Hey, Maria10. Let's manually install the video display driver ourselves then. There might be a bit of trial and error involved, but I'm hoping the first one would be the right one for your model.
Download the following:
http://download.leno...es/7ld140ww.exeOnce downloaded, double-click the file to extract its contents to your hard drive.
The default location is
C:\DRIVERS\WIN\DISPLAY and double-click the
Setup.exe file to run it and let it install the driver.
If the Setup refuses to install the driver, then it may be another driver that's compatible with your model.
If the first driver won't install, then do the following. Otherwise, skip this piece of instructions within the quote box.
Then run the file and follow the prompts as you go along.
You will most likely have to restart your system after installation (if all things go well). So restart the system and let me know if the yellow marks are still there next to those items in the Device Manager.