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Blank Blue Screen on startup Windows 7 Home Edition Repair (Resolved)

Best Answer JimSellers , 20 November 2021 - 01:58 PM

BRAVO BRAVO Phillpower2 After eight pages of your patience and guidance I have two computers fixed and two computers upgraded to windows 10. I cannot tell you how amazed and how grateful I am. Th... Go to the full post »

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The last Windows Update indicated that there were four important updates this time,but when it was completed it indicated that three of them failed, and one was installed.

I ran the autoruns.exe, and "Options" was greyed out so I couldn't select "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows entries." The Save option under "File" was greyed out as well, as was the "Save" symbol under the menu.  At the bottom left of the screen, it said (Escape to cancel) scanning, and on the bottom right it said "Signed Windows Entries Hidden." It was like this for about half an hour so I think it must have finished scanning. Under "File" the only thing not greyed out was "Analyze Offline System ..."


I pressed "Escape" hoping that it would light up the greyed out items mentioned above, but "Cancelling scan. . ." was showing for about 10 minutes without activating the greyed out items.Autoruns_v13.98.jpg

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    Mechanised Mod

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As said it may take a while and to get done you may need to just install one or two at a time until we can get rid of the Norton/Symantec rubbish.


Regarding AutoRuns, did you use the download or the Run now option at the link, whichever one you used try the other, we can`t  do anything more without this log I`m afraid, see if the attachment below helps any;



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Ah, that did it. Here's the file. Under options the choices were "Hide empty locations" which was checked and I left it that way, "Hide Microsoft entries," which I checked, and that grayed out "Hide Windows Entries."

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    Mechanised Mod

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Some of the below look like duplicates but are not and so all of them must be found and deleted one at a time, see To Disable or Delete? info here


Create a new system restore point and then find and delete the following in AutoRuns;


+ X "NortonOnlineBackupReminder" "Toshiba Online Backup Service" "(Verified) Symantec Corporation" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Toshiba\Toshiba Online Backup\Activation\TOBuActivation.exe" "Wed Jun 22 17:26:14 2011" "


+ "MBAMShlExt" "Malwarebytes" "(Verified) Malwarebytes Corporation" "C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbshlext.dll" "Wed Jun 26 13:00:00 2019" "


+ "MBAMShlExt" "Malwarebytes" "(Verified) Malwarebytes Corporation" "C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbshlext.dll" "Wed Jun 26 13:00:00 2019" "


+ "\Norton Anti-Theft\Norton Error Analyzer" "Norton Error Analyzer" "(Verified) Symantec Corporation" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Anti-Theft\Engine\\SymErr.exe" "Thu Aug  1 09:03:24 2013" "
+ "\Norton Anti-Theft\Norton Error Processor" "Norton Error Processor" "(Verified) Symantec Corporation" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Anti-Theft\Engine\\SymErr.exe" "Thu Aug  1 09:03:24 2013" "
+ X "MBAMService" "Malwarebytes Service: Malwarebytes Service" "(Verified) Malwarebytes Inc" "C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMService.exe" "Thu Jul 29 10:39:00 2021" "
+ X "NAT" "Norton Anti-Theft: Norton Anti-Theft" "(Verified) Symantec Corporation" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Anti-Theft\Engine\\NAT.exe" "Fri Oct 11 15:12:42 2013" "
+ "ccSet_NAT" "Norton Anti-Theft Settings Manager: Common Client Settings Driver" "(Verified) Symantec Corporation" "C:\windows\system32\drivers\NATx64\010A000.009\ccSetx64.sys" "Mon Jul 29 13:24:22 2013" "
Once done, restart the computer, run AutoRuns again for yourself and if you are happy that all traces of Malwarebytes and Norton have gone give updating Windows 7 another go, get back with an update when ready.

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I did as suggested, and I found a few more references to Malware Bytes, and Norton.


MBAMSwissArmy            MBAMSwissArmy: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Swiss Army       (Verified) Malwarebytes Inc                C:\windows\System32\Drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys     Mon Jul 26 12:24:12 2021             


Norton PC Checkup Application Launcher            Toshiba Laptop Checkup Application Launcher: Provides consolidated application launching facility     (Verified) Symantec Corporation             C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton PC Checkup\Engine\\SymcPCCULaunchSvc.exe     Thu Aug  2 09:32:18 2012              


PinpointCP         Norton Anti-Theft Credential Provider  (Verified) Symantec Corporation             C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Anti-Theft\Engine64\\ppcp.dll      Fri Oct 11 15:12:24 2013


PCCUJobMgr      Common Client Job Manager Service: Job Manager service for common client services (Verified) Symantec Corporation       C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton PC Checkup\Engine\\ccSvcHst.exe         Wed Nov 30 19:17:01 2011               


I either made sure they were "unchecked" or unchecked them.  I restarted the computer, and ran Windows Update. It said there were five important updates, and it installed two, and failed three of them. I ran autorun again, and deleted these items. I restarted the machine and ran Windows Update, and it failed the three updates again. I am wondering if having restarted the computer again if I still have a clean boot.


Thanks, Jim

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    Mechanised Mod

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Did you right click on what we are trying to get rid rid of, checking or unchecking items is no good when you want to delete an entry.


Can we have a new Speccy url and a fresh Autoruns log please. once we have them can you then try running the Windows AIO repair tool again.

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I right clicked and deleted all the items you found, and the ones I found as well.


Here's the Speccy




I'll do the repair too from safe mode, as it suggests



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I did the repair tool, and I shall include the log for it.


On Tweaking screen it said  "Errors found on the Drive! Check Disk is Needed. (Possible False Positive When Drive Is In Use.)


I did a Windows Update and the three updates failed again, and I have included the "Update History" if that is of any interest.  The file was too large to upload, but if the information would be useful I can send it another way. (I think)


Thanks very much again.   Cheers, Jim

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    Mechanised Mod

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AutoRuns is clear of both Malwarebytes and Norton.


I`m afraid that what you thought were Windows updates installing were in fact Windows checking for spyware etc on your computer.


Not sure why Speccy is saying that you have an SSD when you have a HDD but it looks to be in ok condition, this suggests that Windows 7 is so badly corrupted it may not be repairable.


Lets see if Windows can be repaired, you may need to log in as Admin to do the below;


Go to Start and then to Run
Type in Chkdsk /f Note the space between k and /
Click Enter ...It will probably ask if you want to do this on the next reboot...click Y

If the window doesn't shutdown on its own then reboot the system manually. On reboot the system will start the chkdsk operation

Note... there are 5 stages...

It may appear to hang at a certain percent for an hour or more or even back up and go over the same area...this is normal...




This can take several hours to complete.


When completed it will hopefully boot the system back into Windows.

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The last time I did Windows update it said it was downloading and installing five updates. A while later it said it was installing the updates. At the end it said two updates installed and three failed.
I am going to do the chkdsk procedure now, and will get back to you.

Thanks, Jim
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Wow, I did the Chkdsk /f and it completed and rebooted in about 15 minutes. I tracked down the log, and included it.


Thanks, Jim

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    Mechanised Mod

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Do the updates show that they were installed in the Windows 7 update history, they are all shown to have failed in Speccy.


Before posting back, run Chkdsk /f again and upload the log for us.

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Here are the first few entries for the Windows Update History, and the chkdsk log for the latest Chkdsk

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    Mechanised Mod

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As said only security checks were installed, did you not notice that all the Windows 7 updates say Installation status: Failed


Can`t read the Chkdsk info, can you just copy/paste the info for us.

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No, I did not notice that. Shame on me. I hope this helps.


Thanks, Jim

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