Hello Sugartooth,
The highest user of memory is the Dell support assistant and at 85.4MB that is not high as it is checking out and storing the reported info from the tests carried out on the hardware.
The link here shows how to access and remove the RAM and below is the rather long winded methodology of correctly testing both sticks one at a time;
How to physically test your RAM.
The following checks require the computer case to be opened so take the following safety precautions 1st, disconnect the power cord from the wall socket and take anti static precautions before touching anything inside, you can do this by touching a bare metalpart of the case or PSU or if a notebook by touching a household radiator or associated copper feed pipe.
Have a pencil and notepad to hand.
Remove each stick of RAM and blow out the memory slots.
Insert the first stick of RAM in memory slot one, reconnect the power and in the case of a desktop computer the video to screen cable.
Power up the computer and see how it goes.
Make a note of the results.
Repeat the procedure until the first stick of RAM has been tested in each memory slot and the results written down.
Remove the first stick of RAM and put it to one side on top of a piece of paper with the number one on it for identification purposes.
Repeat the procedure with all RAM until each stick has been tested in all slots, the results written down and the sticks identified numerically.
Now the really long winded part;
If no individual stick of memory or slot on the MB has an obvious problem all of the above needs to be repeated but this time by running Memtest 86 for each stick of RAM and in each slot on the MB, for some reason that many of us cannot explain one stick of RAM will work in one slot in a MB but not in another slot on the same MB.
Please do the above testing all in your own time.