I've been all day installing Aol which my wife favors. It's been a process! We finally got it done, but I'm ready to quit. How about tomorrow? Thanks again for the patience.
Cheers, Jim
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Best Answer JimSellers , 20 November 2021 - 01:58 PM
BRAVO BRAVO Phillpower2 After eight pages of your patience and guidance I have two computers fixed and two computers upgraded to windows 10. I cannot tell you how amazed and how grateful I am. Th... Go to the full post »
I've been all day installing Aol which my wife favors. It's been a process! We finally got it done, but I'm ready to quit. How about tomorrow? Thanks again for the patience.
Cheers, Jim
Hello Jim,
With the exception of AOL I am hoping that you have not installed anything else other than an AV such as Avira free
Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.
To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:
I did install Micosoft Security Essentials and at the behest of AOL I installed the Chrome browser as we were having trouble with a remote support session through Internet Explorer. The AOL seems OK.
Here is the Speccy URL http://speccy.pirifo...3IwJviNzpRjUJnI This was abbreviated when I viewed my reply, but it worked OK when I clicked on it.
Cheers and Thanks, Jim
Edited by JimSellers, 27 October 2021 - 08:27 AM.
No wonder things are as slow as molasses, you have two AVs running, one that is no longer supported (MSE) and one that is full of bloat that will slow down the PC, hence the reason why you should have post back before doing anything else.
OK, I guess I should uninstall Security Essentials and Norton, and install Avira. I shall do this if you agree.
I hope that you mean McAfee and not Norton, if yes, leave MSE as it will do for now, see info here
McAfee product removal tool (MCPR) here
Get rid of McAfee, check for and install any Windows 7 and MSE updates, as soon as you get a your computer is up to date message, restart the notebook, run Speccy, post the new url for us.
NB: Just get rid of McAfee and do not use the log in to uninstall method unless you have paid a fee for it, I suspect not and that it is trial version that was preinstalled
I get this screen when i try to uninstall McAfee.
Sorry, Jim
I used those steps, and the removal was complete.
Here's another Speccy
Did you check for Window 7 and MSE updates before running Speccy again
I just tried to update Windows, and Security essentials, and the Security essentials did not work because it said I have connection issues, and Windows update said it was error 80072EFE, which it says is a connection issue as well. My connection works fine otherwise, although it is a DSL, which I think should work. Windows update produced a screen with "Troubleshoot this error message" and I tried it but that did not help either.
No worries was just seeing if Windows 7 would update.
What are your thoughts about updating to Windows 10 for free.
If interested I would download a free Windows 10 ISO but instead of using it straight away try doing an in place upgrade first.
Window 10 update and ISO download, see info here
Yes, I'd consider it. Here's a Speccy for my computer. I like to have the same system on both computers for ease of coaching Val. I guess you tthink Val's computer can handle it, and if you think mine can I'll go for it.
Both computers are fine but one advantage yours has is the extra 4GB of RAM that gives you dual channel and therefore faster performance, adding a second 4GB stick to the other computer can be done at a reasonable cost.
Download the Windows 10 ISO for any future use, back up any important data, make a note of any product keys such as for Windows, Office etc, use Magical Jelly Bean keyfinder (free) then try doing an in place upgrade to do a clean install of Windows.
The in place upgrades don`t always work with brand name computers and that is why it is recommended to have the W10 ISO to hand.
It can take a while so do one computer at a time so that you have one that can be used meanwhile.
I've got the Windows.iso file on the new hard drive, and I started an in place update on my computer. My computer has been on a "Windows 10 Setup" screen with "Making sure you're ready to install" in blue, and under that "This may take a few minutes." and Please wait" with dots circling to the left of ":Please wait." This has been showing for about 15 hours now. It appears stuck here. What do you think?
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