think I should do). I'd rather just do it here and be done with it though. We've been going at this for what, three weeks now? That's not to say I don't appreciate all of the time you've put into helping me, I'm just ready to be done with it.


I do owe you a major thank you for helping me so far. So thank you, thank you very much for all of your kind help. 




So..... in spite of computers either hating me, or a divine comedy of sorts, I have figured out the problem. My motherboard came with Live Updater 6 which I installed to help keep my drivers up to date. Simple enough. What I didn't know is that the two driver options available for my network adapter contained a driver that was bare-bones or severely out of date, and a driver that made my internet zoom. The first was the driver only and labeled as such on the download options, and the second was for the Killer Network Utility + Driver. I guess it needed that utility to go really fast. Sorry for wasting your time on that at all.


I would still like to know what the heck went wrong on my original motherboard and power supply, which one failed, and what I can do to prevent that in the future, but if you want to call this closed, I completely understand. I will be ordering that power supply you recommended in the near future, unless you can think of a better option. Power supplies are not my forte.


Again, thank you so much for all of your help and patience during this. I really do appreciate it. Thank you.

Edited by Solice93, 17 May 2019 - 10:36 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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So..... in spite of computers either hating me, or a divine comedy of sorts, I have figured out the problem.



Well done  :thumbsup:


My motherboard came with Live Updater 6 which I installed to help keep my drivers up to date. Simple enough. What I didn't know is that the two driver options available for my network adapter contained a driver that was bare-bones or severely out of date, and a driver that made my internet zoom. The first was the driver only and labeled as such on the download options, and the second was for the Killer Network Utility + Driver. I guess it needed that utility to go really fast.




One of the biggest causes of computer problems for folk is driver updating software, it is such a common problem that I have a canned txt for it;


Drivers should not be allowed to auto update and you should never update any driver/s unless the new drivers are intended to resolve a specific issue that you are having, installing the new drivers can actually cause you the very issues that they are intended to resolve and uninstalling the new drivers may not resolve the problem/s. 



No ones time has been wasted, we are here to help and each of us still learning along the way.


As to the original MB and PSU, there is no real way of knowing tbh, a power spike/surge could cause the damage but quite often when a computer gets hit by a power surge it takes out everything attached to the computer, GPU, HDDs, MB, RAM etc, only two other things come to mind and you would have been aware if either had been the cause, water damage and believe it or not I have had more than one person asking for help after they had caused irreparable damage by plugging/unplugging in power connections to hardware when the computer was running  :alarm:


I will double check available PSUs and edit this post with any outcome.


Edit to add: Couple of other PSUs for you to check out Corsair and EVGA both Gold efficiency rated and are covered by a seven year warranty, please note the initial costs and the cost after claiming any mail in rebate.


You are welcome btw  :)

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